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Fantasy Realm Chronicles| CC



The Overlord
Quinlan, god of Adventure
High up in the heavenly realm Quinlan can be found hunched over a board filled with miniatures that resemble monsters and heroes. Unknown to anyone he hasn't been leaving the mortals alone because he did not care for them anymore. He has been planning a grand adventure that he needed time to plan, from the conflicts in play to the mortals who would be involved. And today was the day that everything was finally in place after 20 years of planning. Turning away from the board he stepped off his throne and conjured a crystal ball so as to peer into the mortal world. He could see that the mortals he was interested in were all within New Haven, the staging grounds for the adventure. He was giddy with excitement for it has been a very long while since he has had the chance to play.

"Alright perfect, first I just need to get them all together before anyone decides to leave on their own." Moving over to his board he picked up a miniature goblin and skeleton then placed them next to a tower marking New haven. "That should work but for some extra measure I might have to make a personal appearance."

GreyGremory GreyGremory Astrylan Astrylan Uasal Uasal M Mintt Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Luke Fullheart
Luke had traveled to New Haven on his journey hearing that the tower of Estoria might hold knowledge that he would be interested. It took him a while since on his way he seemed to always find someone in need of help. He never overstepped and did the least he could do for them so as to not get sidetracked too much. By the time he finally made it he was exhausted though and thought it better for him to find the local tavern and rest up. The tavern, The Twin Fork Inn, was filled to the brim with tons of people who were full of spirits. Luke wasn't trying to bother anyone so he just found an empty table in the back away from everyone. He wasn't very hungry but when the barmaid came by to ask if he wanted something he just asked for whatever they had to drink that was good. He caught off guard when she came back with a mug filled with Dragon's Breath beer. He wasn't the biggest drinker so he took care to not overdo it when dealing with such strong beer.
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Ashe - Celestia

"Hey! Ashe wait up!" "Come on then, Celes. I wanna find somewhere to stay before we look around town." "Gah, I told you so many times already! It's Celestia, not Celes!" "uh huh, I know, but I know you secretly Like the nickname." "Do not! Now slow down! I don't know how you can walk through these people so easily!" "heh, sorry, it just feels similar to walking through a dense forest." He turns and grabs her hand, and she immediately protests she isn't a child. "Deal with it for now, this is more for me, than you. I'm using you as an anchor essentially, so I don't get too far ahead of you on accident." "grrr, Fine. But once we find an inn, I'm going to be in front. That way, you at least can tell how fast to walk." "Yea fine, look, there's one. The Twin Fork Inn huh? interesting name for sure. Shall we take a look?" "As long as it's not full of ruffians, I don't care where we stay. I'm tired of walking." Ashe nods, and chuckles. They both walk in, and Celestia immediately lets go of Ashe's hand. Sitting down at an empty table in a corner, Celestia waves over a waitress, and they order some food and light drinks. As they are eating, Ashe speaks up to thank Celestia for coming with him. "Thanks Celes, for coming with me. I doubt I'd have made it all the way here without your help in some of those situations." "I told you, I wanted to come see if they had a temple or Shrine for Hestia the same as you wanted to see if they had one for Skadi. I know New Haven is large, but with many different Gods, not all of them have a large enough following here to have such a place." He nods and takes a sip of Cider. "Yes I understand all that, you've said it many times on the way here. Either way, thank you. It means a lot to me. I've been meaning to come here to find out for a long time, and once I met you, I realized I might be able to have a friend for the trip." "Shut up, you know I hate this sappy stuff." He laughs as she turns red. She was never great accepting any form of thanks or praise. They continued to chat while they ate, Ashe teasing Celestia every so often, to which she would get angry at him for and he'd just laugh.

(Open for interaction peoples!)
New Haven. Tabitha was thrilled to finally be at the bustling city. Being small she easily traversed through the crowd of people. It was the only time she liked her height. It was useful in combat as well but she hated that people looked down on her for it. Tabitha had been traveling through the Forest of Lagranda for a while now. She particularly enjoyed her time with the Gnomes. They were fairly friendly with her and she enjoyed the spars. They were worthy opponents.

The First thing Tabitha did when she entered the city was head for the tavern. She had heard great things about the liquor of New Haven and she was so ready to try it. "Ah the Twin Fork Inn. I've been looking for you." Tabitha shoved the large doors open (well large for her) with ease. Going up to the bar she shoved people out of the way, catching them off guard with her unusual strength. "Your strongest drink!" She called out and the bartender slid her a mug filled with Dragon's Breath beer and she began to chuck it down.

INteractions: open

"We are almost there Alstromere." The priestess encouraged the girl. She knew the little necromancer didn't particularly like human contact but they needed to get to New Haven. Viserra has done everything she can to help the girl. She didn't know why she felt the need to help her but she did. Alstromere reminded her of the children back at home which probably helped with their bonding. Viserra wanted to get to the town quickly, mostly because she didn't like traveling in the dark. Apollo was the god of the sun and she traveled better during the daylight hours when her magic was the strongest.

"I believe New Haven will be a great town for you. It is busy but you can learn a lot while there. I am sure we could other necromancers like yourself if you need help learning." Viserra always believe Alstromere could become more than what she was. As they approached the town even Viserra couldn't help but be awed. It was larger than she had expected. She hoped Alstromere was going to be ok. "We should head to the Inn first to get a room. I don't know how long we will be staying here but my vision showed us here so we should stay here for the time being.

Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 and open
Gib Coline
Stand against a wall within the twin fork inn was a teifling tapping his foot lazily waiting for his client how had just walked in they where a unassuming person looked like your average person to everyone aside form the teifling waving them over once they had both taken a seat at a nearby table with a wave of his had to everyone not at the table it didn’t look like they where there at all just a simple illusion not that anyone really noticed all to busy with there own things the both talked for a little before exchanging good the teifling 3 unmarked bottles and the other a small purse of coins once concluded he dropped the illusion, his client leave and the teifling staying at the table ordering a light drink form a passing waitress that didn’t seem to concerned that he hadn’t been there a second ago taking a moment to relax

Interaction Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
Alstromere nodded a little timidity in response to viserra “ok....” she said quietly while being with the priestesses did make her feel a little better it was still a uncomfortable prospect to be around so many...people heavily outweighed the comfort afforded alstromere kept very close to viserra, after all the elf was the only person she felt comfortable being near. Her confidence did rise a little at the mention of learning new things. curiosity was alway the young necromancers greatest motivator, aside from viserra and the prospect of meeting more people like herself perhaps getting a moment of normality. “Oh ok that doesn’t sound so bad then” she spoke with a bit of a more cheerful voice a smile on her face eyes becoming a dim monochrome white Her smile quickly faded upon seeing the town it was a lot bigger then alstromere was expecting a daunting prospect “inn... got it.... there won’t be too many people in there right?” Asking viserra worry in her voice
Byakuya is a lone martial artist who with just his strength and speed alone allowed him to best even some of the strongest classes of monsters. He was determined to travel out into the world to perfect his style and to show that not all adventurers need magic to fight against even the most destructive forces. On his travels he went from town to town and forest to forest training his mind and body in order to create his own special killer move, the Seismic Bear Claw Strike. Byakuya wondered the forests for weeks training and trying to hone his skills but when he had found civilization he got excited. This meant he could bathe, eat, and drink without having to worry about wild animals and monsters and could sleep without having to hang from high places. He made his way into town and headed straight for the nearest tavern "WOOOOOO" he yelled excitedly as he entered the Twin Fork Inn. He walked over to the bar and odered a drink and some food. After he sat down and finally finished eating he sat satisfied and content for the day. he was finally able to clean up and get back some semblance of civility "Master i wish you could taste this food right now" he said to himself as he sat digesting.

Interaction: Open
Quinlan, god of Adventure

Looking down upon New Haven Quinlan watched as his chosen adventurers each made their way into town. As expected they each made there way towards the inn making it much easier for him to get them all involved with what was coming next. Teleporting himself outside the city Quinlan turns to find his massive army of goblins and undead. This army was unlike anything he had ever formed as this army consisted of skeletons, goblins, hobgoblins, goblin/skeleton casters, goblin/skeleton knights, skeleton archers, and leading them a powerful goblin necromancer. Normally most adventurers would never face such odds like this in any adventure he created but this time around he had a very specific objective other than just having them kill and destroy everything they saw. With a wave of his hand the goblin necromancer command the army to charge across the bridge killing the city guards on duty. This army fought as if it was a well trained fighting force with the front-line fighters pushing through the guards while the casters and archers struck down anyone trying to run away or shoot back. And as planned the extra skeletons and goblins grabbed and dragged away all the young men and women they could get there hands on. Each were loaded into a cage on the back of a wagon who would be taken away.

"Perfect, everything is going as planned," Quinlan exclaimed. "Now to put a spark into this situation." With a wave of his hand a spark was lit onto the back walls of the inn. He did well to make sure that they would not spread to quickly so everyone had a chance to get out first.

(Quinlan is invisible currently to everyone and can't be sensed in any way)

Luke Fullheart
Luke was deep in thought about what magical secrets he might be able to uncover at the tower when he heard a loud noise outside. He figured it wasn't his imagination since someone running inside informed everyone that a massive army of skeletons and undead were marching into the city snatching up young men and women and killing everyone else that got in their way. Jumping up from his seat he only stopped momentarily when he smelled something burning. Looking over to the back of the inn he could see a fire had been set. Seeing the greater danger outside he ran out instead of dealing with the fire. Pulling out his sword he slashed out at any goblins who came in close and punched the skeletons until their bones started to crack.

