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Realistic or Modern redamancy


irene park.

  • mood

    one step forward three steps back

"just stop panicking."
Irene didn't know if it was just her grumble as she stared at the group chat, or she was actually saying it to calm her nerves down. As the Uber took her to the final location, her agile fingers tapped on her phone screen, replying to what seemed to be the most intensive good cop bad cop playout the female had witnessed.

hanaboo: last time you're getting the uber, gotta get out of your comfortzone
elijahisdead: hana she literally hasn't moved in yet.
hanaboo: the more challenges the quicker she'll have to adapt
ire.pppark: hana pls have pity on me
hanaboo: ... you have one bonus call if you get lost tomorrow
ire.ppark: omg tysm
elijahisdead: or i can pick you up?
hanaboo: no.

Her head met the back of her seat as she took a break from the phone, letting out a small sigh, glad about the bonus call. Even though most of her things were already settled into the apartment, she hadn't had a proper chance to look at it yet. Plus, she still carried a couple of boxes to take care of that, following her mother's message, had been set in front of her door already. Of course, Irene wanted to get there as soon as possible, since it didn't sit right with her to have her boxes filled with her stuff in the middle of a corridor or something amongst those lines, specially considering she still didn't know who her neighbors were.

Whilst the house had been settled, Hana and Elijah had been helping her getting to know the main important locations she should keep in mind, and they had practiced improving Irene's ever so broken ability to locate herself, with not much luck, but there were still tiny hints of progress. Her female best friend insisted that she should continue practicing after all, it would solve so many inconveniences for Irene and for the group. No more getting ready two hours before and still managing to arrive 30min late.

"Right, we are here now." Those word made the female quickly flutter her closed eyes (she had gotten a bit dizzy from the phone screen) open. She thanked the driver and gave him a small tip before heading out of the car, taking a few moments to glance at the location that was written on her phone to make sure it was the right place. With a satisfied smile, she pulled her teddy bear key chain from the pocket of her oversized hoodie and stepped inside the building, and just before she knew it, she was right infront of her door, with the boxes untouched thank god.

The young university student opened the door excitedly, and before opening any boxes, after closing the door behind her, she immediately connected her speaker to the first socket she found. Throughout the flight, she had retouched her moving in playlist she had used each time her and her mother had travelled to a new location. This time, she had made one for herself too, and it carried all of her emotionally charging songs. As soon as she played it, moving in didn't seem so complicated to do by her own.

She meticulously placed each book on the shelf, each drawing on her favourite spot, and all of her clothes in neat piles... We'll see how long they'll last she thought to herself. As she got to her rather spacious living room, she started heading towards her terrace, dancing and singing to one of her most recent additions to the playlist.

"You only call me on the, you only call me on the- you only call me on the weekend,"
She kept singing ever so lively whilst using her kitchen wooden spoon as a microphone. No one was watching, so she might as well have fun.

As she dragged the box that contained the plants outside, she noticed how her terrace was shorter in width than the one from her neighbor below her. This of course, she had been warned about, but as far as she knew she had been told that even though her terrace was smaller, she had a bit of a larger room, which seemed like a better option to her.

Whilst humming to the melody of the song, she placed her favourite hydrangeas on one of the corners, as well as some other tiny plants she kept in suprisingly good conditions. Most of her plants were indoors, but she still wanted to decorate the outside.

As the speaker kept playing at a medium volume, she notiiced that the rap of the song was coming, her favourite bit! She had to enjoy it to the max. Thus, she came up with the brilliant idea of leaving the pot plant on the handrail for a moment.
And wack
Irene's hand hit the pot as she twirled around in a cute dance move moment,
"Shit shit shit!"
She muttered as she tried her best to hold it again, the pot aimlessly bouncing on her fingertips, with the missfortune of it slipping from her hands when she thought she had finally gripped onto the pot. All the female could do was stare with frantic eyes as the pot helplessly fell inside the balcony of her neighbor... With the even larger missfortune of a figure being close to the possible hit.

"watch out!!"
Irene screamed before covering her eyes, too scared to see how as quickly as the song had finished she had probably become an assasin.
And just like that, she suddenly heard the dreadful crash.

the weekend (MILLI remix)

88rising, BIBI, MILLI

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

jeon minseok.

  • mood

    i just wanted a clean balcony man.

