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Red in the Grey (irradiatedwarden)


Professional Asskicker

Gabriel Winkler awoke in a pool of his sister's blood. Beside him, her body lay motionless, curled up on her side with her hand resting under her chin. With a foggy mind, he recalled how she had always slept that way, knees pressed to her chest, back in the days when they'd shared a beds. it used to be endearing to him, her moments of weakness shown only in the darkness.

Darkness. Like a tick in his mind the word sparked imagines of the last twenty-four hours. The bar Cici had dragged him to. The drunken man he'd helped out into the alley. The white hot pain that that had left him without breath–without life–only to have that life forced back through his veins, the consistency of mud. He'd tried to pull away from the man, but only succeeded in banging his head against the dumpster, and tearing the flesh from muscle

Then his sister had appeared, and in his agony, he bit her too. Brand new instincts took controls of his limbs when his mind couldn't even decipher up from down. He drank, only vaguely aware of the blood dribbling from his temple to his chin. He pulled away, his sense of self pushing through the animal, but it was too late to save her.

He fainted.

Gabriel stared up at the sky now, its dusty purple caught between night and dawn. What would he do now? What exactly had happened to him?

"Fuck, how much did you let me drink last night?" Came a groan from beside him. Gabriel froze, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Gabe?" Cici growled again, impatience building. Then she looked down. "Oh my god, what the hell is this?"

Gabriel could only cry in response. "You're alive," he whispered through hiccuped breaths. "You're really alive."

Cici couldn't remember. Maybe that was for the best. The two stripped their bloodied shirts and pulled their jackets up to their jaws, and stiffly made their way home, leaning heavily on one another.
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The car hummed softly as it skipped along through the winding path that lead into the city. The trees towered over him on either side, looming eerily as they swallowed any light from the moon or the stars.

Leland paid the atmosphere no attention as he sat back and took a swig of his drink. Seemed like these days he ran on coffee almost exclusively. The drink was hot, a contrast to the chill that creeped in through the windows of the car as he finally hit the city line.

It was then his phone piped up, giving him directions to a part of town he didn't go to all that often.

He reached the apartment complex and slid into a spot on the street. The engine was killed, doors unlocked, and the man stepped out.

He was dressed too well for the area, too professional. His suit was smart and black, simple, slick. The scent of coffee and a touch of cologne followed him as he made his way into the building and up.

This would likely be a short visit, Leland didn't expect to hang around long. This was probably just a dead end, and after giving a lecture to the (probably) young kindred behind the doors about watching what they did on the Internet, he'd be gone. He had meetings after this, something his mind kept going back to and lingering on as he counted the apartments until, finally, he reached the one he was looking for.

He knocked.
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The knock on the door prompted the twin's mother to hack up a lung, as she yelled for her eldest daughter to answer it. Delilah Cecilia Winkler glared at her younger brother through the glare of the computer screen's light, a silent demand for him to answer it instead. But the dumbass couldn't see her through his mop of blond hair, so she was screwed.

Hopping down the stairs as loudly as possible–taking them two at a time– she grabbed the doorknob and yanked it open, staring up at the man through wide eyes

"We don't want whatever shit you're selling," she said, inching the door back towards closed.

"Who'zzat at the door?" Her mother yelled over the tv from the living room.

"It's just a salesman or something, mom!" Cici yelled back, not bothering to hide her animosity in front of the stranger.

"At night?" Her mother called back. Cici ignored her, and turned back to the nicely dressed man. Waving a hand, she shooed him off, halfway through with closing the door. Then Gabe appeared at the top of the stairs, the noise apparently loud enough to snatch his attention away from Google.

"Who's this?" He asked, voice small. His voice was always small. Cici gritted her teeth.

"It's nobody, dumbass, just a salesman. And he's leaving now because we don't want what you're selling,"
Oh now this was...different. She tried to wave him off but Leland handn't budged. His shoe found its way into the door frame, ensuring she couldn't just slam the door in his face.

From behind his dark, tinted glasses he looked as the girl, the it behind her, and back again. Two of them.