"This was not what I was expecting today at all."
Ashe - Celestia
Ashe was in the middle of teasing Celestia when someone came in yelling about an undead goblin army. They glanced at each other, and got up only for Ashe to stop. He smelled smoke. And not campfire smoke, this was different. "Celes, the inns on fire. There's more going on then I think we realize. I have feeling the gods might be a tad angry today..." His hand unconsciously taps the Amulet under his armor. " Never realized you were secretly a priest Ashe. I'd love to chat about the gods and all, but right now heading outside and helping out is probably the smarter idea, yes?" He chuckles and nods, following her out the door, parrying a spear from a skeleton, kicking it in the ribs, and then climbing atop a nearby building. He pulled out his bow after stowing the dagger he had quickly pulled out to block the earlier attack, and began taking out any goblin casters and bowman he spotted. He ignored the skeleton archers, simply because arrows were useless against them. "Celes! Take down the skeletons for me! Arrows are useless against them!" "Got it!" While he was up on the roof, he had also been hoping to spot anyone giving orders to the goblins. Whenever he spotted a goblin that seemed to giving out orders, he immediately shot them down. Sadly, they seemed quite organized for goblins, and his efforts proved to only cause confusion for a few moments before they would start receiving orders from somewhere else. "They are way too organized to have someone at the top. But where is the bastard? There is definitely a goblin giving orders out to the entire army somewhere, just need to find him..." He kept firing arrows while keeping his eyes peeled a goblin general of some kind, when he saw a few goblins he had shot down earlier, stand up and continue casting spells. "What? They have a necromancer that can raise so fast?! Not good. If we don't find it, and quick, then we are screwed." He looked for Celestia to let her know, and found her surrounded by a few goblins who had shields large enough that she had trouble getting any blows in. Luckily she hadn't been seriously injured yet. He didn't have time to climb down from where he was, and the goblins had too much armor for his bow to be effective from this range. "This is gonna hurt." He steps back a bit, and does a quick step forward as he jumps off the roof, lands, rolls, and stands up into a run while drawing his daggers. They were much better suited to piercing that thick armor than his sword. That was the whole reason he had ordered them from out of town. The smith back home didn't have the skill to make them. Well, more so to make daggers. He was one the who made his sword after all. He ran through the street fast enough a few people only saw a flash of red go by. He stayed low while he ran, meaning a lot of people got scared, thinking it was a goblin, or some other creature, only to spin around and see a person. Coming up behind the two closest armored goblins, shoved a dagger each into the backs of their heads, and shoved them to ground. He stood behind Celestia, back to back as two more armored goblins came and filled in the gap. "The necromancer they have, we need to find it and kill it or we're just fighting a losing battle. I thought he was only staying in the back, concentrating on the skeletons, but apparently he's no ordinary goblin necromancer." "Great, and how do we do that? Any ideas?" "Other than getting outta this circle of goblins and letting the captain of the guard know? Nope. Unless someone has some kind of magic that can tell us where it is at specifically, we need to have a group of scouts who know the city well and can avoid fighting to go around looking. Of course, stumbling upon it by chance would be nice but I don't think that's likely. I have zero plans otherwise." "Alright, then for now, lets kill these guys and look for the guard captain." After nodding to each other, they change to fighting defensively, to offensively. They slowly begin their attempt at breaking their way through the encirclement of armored goblins with their practiced teamwork learnt over the years fighting off packs of wolves and bandits that they stumbled upon while they were traveling to New Haven.
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Before pandemonium broke out lone yet outstandingly well dressed dwarf could be found in the city plaza stood high upon a wooden crate. The Dwarf in question was none other than Drump and as per usual he was out to make some coin. Beside the dwarf stood a market stand with small rolls of matte-black fabric filling every shelf. The Stall was attracting a lot of attention and the Dwarf was drawing more and more attention towards it with relative ease. "Everyone! Everyone gather around! I have something amazing to show you! Something that demands your attention! No pushing, no shoving, please!" Once a large sum of people had gathered Drump moved to retrieve a broken sword from behind his create and once back atop said crate he also whipped out a roll of the fabric kept within his stand. Moving to display the two halves of his broken sword Drump began to speak once again.

"What I am about to show you all is absolutely revolutionary! It is on kin with the power of a god in terms of providing miraculous results! What I am about to show you is what I call 'Flex-Tape'! Behold this fabric can mend this broken sword and make it better than new in an instant!" Drump fumbled with hisstature being so small but in a few seconds he had wrapped the fabric around the break point of the sword and was son swinging the recombined sword around with ease "Behold! Flex-Tape! Are you sick of having to replace your broken tools,cutlery and anything else you may so haphazardly dropped? Worry not for each roll of Flexi-Tape shall cost you a mere 25 coppers! Act now before the stock is gone!"

And with that the crowd went wild, The fabric sold like crazy and by the end of the commotion Drump had sold all his Flexi-Tape for a whopping 3 silvers. Pocketing the money Drump proceeded to wash down his cart when all of a sudden horns began blaring and the inn across the way began to burn out of nowhere "What in the name of.....".

A guard soon ran by Drump mermering something about an attack at the main gate. A devilish smile grew upon the small man's face "Seem a lot of equipment is going to need repairing..... I better stock up"
Tabitha's head turned to the entrances when human male loudly came into the tavern. He looked strong and, not seeing any weapons on him, seemed to be a hand to hand combat fighter like herself. She let him finish eating and was about to go up and challenge the man to a fight (even though he was twice her size) when there was a bunch of commotion outside. Tabitha then caught the scent of something on fire. It took her a moment to realize it was the inn that was on fire. What the heck is going on?! Tabitha wanted to help people get out but being so small everyone ignored her. Their loss. She easily moved through the now panicked crowd in the tavern and eventually made it outside. What she wasn't expecting was an army of undead and "Goblins? Why are goblins working with undead?" Tabitha saw others join the fight to protect people and she wasn't about to be out shined. With a loud yell Tabitha ran into the fray. She went after the enemies that were going for civilians. Her strength took many of the goblins by surprise as they flew backwards when she landed hits on them.
As more and more kept showing up Tabitha didn't understand where they were coming from. They also seemed to be very organized, which was not common at all for goblins. The undead kept reforming too, which was not good, but that also meant that the necromancer was nearby. "We need to find the necromancer, but how?" Tabitha didn't have great tracking skills for she focused heavily on combat.
Mentions: GreyGremory GreyGremory