"ah seriously. mom i keep telling you i'm not going back."

voice laced with annoyance and bitterness. his much-needed rest was brutally interrupted by the dreadful ringtone he had set for his mother. normally, if minseok was in his right mind, he would hang up the phone immediately. whenever she calls him, it's typically just her poking her nose into his affairs and criticizing everything he's done since moving out. and, without a doubt, he adores his mother. and she's pretty much the only family member he has, but in moments like this, he simply wants to bury himself in a hole and never crawl out of it ever again.

minseok, on the other hand, had taken the call without thinking because well, he was half-awake and sluggish. and it was preeetty early for him. and as a result, his otherwise perfect morning was shattered. "i have to leave now, sorry mom. "he replied flatly, scoffing gently at her attempt to add another insult before hanging up. "i get it i get it. really, i have to go now, love you." another second he spends on the call with her and perhaps he would have lost his mind.

minseok's body was irritated and sore from last night when he was forced to do manual labor against his will for his dumb friends. and at the end, he didn't gain anything from it, except probably greater tiredness. as he walks, the floor creaks. the wood is old and rotting, it will eventually come apart. as he slowly (too slowly) approaches his balcony, yearning for fresh air, his room smells like dirt and old clothes, and the stench is worsening his horrible headache. The cool morning breeze, or was it almost midday, was what he really desperately need right now.

you would think that minseok would have gotten used to the routine already, waking up at either 5 in the morning or 7 in the afternoon, taking a cold shower, opening his balcony wide, slapping his cheeks, and leaving to grab some cheap coffee on his way to class. however, he had given up on that schedule a few weeks ago. such a not-so-healthy routine might have been quite irresponsible on minseok's part given his specialty. but hey, he did his best.

however, today was different. he wouldn't have to rush out of the door, keys jingling as he frantically tries to shove it into his bag while running down the huge staircase at the same time. no! today was one of his rare break days. to hell, if he spoils it by even doing anything remotely productive. as the lovely smell of flowers on his balcony engulfs minseok's sense of smell, he steps out of his flat to his balcony. his entire genius plan for the day is to do nothing but sleep out on the balcony. a relaxing day. and he might as well get some vitamin d, multi-tasking!

drowsy with sleep, he was close to snoozing off as suddenly a loud cry from above startled him out of his daze. "watch out!" the shrill voice from above was the last thing he heard before a flowerpot flew inches from his head and crashed onto his balcony floor. his clean balcony floor that he had just washed yesterday. minseok froze in an attempt to process whatever the fuck just happened, as irritation starts to replace the shock. all he ever wanted was to have a peaceful break, yet trouble seems to love following wherever he goes.

with annoyance, he raised his head to see who exactly had just attempted to murder him with a flower pot out of everything. despite this, he just sees a figure hiding their face with their hands, which irritates him even more. "what the fuck you moron," he yelled out to whoever the fuck that was standing up there. upon closer inspection, he noticed that it was actually a brunette girl, whom he had never seen before. perhaps someone, like in those spy movies, wanted him dead. but whatever the cause is, his once-clean balcony, like the rest of his flat, is now filled with dirt and it is absolutely filthy.

feminism or no feminism, he was already imagining how he would shove the remains of that flower along with the ground down the idiot's throat, as he hurried inside with the energy of pure anger. going up to the floor above him, on which, by an unpleasant coincidence, the idiot probably was in "come out or i'll sue you. i know you're in here." he doesn't exactly have enough money to actually go to court for this, although a little favor from his mother wouldn't hurt a soul.

cry for love


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

irene park.

  • mood

    what would my final words be?

She lightly peeked between her fingers to look at the guy below her,
โ€œit was an accident! I was just- โ€ฆ. It was an accident okay? Sorry!!โ€

She tried to excuse herself, after all, she didnโ€™t want to kill him, well, maybe now just a bit. Irene had put him in a, letโ€™s say, quite a dangerous situation but the moron bit was a bit over the top in her very biased opinion.

The female turned as she saw that he disappeared into his house, wondering where the hell was the guy going to do... and she suddenly heard the thumping on her door. Not even 10 minutes and she already had built her first impression, and it wasnโ€™t the best one.

At all.

