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Fantasy Reaper: Reboot

Umbra Regalia

There's no place like
Completion (99%) – Tweaking Aesthetics

Welcome to all returning Weavers and new Recruits to the Reboot of the Reaper series!

The Reaper we all know and love, but with a few new twists and turns! To all returning Weavers, this run of the Reaper series will feel very familiar, but things will be kept interesting with new enemies, a handful of different story events, a different beginning, and many new little parts to the story!

To all new Recruits, no need to worry about not knowing a thing about Reaper. Information will be found in the Notes tab, and if anything isn't answered there then please don't hesitate to ask!

Season Start: Wednesday February 3rd 2016

Season End: Thursday April 14th 2016
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(Let's get this RP up and running! Everyone can now start posting, as the RP has been officially launched! Also, keep in mind that you do not have to make a post this big. This is just to set the scene properly.)

Weavers. The monsters created to kill monsters. The creatures created to protect the innocent. The being created as heroes. As a final hope. As the saviors of humanity. Even then, the Reapers pose the biggest threat to humanity in history – having blown out the light of 80% of mankind. Not many could promise even themselves that humans would be victorious yet again.

Despite that, it didn't stop the humans from trying. They created their own monsters and fought back even if it seemed to be in vain. Many legends were born, but all legends must die. That includes the Elite Squad One. It was a reminder that humans were no longer the top of the food chain. A light sought out and flickered into darkness. It was a shame.

Now, the Squads do their very best to make the difference. Everything has gotten harder when the Reapers started becoming stronger and stronger, and deaths have been more and more numerous by the day be it caused by the spike in individuals signing up for the deadly surgery to become a Weaver or the Reapers' bloodlust and love for slaughter.

"The Recruits should be here by now... What's taking them so long?" Revnoir growled under his breath, glaring at the door as he sat on one of the four couches that lined the walls of the base's entrance. The room was more like a fancy corporation with white walls, pristine white tiled floors, dark gray leather couches, and matching coffee tables. The room was almost perfectly symmetrical save for the occasional potted plant scattered around the walls. The color of the couches might not be the best decision the head of Weave has made, but at least it wasn't some neon pink color or anything of the sort. The man's tastes were questionable, and he himself was a mystery for most. The only ones to speak face-to-face with Scourge were the higher ups, the government, and specialists. Those individuals were told to keep his appearance a secret, though. It was strange, but our questioning was too focuses on the color of the damned couches to wonder about why the guy was so secretive.

Xillia stayed silent as her eyes were glued to the same dark gray door as the golden eyed Shadow Weaver. She was leaning her back against the wall, preferring standing to sitting. Despite it, she looked fairly tired, having had to run errands for the majority of the day.
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A knock could be heard on Weave's main entrance. After a second the door opened and a man clad in full combat armor and with a XM8 assault rifle in his hands stepped in. Even though he looked to be quite heavy, his steps made little sound. He quickly glanced around himself and spotted Revnoir.