When they arrived at the town Viserra was most definitely surprised by the sight. She knew she had felt something ominous in the air but she never would have thought this!! The undead and goblins where everywhere. This was not good but in a way this would prove helpful for Alstromer. Viserra did not fear the undead for as a priestess of life she did not fear death. "It seems Apollo has led me well once again. It is a good thing he led us to this city Alstromere." Viserra stayed close to the young Assimar but made sure to stay out of her way when she had to fight. Viserra did not want to get hit with the girl's scyth. Viserra could fight with her staff but was more meant as support and would heal the girl when she took damage. As they moved through what they could of the army, healing civilians when she could, Viserra spotted some people she knew. Well knew was a strong word, more like recognized. She saw a halfling fly through the army with immense strength. Viserra thought the girl seemed to be having a little too much fun for the situation. She also spotted a man that was heavily armored slicing away at the goblins. Both of them she recognized from her vision. "Alstromere, although this situation is not what I expected I think this will be good experience for you." Viserra dodged an attack from behind and then whacked the goblin with her staff. "As a necromancer are you able to sense other necromancers? We need to stop the source if we ever want these things to stop coming back." Viserra spotted two other adventurers she had seen in her vision, currently enclosed by armored goblins. Without a second thought Viserra started her spell. "My Lord Apollo, lend me your strength." The words were uttered quickly and more so under her breath. Her right palm opened up and faced the goblins and a beam of brilliant light shot out of it. Any undead in the beams path immediately disintegrated and didn't reform. The beam of radiant light knocked down enough of the armored goblins to give the two adventurers a chance to escape and either come to her or leave if they wish.
Interaction: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Astrylan Astrylan
Mentions: Quinlan63 Quinlan63
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Ashe - Celestia

Ashe and Celestia were fighting their way through the surrounding goblins, when a beam of light suddenly knocked down a few, leaving an escape route. Ashe glanced at the direction it came while parrying an attack. He noticed two women, one with a scythe, another a staff. "Celes, this way!." He nods towards the hole in the encirclement, before heading towards it, intending to keep that hole there until Celestia got through. "Got it! Towards those two over there then? Probably should thank them for the help at least." Ashe and Celestia move rush towards the two while the path the beam had made was still mostly clear. Ashe cut down a few goblins with daggers while Celestia used her slightly longer swords to coordinate near perfectly with him. Anyone could easily tell they trusted each other with how they were fighting; If they didn't, the girl would have already cut her companion multiple times, just from him moving to parry a sword or spear that she was parrying for him already. There were also a few instances where an arrow, or spear seemed to suddenly veer of course and miss the girl by inches. A good eye would notice a dagger flash whenever that would happen.

After arriving next to the Priestess, Ashe realized that's what she was; which caused the beam of light destroying some of the undead goblins and not allowing them to reanimate make sense. "Thanks for the help. I'd introduce my companion and I, but I feel now isn't a great time." He says this while throwing a small knife that seemed to come from nowhere at a goblin sneaking up the Priestess. "Celes." "Yup." After no words than that,a nd a glance at each other, Ashe sheathes one of his daggers, puts the other in his mouth, and pulls out his bow. He faces the back of the army, where the casters and archers are. Celes, gets behind him, and switches out to one sword and a dagger she seemed to suddenly have. It was suspiciously similar to Ashe's daggers though. With this setup, Ashe began raining arrows on the back lines, while Celes used the daggers faster speed to use a more defensive stance against any undead and goblins that came at her. She also protected a wide angle behind Ashe, protecting a good portion of his left and right sides. Any enemy that came from in front of Ashe, was taken down with the dagger in his mouth, which immediately returned afterwards. They stayed near the Priestess and her companion while doing this, moving only a few steps at a time, or more if she began moving on. After while Ashe glanced at Celestia when he saw a chance to catch her eye. She nodded and without stopping her defensive attacks, mentioned the Necromancer that was in the army somewhere. "So, since we know there's a Goblin Necromancer some where, any idea how we can find it? We were going to find the guard captain, but that's not the best idea right now, as we have no clue where they are at. Either of you able to find it's where-a-bouts? "