She dashed to her door, grabbing her wooden spoon along the way as it seemed like a very trusty weapon for dealing with what seemed to be a psychopathic neighbour. The young female was now pressing her back against the door, which was absolutely useless considering the door wasnโ€™t even locked (her head had been in the clouds when she had her own private concert).

โ€œHey I already said sorry!! I wouldnโ€™t waste my plant on you I told you it was an accident you psycho!!โ€

Her arms were spread as she held onto the door, she mightโ€™ve not accidentally killed that boy but he sure seemed willing to end her life the moment she opened the door.

She thought her heart was going to explode in any moment out of the pure stress of the situation, just like a white rabbit when they know some sort of threat is nearโ€ฆ Everything had happened so quickly and she hadnโ€™t even had time to finish putting the empty cardboard boxes away.

Two days, she had lasted two days in Seoul before getting threatened to deathโ€ฆ

Irene, who had been able to made friends all over the world. Irene, who had been adapting to all sorts of situations, and was able to always adapt to what was most convenientโ€ฆ. Had no idea at all of how to deal with the current pressure. It had been such a stupid mistake, it had just been a twirl... Was this maybe a sign of future bad luck? The female shook her head, after all, she didn't believe in such things. And even if they did work and she did believe in them, at that moment it would only trigger more frustration .

"Don't try to kill me I have a spoon!!"
She finally blurted out, and the moment she did, she regretted her words immediately, what was she even trying to do? Give him more reasons for sueing her that was for sure. But his annoying voice gave her enough reasons to image how many times she would wack him in the head with the spoon she was holding, yes, the same one she had used as her trustworthy microphone, until he stopped trying to burst her door open.

For a moment, there was complete silence as the female tried to remember how to breathe again also waited for the stranger outside to calm down,trying to get a bit of stability under the overwhelming cicumstances. She slowly turned around and opened the door just slightly, peeking her face through, which let her straight hair gently cascade down her hoodie, just to look at the male in front of her, slowly hiding the spoon behind her back, but still holding onto it for dear life.

If it wasn't for the frown on his face, which left it clear that the tall guy wanted to send her to hell and back and the back to hell again, Irene herself had to admit he was quite stupidly handsome, and she wouldn't be suprised if he was a model. But his Karen-like attitude broke any sort of possible good qualities she could use to describe him.
"Eheh... Hi!"
She said with a rather nervous and quite fake polite smile, hoping to calm down the fuming stranger who could practically reach for her throat in any moment,
"Nice day outside huh?"

wii date

highvyn, tiffi, City Girl

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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jeon minseok.

  • mood

    seduce landlord plan is still ongoing.

perhaps he should have tried to be more civilized, putting in some diplomatic attempts here and there to actually get along with the person who had just tried to murder him and failed. but his morning has already gone to shit, everything that's going on has aggravated his nagging migraine, and well, who would even willingly have a civil conversation with someone who has essentially tried to take their life away?

he's irritated, to say the least. the earlier sarcastic remarks about suing her (which, undoubtedly, no one else thought funny but him) were all in mockery, however as minseok continues to listen to her go on and on, perhaps he would really go to court. "i told you it was an accident, you lunatic!!" yep. one thing he is certain of is that they will never be able to get along with one another. maybe he would have been less irritated if the attempted murder had been deliberate; having a bold killed on accident on his tombstone is not really the way he wants to go.

so he grits his teeth and attempts to not overreact over his bruising ego. rolling his eyes at all of the dumb remarks she blurts out as an attempt to ... get away? perhaps? he's not completely sure, and well he seemingly won't be able to understand her any time soon. but it's unlikely that they'll ever see each other again. and he will make sure of that by doing everything he can. seducing the landlord should be pretty easy, not that minseok has much interest in old women, but you know what they say. with age comes experience.

and so he speaks up, attempting to make their conversation? worthwhile before the day where he oh so smugly watches the girl pack her bag again, moving out of the apartment. maybe he'll open some soju and celebrate for her.

