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Fantasy Reaperville


Jumin's Bae

Welcome to Reaperville, where the legend of the Grim Reaper started. You step and walk around the town, looked around. You see many smiling and welcoming faces, but you can't seem to shake off a feeling... a bad feeling. You feel the hairs at the back of your neck stand up, and feel as though someone--or something watching you. You immediately feel a shock of electricity, and strange familiarity to this place. You shrug it off, thinking of it as Deja Vu.

* * *
Reaperville is home to many creepy legends, such as the Grim Reaper legend, vampires, zombies, etc. It seems as though the town has many friendly and kind people, and it seems as though the daytime is cheerful and colorful. At night, however, it's a completely different story. People don't know why... but they're told to stay in their homes and sleep at precisely 8:00PM, and stay until 8:00AM. The people do as they're told. That's why no one is killed. During the night, those things become visible.

Ghosts come in three categories.

The Ekdíkisis, who seek revenge.

The Oiktróses, those who are pitiful and haunt others to feel better for themselves.

And the Psychís, who seek souls.

* * *
You play as either human, who a ghost had fulfilled their purpose, and had reincarnated as a human. Or, you play as a ghost, who needs to fulfill their purpose. Or, you can play as a shaman! Spots are limited, so yeah.

What are Ekdíkisis?
Ekdíkisis are ghosts who seek revenge. They died because of unfair reasons, and they're now on Earth, trying to seek revenge. These ghosts are dangerous, and it takes a lot for a shaman to contain them. However, they also have many weaknesses, such as vervain, an herb, a cross, and holy water.

What are Oiktróses?
Oiktróses are ghosts that are upset, and sad. They're pitiful ghosts. They're like bullies, who taunt and haunt others to feel better about themselves. They want to be reincarnated like the Ekidikisis, but they'ree too lazy to actually earn reincarnation. These ghosts are weak, and it's easy for shamans to contain them. They have many weaknesses than strength, but their ability to hide is amazing, so it's hard for shamans to find them.

What are Psychís?
Psychís are ghosts that do not care whether they're on Earth as a ghost or reincarnated. Most of these ghosts have died because of suicide. These ghosts tend to collect souls for Hades. They collect the souls of those who die. These ghosts are.. strange. The most famous ghost of this category is the Grim Reaper, who is now banished in Tartarus since humans have figured out about him. These ghosts are neutral. Nor dangerous nor weak. It's up to the shaman's kill if they can catch them or not.

What are Humans, AKA reincarnated ghosts?
These ghosts have already done their purpose, so Hades happily reincarnated them. Only a few humans that are reincarnated can see the ghosts that are dead (all of our humans can see them! That's for character interactions.) The population of the reincarnated ghosts are 79% of 7 billion! That's roughly 5.5 billion people!

Basically shamans are trying to capture ghosts, and the humans/reincarnated ghosts are either helping the ghosts, or helping the shamans. The ghosts are doing their own business, but also trying to escape the shamans' wrath.

1.) Ridge Ridge
2.) Terrabreak Terrabreak
3.) PotatoGuy PotatoGuy
1.) Psychís - Nephalem Nephalem
2.) Oiktróses - Pumpkid Pumpkid
3.)Ekdíkisis - LannaCrowe LannaCrowe
4.) Psychís -
5.) Oiktróses - That Lass Over There That Lass Over There
6.)Ekdíkisis - Malice Queen Malice Queen
Humans/Reincarnated Ghosts
1.) Emmi Emmi
3.) EricSings EricSings

Umm.. if any of you are interested.
Kumii Kumii That Lass Over There That Lass Over There Berries Berries Flowiest D Flowiest D Graysilver264 Graysilver264

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I'm interested in this! I have a ghost character I'd like to play but I'm not sure what category she'd fit into...Should I PM you the details? Emmi Emmi

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