Interactions: Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Byakuya walked out of the tavern annoyed at the interruption. He started taking down every skeleton and goblin he came across with his bare hands. He made his way through the chaos to where some of the people were being loaded into wagons. They were all terrified and the skeletons seemed to take no notice of him but the goblins were among the first to start attacking. "Seriously? This is all you got? I've fought imps stronger than this!" he continued to smash through goblins and skeletons indiscriminately. He set to work freeing people and making sure that nothing followed the fleeing survivors. "ALRIGHT, WHERE IS THE ONE WHO STARTED ALL THIS? ITS REALLY CUTTING INTO MY RELAXATION" he yelled out to the giant crowding group of goblins. He didnt get an answer so he just continued to kick and punch and pummel every goblin he saw. He broke every skeleton in his sight making sure none were left that could move around him. He didn't see an end to it as more and more goblins and skeletons surrounded him "Fine then, whos next? I can go all day" he said defiantly as he continued to attack every monster that got close.
Interaction Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Astrylan Astrylan
arriving at the town was a little be scary for alstromere still worried about how many people there would be there. The first thing she saw was some undead putting the young necromancers mind at ease that was till she saw the goblins... and other undead rampage through then town. And well she couldn’t help but feel band clearly the goblins where more at fault here then the undead the poor souls had odviously done nothing truly wrong at least that’s what alstromere kept telling herself “yeah, umm.. we should help... right? Yeah” she was unsure at first before gaining some confidence taking hold of her odd almost spectral scyth. Having the head seeping in the spectral like wings on her back opened up somewhat a goblin taken notice and decided to change at the two it’s attack abruptly ended by the necromancers scythe embedding itself in its head, she tried to pull it out managing to eventually the goblin dropping down dead of course this attracted more attackers but the result where similar most either getting injured or being knocked away by alstromere’s swings pausing for a moment upon seeing the halfing carve it’s way through many armoured adversaries it was actually amazing. Viserra’s words broke her out of it however “I mean I might be able to... just give me a second” she said somewhat sheepishly not to sure if she could do that. Trying to concentrate on possible tracking the magic reviving the undead Viserra’s magic was somewhat distracting, she never really liked that specific spell to much.. mostly because of how easily it killed undead... the approach of the two others the priestess had help made alstromere back up a little bit not feeling to comfortable with those to being so close quickly swinging her scythe around behind her self stabbing then unfortunate creature. More talk about the location of the necromancer “well umm form what I can tell, there definitely not in the town... at least I think” she hope that would be helpful.

Gib Coline
interaction GreyGremory GreyGremory
the sudden fire supprised Gib to say the least quickly escaping the tavern the tiefling was met with a large group of goblins as he jumped out the window... "well gentlemen i really don't have the time now if you could" before jumping over one of the goblins head and tossing a vile into the group as they lunged forward the top being opened meant to spill all over the goblins head all of them began to fight one another the reason was because the vile contained a hallucinogenic that once it got into there eyes began to confuse and scare the creatures gib smiled in amusement until.. well there where more goblins these ones have thrown on helmets quickly after seeing what had happened to the previous group with a surprised look and a slight chuckle in a more awkward way then he would have liked with multiple version of himself appeared hoping it would distract the goblins unfortunate the goblins all where coordinated enough to stab at each separately gib only just getting out of the way the goblins blade cutting into his shirt searching for some form of refuge there was a human carving his way through many of them, making a b line towards the human he did dare get to close lest he be mistaken for a target “hello sir fine predicament we seem to find ourselves in perhaps we should stick together no?
Luke Fullheart
Fighting with all his might Luke was could only see enemies coming everywhere with no ending in sight. The skeletons that had their bones crushed by him just kept coming with any limbs that didn't break and the goblins were just revived into undead. Earlier he thought he heard someone mention a necromancer that needed to be found. He didn't see where the voice came from and he was to busy to look for himself. The forces rallying against him were so great that they forced him to make a hasty retreat to find more open ground. On his way he could see a group surrounded on all sides that could use a little help (well as much help a group of capable fighters need that is). Reaching for his short spear he used Odin's Knowledge to place a force rune on the spear and through it into the crowd landing on the ground making a whole for him get to them.

"I haven't seen this necromancer myself but if I had to guess I would think that they must be at the back lines leading the troops," he said before conjuring a fire rune on his sword setting it on fire. Every undead that was cut with his sword started to burning until they turned to ash. This wasn't going to immediately change the tide of battle but that would at least thin the numbers of the goblins at least. Unfortunately the numbers were still great and he would not be able to fight forever and would tire at some point. "If anyone here is really fast I would suggest that they be the ones to seek the necromancer out ASAP. Sooner or later we won't be able to hold them off and I wasn't planning on dying today."

Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Astrylan Astrylan
Tabitha's attention was immediately grabbed by a man yelling at the goblins. When she turned and saw the man she wanted to challenge at the bar she couldn't help but grin. Watching him fight she couldn't wait to challenge him when this whole ordeal was over. Tabitha jumped up and round house kicked a a goblin. When she landed she pushed off her feet to dash towards the other fighter. There was an indent in the ground on where she once was. Tabitha very easily maneuvered past the undead since they tended to be larger than her. The goblins she had to fight since they were about her height. Out of the corner of her eye a flash of bright light pierced through the army and none of the undead came back to life which Tabitha found interesting. When she turned to look she saw what she assumed was a priestess surrounded by three other people. She must have been the one who shot the beam. Should probably head to her. Before Tabitha headed towards the Priestess she made a stop next to the hand to hand fighter. She came up next to the fighter punching an undead in the stomach. SHe wanted to punch it in the jaw but her height limited her. "Hey man! AS much as I would love to accept your challenge I think we should head over to the priestess." Tabitha pointed at the group huddled together. "I saw some other adventurers head towards her too. I think she can help us." With that Tabitha hit a goblin before weaving through the army to get to the group.