"how am i the psycho here weirdo" minseok replied back in an equally childish manner, since apparently he now has the same education level as this random plant girl. "and if you're oh so sorry โ€” come out already." he states, contradicting to his earlier outburst, voice monotonous, simply and plainly.

he shoots a glance towards the still closed door, pondering if he should just go and start his seduction strategy right away. his anger and annoyance have long been repressed; why go to therapy when you can just scheme ways to ruin someone's life? however, the creak of his soon-to-be-evicted neighbor's door, on the other hand, startled minseok out of his daydream.

sure, he'd been threatening her to leave her flat for the previous what, 10 ? minutes, but he hadn't expected her to really come out. her head peered out of the slightly opened door, giving him a better view of her face, something that he had been wanting to see for a little while. it's a shame she's attractive โ€” and his type, too. perhaps things might have turned out differently if they had met in a different situation.

or maybe it wouldn't.

"nice day outside huh?" minseok blinked. throat clogged with surprise; say what now? surely, she doesn't have that large of a desire to die by his hand, no? then again, there are many people who would pay to be killed by him, so really, maybe he should ask for payments before the pot plant from earlier becomes an accomplice to a murder .... jokes! he wouldn't. maybe.

realizing that he'd been frozen, staring at her for the past few minutes, trying to figure out what exactly that airhead is thinking, if she even is thinking at all. "what happened to your all mighty spoon?" he says at last. a small snort leaving him. finding amusement in indulging in her expressions.

observing that girl that stood behind her door silently standing, head still peeked out, face plastered with a sheepish smile. his irritation still remains, but perhaps he's a slight bit calmer than before, the irresistible urge of throwing a tantrum slowly dissolving away. as minseok continues speaking, "i've never seen you around before? what the fuck are you doing here." his upper half leaning forward, knees slightly bending as he adjust himself to her height, facing her eye to eye. interested eyes, eyebrow raised.

cry for love


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

irene park.

  • mood

    expert spoon thwacker

Irene honestly did not know what she was doing. Her brain had entered in panic mode, and as bright as the girl can be and what a high achiever she could truly be with her grades, social situations like these really managed to put her on her nerves.

The female always tended to be easy going about everything in life, but this one single man had managed to clench her nerves in the most disguting way possible. She just knew that she didn't want to be near him, just his tone, his attitude, gave off an idea of how fragile his ego was.
As he mentioned the spoon, she clenched it just a little tighter and, even though her eyes were fixated on glaring at the stranger as if she was witnessing how he burned in the most firey pits of hell, she just knew her knuckles were probably white by now.
"still near, just in case i may need it to -.."

thwack you head with it until some common sense drops into your brain.

she lightly huffed in the end, using her free hand to finally step to the side so that she was now standing fully in front of the male. She lightly glanced to the side avoiding the tickling on her cheeks to turn into blush from the embarassment. Clearly there was some work to do on her thinking before speaking concept.

For once, the shorter character made the intelligent decision to keep her mouth shut, something she wasn't really accustomed to unless it was for her own survival, which seemed to pretty much be the case in her current situation.

She placed the spoon on her trouser's belt so that she could freely use both of her hands, (maybe to strangle the male, only her self-control could tell ) and lightly tugged her oversized hoodie over it to hide her improvised weapon. Irene had to admit she had gotten much more comfort in the culinary object than she would've ever expected to. Although, she did have some sort of self-conscience that reminded her that the boy had to already think that she was insane, there was no mystery to that, and for all she cared he was just as insane.

"i've never seen you around before?"
As he leaned forward to look at her in righ in her eyes, she gulped rather nervously, for a couple of reasons. First one being that she had never been so close to a handsome guy who most definitely wanted to end her life right that instant, but he did seem a bit calmer, which immediatly brough the female's heartbeat down by a couple of beats. Another of those reasons was the fact that her urge to use her spoon had slowly disappeared, although it was a big incentive to have him so close and had the item ready to smack him just in case.

her throat was lightly clelared as she regained her composture and lightly tipped her chin up... maybe her ego was fragile after all.
"I just saw a chance to try and aim for your head whilst stealing this very nice looking apartment"
a playful smirk grew on her face clearly carrying a sarcastic tone,
"Oh, before you sue me I'll translate for you"
She placed her hands on her hips as she held the gaze with the male, any sort of movement he did she had decided it to consider it a dare.

"I'm your new neighbor, lucky you"
She finally commented with a small sigh as she played lightly with her hair,
"does my victim have a name? it won't be difficult to find a fitting nickname if you don't"
Now she was the one with an interesting glisten in her eyes, her eyebrows raised and head lightly tilted.

drama queen.

the list just went on in her head.

method to the madness

the wombats

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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