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Fantasy Reaper

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"Then if you don't want Envy or Lust here... We have to let them go... You sure?"

Kano was slowly loosening the thread on Envy lazily.
(mom's getting pissy so apparently I have to do everything she wants right this instant... Gtg take a shower right this instant *^*)
( (ono)/) sry I took so long! )

"That's not-" He sighed, scowling. His gaze drifted up to Kano then to Arya. "Forget it, who's this? Is she hallucinating or something..?" He asked. Obviously she was seeing something unsettling. Was it him? Something behind him? Envy..?
He sighed, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I can't help it." He muttered under his breath, crossing his arms. "Besides, it's more than normal for me to hear that people died."
(just a couple more posts from me guys ^^ Im terrible at pulling all-nighters, and I'm already super tired. I'll be leaving once we wrap Rev's part up here)
"You are not alone there..."

Kano sighed sadly. Though he smiled afterwards. He always looked on the brighter side, avoided the darkness as best as possible.

"Though I have to keep going"
"Well, let's keep the depressing talk for some other time, alright? I've got to get going, I've got a few things I need to get done as quickly as possible.
"Same here... See you later Revnoir..."

Kano said with a sigh. He squeezed past Revnoir and to his office leaving Envy in Revnoir's care.
(well off I go then ^^ I won't get the chance to check in until Monday morning or so, so gnight for all the nights I won't be able to say so! See you all soon! -reluctantly leaves to my room to sleep- I dont wanna goooooo :c

OH BTW u guys can use any of the 7 sins but not Revnoir (Not at this point, he's got some secrets I didn't even tell Aurath so yep... -hint hint: pills for days-)
(I don't have any pics of them xD Other than Lust...... Why do I have him? Because a fangirls gotta fangirl (we're leaving kinda late, so I just jumped on. I'm not here for long)
zen had fallen asleep in a corner of the armoury"huh.....what was i?" he stood up stretching. he walked towards the med bay to go see how arya was doing he peaked his head into the room "hello?"
Arya looked up from cleaning her gun. "Oh hello. Sorry i couldnt come to the armory last night... Things got kind of weird between my squad leader and another over some girl.... "
zen blinked she must have been talking about envy because at the moment she was the only other girl there that zen knew of"don't worry about that" zen waved a hand dismissively "so how you holding up, looks like your wounds been patched up"
"yeah... I could have sewn myself up though.. Not like i havent had to befor." Arya said, looking at her arm.
"I found you, you ignorant fool!"

Kazuto shouted out entering the building. He smirked proudly which was nearly identical to Kano's. Kano's brother is here. Kazuto looked around finding Kano's Office soon finding it. Kazuto opens the door to the office.

"Who's th- Kazuto!?"

Kano shouts, it echoes through the building with his surprised tone.

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