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Fantasy Reaper: Reboot

"Ugh..." He groaned as he slowly got to his feet. He craned his neck down, seeing that he was covered in blood from moderately deep cuts. It appeared that he also bruised his right leg. But there was a much more important thought in his mind: How did I fall that far and not die? He shrugged it off and limped towards a staircase, which led directly down into the main floor. Making his way down the stairs was a pain, but he got through it, and eventually, after some time of walking, he ended up back at Weave base. He approached the Vehicle Bay and went in through there. He was wondering the hallways and saw a group of four, including two girls, the marine guy, and Jack. He planned on telling them about what happened, but thought it safe that he should go get some first aid supplies in the medical bay first. He took another turn, walking into a separate hallway, which eventually led him to the med bay. He opened the doors and approached some supplies on a table. With all that has happened so far, with the Weavers and near extinction of humanity, medical equipment has actually come quite far. He injected himself with a vial which numbed the pain. He then took his trench coat off, leaving him now with a t-shirt and some jeans. He bandaged himself up, including one large white one around his stomach, thanks to a massive piece of debris hitting him. He didn't want anyone to make a fuss out of what happened, so he put his trench back on, covering up most signs of the wounds, with the exception of some minor cuts and bruises on his face. He walks out of the med-bay and approaches the group of four he saw from earlier, "Hey, what's going on?"
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He noticed Cam coming towards him, "Hmph, hey Cam." Jack didn't exactly like or trust Cam anymore after what's happened, but then again, he didn't trust anyone at the base. "Nothing really, just asking Reira and Chisaki here if they'd like to see me train." Jack added. He suddenly noticed Cam's face and became slightly suspicious, "What happened to your face?"
iChaotic said:
He noticed Cam coming towards him, "Hmph, hey Cam." Jack didn't exactly like or trust Cam anymore after what's happened, but then again, he didn't trust anyone at the base. "Nothing really, just asking Reira and Chisaki here if they'd like to see me train." Jack added. He suddenly noticed Cam's face and became slightly suspicious, "What happened to your face?"
"Hey. Oh, that's c-" He lets out a sigh before he answers the last question, "Here's the truth Jack. I'm not going to lie." He pauses for a moment and looks straight into the man's eyes, "I was in a jet flying back here, and it blew up."
Goodrich looked at the recent addition to the group, his eyes tracing the bandages and the bruises. Despite not being addressed, he still listened in to the conversation, and he had his own thoughts about the story. A jet? He hasn't seen one of those things fly near his border outpost, he thought they were no longer functional. However, if the man's story is true, it would prove the jet is dysfunctional.

How silly.

"That is a shame, are you alright?"



Reira nodded with a wide smile and turned to look at the man who walked up from behind him. Chisaki on the otherhand was now distressed. She moved between Reira and the wall nearby, looking at both Jack and Goodrich. She then lost it when Cam came closer and she closed her eyes, quietly sobbing into her sister's back. Reira watched the three men there, feeling how Chisaki was sobbing. She tried to hide her and make her feel less like in a crowd.

Shinohara said:
Reira nodded with a wide smile and turned to look at the man who walked up from behind him. Chisaki on the otherhand was now distressed. She moved between Reira and the wall nearby, looking at both Jack and Goodrich. She then lost it when Cam came closer and she closed her eyes, quietly sobbing into her sister's back. Reira watched the three men there, feeling how Chisaki was sobbing. She tried to hide her and make her feel less like in a crowd.
Cam looked at Goodrich, "Yeah. I'm fine, thanks." He lied in a way, as he had deep cuts almost everywhere, but luckily the pain-numbing injection he took allowed him to pull it off perfectly.

He noticed the young girl crying and asked in a concerned tone, "Um, is she okay?" He was never comfortable around anyone crying, but he may as well.
He looked over at the young girl, his body unwavering in its stance. He appeared inhumane behind all the armor, and his visor was piercing and endless, causing most to drown in its presence. He couldn't help but look at the sobbing girl though, his hands held tightly behind his back.

The visor probably didn't help her overwhelming anxiety, nor did it help the fact that he was staring at her cry. He talked to the sister who covered the crying one.

"Is she alright?"

Jack didn't bother asking if she was alright since the other two already did, he was however slightly concerned that she looked rather young. Raising an eyebrow he looked at the two men. "She looks rather young.. Reira, how old are you both?"
Vespy walked down a long and winding alleyway unsure of how long he had been on this path of his all he knew was that he was to report to squad 7 he held a small sliver of paper in his hand which stated his directions

"i hope i can find this place soon" he said with a grunt.
Suddenly, the pain-killers began to slowly ware off. He let out a short groan as the deepest cut on his stomach began to sting. He looked down, seeing that the blood from it had soaked through the bandage completely, and began to show on his trench coat. However, it was a black one so it didn't show that well.
Vespy continued down the dark alleyway turning left at the fork in the fork in the road hoping not run into any reapers cause he was quite tired from this journey

"wow i wonder how much further it is until i reach this place"
dante woke up from the long dream he was having. he blinked looking around an remembering where he was. he was almost soaked in cold sweats. he slowly stood feeling a bit queasy as he stepped out of the training room. wondering where everyone was at the moment. as he wandered down the hallway rubbing his eyes he found a small group of people there. the armored man seemed to be among them. he sleepily made his way towards the group his bare feet clapping as they connected with the ground .
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Reira laughed and shook her head. "She will be okay. She is just shy. And for our age? What would you guess?." She asked with a grin on her face. Chisaki stopped sobbing behind her sister but didn't pull her face away from her back.
"Apparently she was. I'm here as a nurse and she is my assistant." Reira said with a grin and a peace sign up towards Jack.
"For someone who's part of such a dangerous group and having to be around people like.. us, you sure seem rather happy." Jack smiled, sheathing his sword. "Well I better be off. I need to get some more training in." He put his hands in his pockets and started to walk off. "Unless you do want to see my train; the offer is still there." Jack called out without turning around.
Reira shook his head. "No use being moody all the time. Things go much better when you are happy." She said and followed Jack, pulling Chisaki with her. "And I guess we can come watch. If you injure yourself or need first aid, I can do it." She said.
"I guess that's a benefit of having company." He thought to himself. "But hey, do remember not to stand too close. You may be a medic but I don't think any of us want either of you coming out of there with one less arm." Jack said jokingly. "This place is rather.. boring wouldn't you say?" He added trying to start up another conversation.
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"Don't worry. Chisaki is too shy and I know the risks." Reira said and laughed. She then shook her head. "I don't think so. This place is plenty exciting. How about you Chisaki? How do you think" She said and looked at Chisaki who was now almost panicking. "Uhh... Y... yes... I mean n.. no!" She said, sounding confused and scared.
"There's nothing to do here besides train, and I have no idea when the next mission is." He replied rolling his eyes. "And Chisaki, you don't need to be afraid to say anything to me. I'm not like the others here." Jack said trying to seem comforting - but it most likely wouldn't work.
Reira shrugged and looked at Jack, waiting for Chisaki to say something. Chisaki got out from behind her sisters back and bowed to Jack. "S- Sorry." She said, sounding just more scared.
"No no, you have no reason to be sorry Chisaki." Jack sighed slightly, "I'm not very good at this." He thought to himself. He didn't care for anyone here but seeing some 15 year old having to be a part of a dangerous group like this.. "Anyway, here we are." Opening the door to the small training room; the dummy he had cut into was still damaged.
Chisaki looked into the room and quickly hid behind her sister's back again. Reira giggled and shook her head. "The dummy is quite beat up. Have you been here before?" She asked.

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