Oh sure they weren't as obvious as a Nossie would be, but he'd been around long enough to tell.

He didn't smile as he stared at her, his eyes hidden behind the dark red lenses. He had nothing to gain from being overly kind right then, so he didn't.

"Actually, I believe you'll want to hear what I have to say. I'm here because you've been sticking your nose in places I'm quite sure it doesn't belong." He spoke lowly, slowly, ensuring the woman in the back wouldn't be able to hear him.

Gabriel descended the staircase quietly, wringing his hands. From over his older sister's shoulder, he caught the weight of the man's words, and a knot formed in the pit of his stomach. He knew? How was that even possible? They'd used an incognito window!

Not that his google searches had really given them answers regarding their newfound hatred of sunlight, or the growing ache that came from the back of their throats each time they passed into the living room.

While Cici was perfectly content with glaring at the man until his caved under her overwhelming pressure, Gabe caved in immediately. He didn't want a fight. He didn't even really want answers; he just didn't want to get killed. Was that a possibility? He didn't know, but suited men didn't just show up on the poor side of town.

Grabbing two coats form the closet beside the door, Gabriel tapped Cici's shoulder and gave her one. "We should probably talk to him, Cici. We don't want any trouble just now," The warble in his voice didn't sound very convincing, and Cici's glare only hardened. But she snatched the coat up and threw it on.

"Coward," She muttered. And stormed out the door without waiting for Gabe to get his arms through the sleeves.
It seemed the boy was the voice of reason, or, at least was more easily frightened than the woman before him. They grabbed their coats and Leland stepped back before turning away. They'd follow, and if they didn't, he'd be back and much less friendly.

His shoes, expensive black leather that probably cost more than their rent, clicked softly as he made his way back outside. It was quiet there. Had this been more than just a quick stop, he'd have invited them to a safe house, a bar or club owned by other Kindred. Once outside, he stopped and turned to look at them both.

The boy's hair was long in his face, something Leland found almost annoying. Boy needed a hair cut, or at least a ponytail holder.

And the girl? Well she was spunky. That was what held his attention more than anything.

He didn't wait. After spending as much time as he did with the most annoying sort of Ventrue, Leland didn't believe in pussyfooting around (as Mors put it).

"Look I don't know what your sire has or hasn't told you but we need to get something clear: you can't leave trails like that online unless you want to draw the attention of unsavory individuals - more unsavory than myself, that is."

It was then his lips quirked into a half smile, amused with his own self.

"The hell is a sire?" Cici asked, though unwillingly. She had no desire to appear intimidated by this dickwad. Flipping a lock of dull lavender hair out of her face, Cici's glare became even more pronounced. "And in case you didn't hear the first time, we don't know what the fuck you're talking about."

Behind her, Gabe whimpered. "Cici, please," he whispered, "Don't piss him off. Just tell him the truth."

But Cici had her pride. So what if they were disgusting blood suckers? She wasn't about to let some stranger lop their heads off. They had futures ahead of them! Or some shit.

"Look mister, what do you want, anyway?" She placed her hands on her hips, feet spread wide. Behind her, she could hear Gabe tapping his thigh, and she bit her lip to keep from snapping at him.
Leland paused, his gaze sharpening.

What was a sire?

She had to be kidding, right? That was the first thing anyone ever knew when they woke up. They opened their eyes, were introduced to the vamp that had decided to take them under their wing, and- well Leland couldn't speak from experience as to what happened after that. Even as a ghoul, however, his own Sire had been more than willing to answer all of his questions, even if he had been a bit annoyed.

But these two-.

Oh shit. They were shovelheads weren't they? That was bad. Shovelheads were the mark of the Sabbat, or really stupid Kindred that would get them all exposed and killed.


Leland blatantly ignored her question and barely refrained from sighing.

"You have absolutely no idea what's happening do you? Do you even know what you are?"

"Of course we know who we are! Do you think we're stupid?" It was Cici who responded, but behind her, Gabe shook his head vigorously. Already he had put the pieces of the puzzle together: This man had noticed their google searches into vampirism. What he did know is what he would do with them.