VIserra was relieved when the two she had saved came and joined them. Alstromere was not the best fighter and Viserra could only do an attack like that so many times. Plus with them there it allowed her to concentrate on Alstromere more. The girl was clearly uncomfortable with the new people but Viserra was proud of her for continuing to fight with them. When her young one mentioned that it didn't seem the other necromancer was in town that irked Viserra. They would need to get out of here to find him and she didn't know how they were going to do that. The knight looking man that Viserra had seen earlier made it towards them as well and said the same thing as Alstromere. "Little Alstromere is also a necromancer. She should be able to detect the magic since it is the same as hers. She believes he is closer to the edge of town." She said in response to everyone.
"Before we head out though I think we should go help the two over there. I'm sure they will be of help later. " Viserra wasn't quite sure if that was true or not but based on her vision she knew that they needed them to join the group that was starting to form. Plus for Viserra the more fighters the better. She was not combat orientated and until Alstromere got better using her scythe the two of them needed all the help they could get in this situation. THough there was one other person she had yet to see. There was a little dwarf she could have sworn she saw in the vision but she had yet to spot him.
INteraction: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Astrylan Astrylan
Mentions: Uasal Uasal GreyGremory GreyGremory
Ashe - Celestia

"Ashe is quite fast; do you think you could do it?"
Celestia doesn't stop fighting while asking him this. They were in a great rhythm at the moment so stopping now would be bad. "Hmm, depends on if he has guards nearby. If he does, I'd have to either sneak up on them, or use my bow. I'm not sure I can kill a necromancer this powerful with just one arrow. It would most likely notice the arrow and dodge it or only get wounded. I also doubt I can sneak up on it. No doubt it has traps and magical alarms all around him. I could of course suicide it to make sure he goes down, but Celes here would become a Necromancer just so she could kill me herself if I did that." "You bet I would, idiot. If you die the entire time I have spent training to finally beat you would be pointless." Ashe laughs but doesn't stop firing arrows. "There you have it. So I'm going to need someone to come with me. Celes doesn't actually have the speed to keep up, though it may look otherwise. Any volunteers? You will be acting as a distraction for me to sneak up behind the guy by the way. So make sure you are okay with fighting against around 4 to 6 Elite Guards while also dodging spells. Though I guess we could also just charge in take out the Guards and then kill the Necromancer." Ashe suddenly pulls a dagger out of no where, and slashes a goblin in the throat before kicking it away. He immediately begins firing arrows towards the back lines again, the dagger now in his mouth again. "Hey, someday I'll out pace you..." Celestia mumbles under her breathe, and Ashe just chuckles. The entire conversation between the two not stopping their perfectly synced fighting.​
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He was used to fighting large groups but this was starting to wear him down. He thought about maybe just running away to regroup until two individuals started speaking to him amidst the chaos. he looked around fast enough to see a horned man, a teifling maybe, and a halfling not to long before they both made there way toward the beam of light. Curious about what was happening over there he decided to create an opening to just run straight through. "Alright lets see how you handle this one cannon fodder" he said before taking a hard stance "Seismic Bear Claw Strike!!!!" he yelled as he punched forward with his palm open. What would usually just be a palm strike was a wave of force so strong it shredded the monsters apart opening up a gap in their forces. He bolted through the space and followed the halfling girl and joined up with the group "So anyone got any bright ideas on how to deal with the army of monsters? I could go all day but i dont think im even making a dent" he said as he continued to plow through goblin after goblin.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Astrylan Astrylan
Uasal Uasal Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28
Quinlan, god of adventure
Looking on as the mortals fought on to try and take down the monster army Quinlan walked among them unseen. Looking it over he couldn't help to see that the one named Byakuya state that he could "go all day" which only seemed like the perfect moment to throw something in for flavor. He was planning on wearing them down some more to increase the level of difficulty but the thought of possibly of doing this all day was boring to him. After whispering into the ether there was a change in the behavior of the goblins and undead. Forming ranks the surrounded the group of adventurers blocking them with tower shields and barriers spells to prevent them from getting anywhere. From the back one could see on horseback the leader of this army, a goblin necromancer wielding a staff topped with the a human skull.

"Puny mortals, you dare get in the way of Volb the Riser from gathering sacrifices for his master. You shall regret making such an ill advised decision today." As he lifted his hand the skeletons and goblins moved away giving him room but left him exposed to attacks. Well he would be exposed had he not pointed to the ground summoning 3 death knight clad in large black heavy armor. One was wielding a large claymore, another had a morningstar and shield, and the last was holding a tower shield and battleaxe. Added on top the Volb gathered necrotic energy around the city so as to slowly weaken any living creatures in the area.

"That should do it but I'm not sure if this is entirely even for both sides....... Oh well I wasn't planning on them dying so soon so I can always use my back-up plan if needed."

Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 GreyGremory GreyGremory Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Astrylan Astrylan
Interaction Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Astrylan Astrylan
Alstromere continued to effectively but unwieldy carve through the goblins that got close managed to split out all the way in half the cut seemed to smolder with a whispy spectral purple somewhat similar to the scythe itself. With all the goblins dieing her bone like spectral wings changed form a dim glow to a far more vibrant white looking more like wings now. Of course, the fighting distracted alstromere form what would have been her main concern how many people were so close to her, far to concentrated on striking her goblin attacks then listening to the plan Ashe was concocting, every once and a while hitting a goblin with a necrotic bolt of energy. Alstromere’s anxiety Spiked with the arrival of more people and that other necromancer presence drawing closer she would have said some but the words got stuck in her throat. Soon they were surrounded by far better-organized goblins forcing everyone closer together, making the poor girl even more uncomfortable losing the grip on her scythe dropping it. She just wanted to hide somewhere at this point but she knew she would have to just pull through. Especially when the goblin necromancer summoned forth 3 large armored knights, alstromere could feel the narcotic magic flow through the area around them, bringing her some sense of familiar relief. But she did know that it wasn’t good for other not normals (regular people) “Umm.. might wanna make this quick there a lot of necrotic energy around” she said sheepishly quickly grabbing her scythe off the ground.

