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Fandom [REBOOT] MLP: Descendants

Well, we're kind of in the black market right now. Ummm I guess that's up to you?
haha it's fine dude don't apologize. if you want to keep the guards then maybe she can lose them in some way and try to sell them at the place we're at? but if at the market is where she is now then maybe just the market security or something?
katseye said:

"You got it!" she waves goodbye to Fang, glad to have met a new face. She turns and picks up her outgoing box until suddenly hearing loud and approaching running. She flies up out of the away, alarmed and thankfully saving the mail. She flutters down and places the box on the ground near the back of what remained of the stall. Feather approached the new unicorn cautiously. "Are you alright?" she asked, concern very apparent in her voice.
Fang would be very sad if the mail she literally just dropped off been destroyed within two seconds of her turned her back. xD
that would've been hilarious if it was destroyed and fang just walks back over and is like "i'll be taking this back"

feather: :0
@Karcen you're not late??? NEVER. Seriously we need more people.

(Sorry for my late response by the way I only just saw that now for some reason)

@Flame Demon

The book your character just got might interest Pandora... *nudge nudge wink wink*
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Also, before we enter Ponyville, @katseye in this future, Ponyville is very different, considering it is one of the main capitals of Equestria. It's not exactly a village but more of a large, dystopian kingdom/city? So yeah that kind of setting.
o boy. well i mean it's probably walled off or at least has an extravagant entrance. high security town
Sorry I haven't been super active here, writer's block decided to bash me over the head . . .
Aaaaa i hate that feel. i've also been inactive somewhat but that's bc im like super sick. good luck beatin up that block

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