"Please, sir, don't hurt us," He whispered, looking down at his feet. He wasn't sure if the guy would be able to hear him.

"God, Gabe, shut the hell up. You're such a baby!"

"But Cici, we're in serious trouble right now!"

"This isn't grade-school, dipshit. Don't wet your pants Just because the old guy looked at you wrong."

Gabriel swallowed, but nodded. Arguing with his sister didn't usually get him far. But he did continue to stare at the man with a pleading gaze.
"I think you're very stupid." Leland deadpanned his response, staring quite obviously at the girl.

It was a rude thing to say, but Leland had never claimed to be a genuinely kind man. His head was starting to hurt.

Breathe, Leland. Just breathe. Getting irritated won't do any good.

She was upset, both of them were, and he shouldn't blame them for it. They had no idea what was going on, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel bad for them both.

"But," he continued, voice softer than it had been, "your ignorance isn't your fault. Look, I'm not going to hurt either of you but other people will. You have no reason to trust me, I know, but if you're going to survive for longer than a month you're going to need answers. And I have them."

He paused, then, hearing someone laughing down the street.

"However, speaking about this in public isn't exactly the brightest idea."

As quickly as her temper sparked at being called stupid, it simmered just as fast. Though she didn't trust the man for a moment, the laughter from down the street startled her as well, and judging by the strength by which Gabe clutched her arm, he wanted to get to safety as soon as possible. With a sigh, Cici crossed her arms.

"Fine, fine. Lead on, dude. We'll go where you go." The words were not uttered without a tone of bitterness.

"Thank you, Sister," Gabe whispered in her ear. She socked him in the arm.

"If we get thrown in a cage, it's your fault," Came her biting response.

The man led them back to his car and the three climbed in. Cici marveled at the interior leather, so soft it felt like butter against her palm. In contrast, her brother sat so stiffly that he would fall into her each time they turned a corner.

"So where're we going, anyway?" Cici grumbled.
Leland started the car and as soon as everyone was in, took off with as much ease as anyone could have. A few streets later and he was headed out of the slums and, in fact, out of the city. The lights glimmered on the windows as they drove by, and soon they were dancing away in the distance, fading into darkness in the rear-view mirror.

He turned on the heater, letting the air warm around them.

"My employer's home." He glanced in the mirror to look back at them both. "It's safe there and we'll be able to talk without fear of being overheard by the living or otherwise."

He looked forward once more, as the trees started to grow on either side of them, consuming any sound save for the noise of the wheels on the dirt road.

"However, we are also safe here, so I'll do my best to fill you in on some basic concepts. You're both Kindred, of which there is a large population that exists in Seattle and any other major city you can imagine. As such you're expected to abide by some rules, the most important of that being: don't let anyone know you're a vampire. Don't drink blood in front of people, don't shout it from rooftops, don't leave bodies out in the open, and don't google it."

Another glance back.

"Following me so far?"

Every time the man spoke, Gabe flinched, as if the next comment would physically umo out of his mouth and attack him. Of course, that never happened, nor did the man threaten them in any way. Instead, he gave them the information they had so desperately needed, though maybe with a bit bit to much jargon.

Which prompted Gabe to raise his hand. "Uh, what is a Kindred?"

Cici coughed, her eyes trained stubbornly on the passing world out the window. "Yeah, and who the hell's your employer?"

Sometimes, Gabe wished his sister cursed less in situations where they were in the mercy of strangers.
It struck Leland as strange that even the word Kindred was foreign to them. It'd been a while since Leland had asked those very same questions, and after that? Well, Mors never worked with small time fuckers (as he put it).

"So, there are different types of vampires, clans if you will. All you need to know is the word Kindred doesn't apply to all vampires, but I'm willing to assume it applies to you."

Up ahead the trees seemed to start thinning out and Leland slowed down. Within a few more moments, the estate came in to view. It was massive, an elegant mix of modern and classic. Lights lined the circular driveway that Leland pulled in to, parking right in front of the steps that lead up to the large front doors. The lights were off, making it seem almost eerie through the tall, broad windows that framed the front of the home.