Gib Coline
interaction GreyGremory GreyGremory
Oh well yes.. i” looking over at another group of well-armed individuals one of them gib assumed one of them was those clerics as she seemed rather capable of dealing with those rather grizzly undead. Giving a nod to the overall energetic halflings suggestion “yes that would be a good idea safety in numbers afterall” he expression shifted to that of slight shock as he saw the human shred a hole in the goblin lines the momentary pause had giving the goblin enough time to begin closing ranks. with slight concern, gib summoned a few illusions of himself all of them running at the opening in hopes the goblins would be distracted.

That they where in fact managing to the group.only for a far more organised force of goblins to surround and box them in concern mounting on the teifling face gib gave a awkward but confident smile in hopes of concealing this, as the necromancer approached and began the usual speech you got with this type of person gib wondered if the could perhaps hit him with a vial of poison. No there where barriers in the way, having not got a good look at the people he was trapped with nor exactly cared at this precise moment “ I feel there has been some miss understanding I never intended on” his voice was cut off by the summoning of three heavily armed and armored individuals “well I guess there’s no talking our way out of this one” he said with a sigh readying himself to fight until some opening to escape presented itself.
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Tabitha did her best to listen to everyone but when the necromancer showed him-self Tabitha's vision narrowed on him. The army had moved aside for him and she was about ready to dash towards him but hesitated when 3 death nights were summoned. The hesitation was short lived as her brain tried to calculate who looked the strongest. Tower shield with battleaxe. Oh yes the dude was much larger than her and his weapons where probably twice her size but that didn't matter to her. She hated her height most of the time but now, being this small, allowed her to be extra dodgy. Ignoring what everyone else said Tabitha said "I call dibs on the big dude." before charging off. The goblins only managed to get a few blows in before she made it to the death knight. Her left hand pulled back into a fist and she went to punch the shield, hoping the strength her tribe took pride in could at least tent it.

Viserra was happy that everyone she saw was finally near her. It made her at ease despite the predicament. From the corner of her eye she could see that Alstromere was starting to struggle with the amount of strangers around them. She struggled to the point of dropping her weapon. Viserra's free hand went up and touched Alstromere's arm and tried to give off a soothing aura. She knew how hard this was for the girl and it wasn't her plan to have this happen all at once. "You are doing great my child." It was then that the 3 death knights came to being, after the necromancer had finally showed himself. Viserra could feel the necrotic energy in the air and it bothered her. Alstromere relaxed next to her but now Viserra was tense. Then the halfling shot by her, taking almost no time to think before charging into combat. This was something Viserra would need to fix in the future. That rashness would get her killed. "I agree with Alstromere. We need to finish this fight quickly. You, "Viserra turned to the large fighter (Byakuya). "Please go help the halfling. Your look strong and your fighting styles seem similar. I'm sure you'll fight well together. You and you and Celes I believe? I think it is best that you guys focus on the other two." Viserra spoke to the teifling, the paladin looking man and Celes." I can help when needed with my healing and my attack magic. As you have seen it can do some damage to undead but I can only use it so often. Ashe," Viserra looked at Ashe. "While those big guys are distracted sneak around and take out the necromancer. Alstromere will be able to help you hide your energy. Plus he's a goblin. I'm sorry but if we can't take him out quickly it will be an embarrassment." Viserra's free hand face palm out towards the halfling. Healing energy shot out at the girl as she took more damage.

Interactions: Quinlan63 Quinlan63 GreyGremory GreyGremory Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Astrylan Astrylan

Azh'Shir - Celestia

Azh'Shir nods at Vissera, and glances at Celestia, who nods in return. "Alright, I guess it's our best chance at getting him..." Azh'Shir waits for Alstromere to apply whatever it is to him, and starts his attempt at sneaking around unnoticed while the goblins and Necromancer watch the rest fight. He only hopes when it notices someone is missing, it will be when there is a dagger in it's back.
Celestia moves towards the Deathknight with the Claymore, telling the other two to take care of the last one. "This guy will be slower and more predictable due to the weapon, so it should be a great opponent for my fighting style. I'm not as agile as Ashe, but I'm most certainly not clumsy either." She dodges the first strike from the giant Claymore, and gets closer, so it would be harder for it to use the longer reach it had. Along with the fact it was a good foot taller than her, this made both the horizontal and vertical strikes easier to dodge and parry. She decided to play this more defensively, as she knew with it being undead, it wasn't going down until the necromancer was taken down. After parrying a couple times, she got a better idea on how to divert the massive power the thing had with her swords, without having to use much strength; she wasn't going to win in that kind of contest versus this thing. She noticed Ashe was almost in a good position to come up behind the goblin, but didn't change her fighting style. Suddenly going on the offensive might tip the goblin off, and that would end their plan entirely.
Azh'Shir was getting close to being in the Necromancer Goblins blindspot, directly behind him, and began moving towards him while still circling. Thankfully, the goblins hadn't be ordered very clearly, and were busy grinning at the people fighting what they saw as a useless battle, knowing the Death Knights would never be completely defeated.
Ash'Shir was right behind the Goblin Necromancer, before it realized something wasn't right... it shuddered, as a heavy killing intent suddenly appeared behind it. It turned, only to see nothing behind him... It sighed, then turned back around to the fight, only to be greeted instead, by a dagger in each eye, which were dragged up, into it's skull, and out the top of it's head, killing it instantly.