"Are you the leader of this base?" James asked, taking a step forwards, holding his rifle halfway up.
Revnoir's glare moved to the man as he spoke. "Do I look like a guy who would prefer gray couches? No, I'm not." He paused for a long moment, sitting up straight and crossing his arms across his chest in annoyance. "Just a Squad Leader." His eyes narrowed judgingly towards the other.
"Where's the leader of the base?" James asked with a strong scotch accent. (Forgot to mention in my last post) He adjusted his grip on the rifle and glanced around himself once again. The place looked quite suspicious to him so he held a close eye on anything that cold move or hide anything that could move.
"You won't be seeing him any time soon. Besides, why the hell would someone like you need to see him?" This guy already was getting on Revnoir's nerves. Walking in and asking to see Scourge wasn't exactly normal, and it irked him beyond belief for some inexplicable reason.
"You're not the head of the base so you have no reason to know." James said, glaring at Revnoir. "When is the leader going to come back?" He added, looking even less amused.
Revnoir's short temper was burning up, causing him to clench a fist and let out a quiet growl as usual. "Listen up, kid. Scourge isn't going to be seeing anyone like us. If you want to talk to the man, I'd guess that you'd have to suck a lot of dicks to rise the ranks enough. So, since I'd assume you'd rather not do something like that, I suggest you shut up and accept the fact that you won't be talking to him." He was barely able to keep himself from standing up and putting a dent in the man's face.
"You sure talk a lot for being a squad leader. I guess I might miss a few stitches when you come back all torn up." James said and shook his head. He was still holding his rifle ready, switching back and forth between semi-auto and auto fire.
"Guys lets save all that anger Reapers out there" Chris said from across the room enjoying the chair he had taken and the newspaper he brought with him. "Beside we have bigger things to talk about isn't that right"
Jack had been walking for a while now, it's just like him to be late. He wasn't used to this type of thing before, "Hopefully boss guy wont be too mad at me." He said jokingly while wiping his sword with a cloth. He'd never seen Revnoir before and hadn't been in Weave long; he had some hope everything would be fine but didn't expect much. He didn't care or expect much of anything any more. Finally coming up to what seemed like the base, he opened the door slightly and stopped when he saw the man in armour and what must be Revnoir arguing. "Have I came here at a bad time?"
Cam stumbled into the room without a knock and took a seat on a small couch in the corner of the room, muttering as he walked in, "I think I'm supposed to be here?" (Sorry I wasn't on earlier, I still have homework to do).
Revnoir frowned sharply. This guy wouldn't stop playing around with a gun, which might he add, was useless against Reapers. Just the sound of him switching it from semi-auto and auto pulled at Revnoir's patience. He looked at Cam and Jack, standing up. "Every god damned time, everyone's always late dammit!" He completely ignored Chris, his gaze focused on the two Recruits.
James quickly looked first at Chris and then at Jack. He didn't answer to the latter ones question and just continued to move his eyes to Cam. 'Are these these the people who will kill the reapers and liberate the world. Bloody hell this will be a tough time.' He thought to himself.
His eyes widened for a split second, confused at Revnoir's anger. He leaned back into the couch, at the same time attempting to think up an excuse for being late. He was confused as to why he was so angry in the first place, and only then noticed the other man switching his gun from auto to semi, which began to annoy him as well.
Sheathing his sword, Jack leaned against a wall, "Why we all in a mood?" Jack asked trying to brighten things up. Which probably wasn't a good idea.
"This wanker here doesn't even recognise a weave soldier." James said, gesturing with his rifle towards Revnoir.
Cam glared at Jack for a quick moment, only to lean back into the couch, closing his eyes as he began to practice by concentrating fire threads to the palm of his hands, as he had dedicated himself to practice his ability just about every day.
Revnoir's eyes snapped to look at James, barely keeping his Threads from ripping into the man's jugular. His Threads had to settle for whirling around his legs restlessly. "Weave Soldiers are useless pieces of pigeon crap. It wasn't that I didn't know what you were, it was that I didn't respect you. And I still don't." His voice was dripping with hostility, his venomous words spat at the man in hopes of insulting him.
James saw Revnoir's threads and his own threads came out through the fingertips. They wrapped round the gun and then his arms. They formed a kind of armor as he started to get more and more suspicious of the place.
Cam's concentration was broke when he almost sensed the other threads. He opened his eyes, the fire threads from his hands ceasing as he got to his feet in a rush, not wanting any conflict to occur. "How about we just get down to business and don't get each other killed?" He said with a stern tone.
Kirsa opened the door to the room, gripping the handle of her sheathed sword as she stepped in. She glanced around. All men. What the fuck? She let out a soft sigh, pushing the hair out of her face as she approached the rowdy group.

( writing will be kinda shitty until I'm out of school. )
Jack rolled his eyes, "That guy's right. We're all fighting for the same cause, this doesn't need to happen."
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"Both of you should keep your fights outside. Scourge would have our heads if you damaged his beloved couches." Xillia let out a sigh before speaking again. (Kirsa forgot about Xillia xD )

Revnoir growled lowly before his Threads calmed down and scurried back into the shadows. He gave the man one last glare.
She approached the group, her expression held no emotion as she looked over the group with a judgmental gaze. Kirsa glanced around again and let out a subtle sigh. "Where is Squad 3?" She grumbled. ( Whoops. )

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