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Fandom [REBOOT] MLP: Descendants

Okay, was only asking wince you had mentioned an element of magic in the character sign up.
maybe someone could be at feather's parents' market? maybe be looking to send something with her directly or simply bumping into her? pandora could've heard rumors about the place and wanted to see if it was legit??? idk
Ya know, Fang could be wandering through there . . . hmmm give me a few minutes we'll see what happens.
idk be creative *rainbows* anyways ill be gone for a while, so when you sign up your character sheet consider yourself accepted and feel free to join the rp whenever ^-^
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ok oh well magic pony that resides in a pocket dimension and considers herself royalty here i come
The marketplace is in the outskirts of Canterlot. Honestly it could be about anywhere, since I haven't really established a location.
wait.. is pandora at the black market or a separate market? im only asking because if royal guards were at a black market that'd b pretty weird
oh uhhh wherever you two are???? should i change my post???? tbh im just trying to find a way to interact with you guys ;-;

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