He turned to look back at them.

"And my employer is someone I hope, for your sake, you won't have to meet right away. Come on."

And with that he was out of the car, striding easily up the steps and into the home. He flicked on the lights and the foyer and living room became visible. It was lush and just messy enough to seem lived in and comfortable; the floors and furniture all various shades of neutrals. Of course, that only made the art pieces on the wall stick out more. The paintings came from different eras and each of them had an odd but muted macabre quality about them either in the subject matter, or the way the paint streaked through the canvas.

They followed the man up a long and winding driveway until they the front door of the... castle. Beside her, Gabe's mouth hung open and his feet grew sluggish as his gazed at the tall spires made of white bricks. When his feet stopped altogether–mesmerized by the intricate gargoyles that protected the rooftops–Cici gripped his arm and drug him through the stained mahogany doors.

They were led into a sitting room with walls lined with different pieces of artwork, and yet again gabe perked up, his mouth all but watering at the brushstrokes. Cici slumped into a velvet couch the color of black cherries with her arms crossed. She kept her eyes flicking from the strange man back to the archway that separated them from the rest of the house.

"Well?" She snapped, growing impatient.
It was the brother's reaction to the paintings that gave Leland an inkling as to what sort he might have been Embraced by.

If he was right, well, at least Mors was moderately reasonable even when it came to Clans he had personal vendettas against.

Leland stepped forward, going behind the couch and past the bar to the kitchen. He spoke as he grabbed on of the chilled coffees they kept in the fridge. The fact that he still had a thermos of hot coffee in the car didn't seem to much matter to him. The cap popped open and he meandered back towards the living room where Cici was slumped and Gabe was staring at the paintings.

"They're all originals," he informed, his tone almost conversational, "a bit odd but they've grown on me."

And then he looked to Cici. She seemed to want answers more than her brother.

"You've found yourself in an interesting situation. You're a vampire, recently turned I suspect, and the problem with this is that it's illegal to turn someone unless the Prince - the leader of the city - approves it. If the Prince finds out, you will be killed." He paused, letting this sink in. "And the way you were acting, I am willing to bet that you were starting to gather attention you don't want to have. So my thoughts are this: if I have the time I can contact the...representatives of your clans and have them teach you everything you need to know from your powers to how to control your hunger. More than that, they very well may be willing to vouch for you in front of the Prince so you won't have to worry about having him find out you were turned without his permission. Does all of this make sense?"

gabe found it difficult to pull his eyes from the walls of art, but he did so when the man mentioned 'killed'. His eyes found Cici's, panicked, but she sniffed and turned her head away from him. Gabe sighed. She was still trying to pretend none of this was happening, but Gabriel knew better.

"We understand," Gabe responded before his sister could further wield her temper, "B-but why would they kill us? Are we safe here?"
Leland took a swig of the coffee, watching the twins from behind his tinted glasses. Cici seemed calmer than her brother, for better or for worse, but it was Gabe who asked the important questions. There was a pause as he considered his words, weighing them carefully as a lawyer might. Another sip.

"The Prince is very particular about making sure he is obeyed, those who go against the grain are made examples of. In this case, you. Letting people think he's getting weak would only mean his head would end up on the chopping block rather than yours. It's harsh, yes, but it has produced results, and it has kept us safe all these years." Taking his phone out of his pocket, he flicked his thumb across the illuminated screen, responding to someone even as he continued to speak.

"And, in short, yes. You're safe here. As I mentioned before my employer is not one many people wish to meet. His reclusive and...unkind nature keeps people away, and his desire for secrecy will apply to you as well. So long as you don't go about shouting your location and condition from the roof...and so long as you don't go searching within the estate itself, you will be fine."

His phone buzzed and he sighed, lips pulling to the side.

"I, however, have to make my leave. You're welcome to explore this floor and the one above, but I ask that you leave both the basement and the third floor alone. I'll be back before sun up. You're welcome to the blood in the fridge if you get hungry and should you wish to leave you are free to do so, but the offer of protection and education leaves as soon as you do."

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