"Well, didn't realize I had such an intense hate for goblins..." He ponders about this for a bit, before jumping down off the horse, and throwing the goblins body into the middle of everything, showing the goblins that were left after the undead vanished, exactly what would happen to them if they stayed any longer...

Celestia was readying to parry an attack she wasn't quite able to dodge, when the Giant Claymore stopped mid-swing. The Death Knight then immediately crumbled to dust, and a dead goblin was thrown into the midst of what was left of the Death Knight. When she saw the wounds that killed it, she grew concerned about Ashe. He had never been that brutal before... What exactly- She shook her head, she'd worry about it after things settled down, she'd never known him to be someone who'd kill like that, or one to bottle his emotions. She began to wonder if he had found something that day a couple years ago, that he had neglected to mention.​
Luke Fullheart
Things were quickly changing all around as Luke did his best to keep up with the constant assault from the goblins and skeletons. Once a few others joined in with them the odds of making it out alive were starting to look far better than they were moments before. That was until they started to close ranks and surround to the point that escape was no longer a possibility. They had even put up magical barriers to make it so they couldn't just fight their way through. Once they let through the leader of their group, the goblin necromancer, he knew this was the chance they needed to turn the tide. Although the three deathknights and the necrotic field would be troublesome. The one who he assumed must be a priestess of some kind started giving out order on what should be done. He didn't see any other action better to take this moment so he did so without question. With the axe and shield and the other with a claymore being taken Luke advanced on the last one not waiting on the tiefling to help. Unfortunately it was not easy, even with his great strength that could shatter boulders the necrotic field was sapping his strength over time. Neither his short spear or sword were of any use in this kind of fight since the death knight's defences were perfect. Dodging swing after swing from his morning star and parrying what he could he realized using range was a better option. Backing up so as to keep everyone else behind him out of the fight he sheathed his sword so to have one of his hands free. Reaching down he picked up a stone on the ground and placed a fire rune on it lighting up creating a makeshift fireball. Throwing one after the othe he was making some headway but wasn't expecting it to turn to dust. Looking over towards where the necromancer should have been he could see that he had been thrown from his horse and left bloody on the ground. Not trusting that would end it all he unsheathed his sword and set it on fire waiting for the enemies move.

Needless to say he was not expecting such a quick death like that to happen. Yeah he knew goblins weren't that durable but the mortal that landed the killing blow did it so well that it really made hm consider whether or not he should have sent something like a dragon after them. Oh well no matter he always had other options to throw at them to make things interesting. So as to not ruin his plans with a mere thought he had every single member of the army to pull out a teleportation crystal (except for the ones driving away on the carts hauling people out of there). Throwing down the crystals on the ground they all disappeared as if they were not there in the first place only leaving the carnage as a sign that they were there in the first place. With them gone he saw this as the perfect moment to keep things going.

"Well that was much quicker than I expect but you all put up a good fight," he said appearing before them. "You are definitely the adventurers that I have been waiting for."

Astrylan Astrylan Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 GreyGremory GreyGremory
Byakuya was pissed. He had gotten surrounded by the enemy before he could rescue the last of the goblins captives and had to regroup but whats more is that this strange hooded figure seemed like he had been watching the whole time. He walked over to the hooded man "Great so if we were the people you were looking for then why didn't you help us earlier?" he asked with no hesitation. He looked around at the bodies from both sides that had fallen "In what way does any of this seem right? In what way is anything that has happened fair?" he gestured around at all the dead on the ground. he had never seen the figure before but he didn't like it. He was furious at how little his strength had actually changed and even more at how little people he had actually helped. He let out an enraged shout before turning to the rest of the group "I can't be here right now" he said before jumping onto one of the buildings and then speeding back toward the forest.
Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Astrylan Astrylan
Viserra & Tabitha
Viserra was relieved when they finally took down the necromancer. She watched as all the undead around them fell to the ground but those that were living pulled out these crystals and threw them on the ground, disappearing when they broke. When a cloaked man suddenly appeared in front of them Viserra reached out and grabbed Tabitha with her free hand for she could tell that the girl was about to rush into combat with the strange man."Hey!" Tabitha glared at Viserra. "Calm down child. He is not someone you want to mess with." Viserra wasn't sure if the others were able to feel the power radiating off the man but she sure could.
'Great so if we were the people you were looking for then why didn't you help us earlier?" Viserra and Tabitha agreed with the fighter but Viserra also had a feeling on why he didn't. Viserra released her grasp on Tabitha. She knew if the girl really wanted to be released she would have the second her hand touched her and she was happened the girl didn't rip through her grasp. "
As much as I hate to say, all life eventually comes to an end. Some sooner than others." Viserra glanced at the man who spoke earlier as she said this and then looked back at the cloaked figure. "And why are you searching for us?" Viserra was really curious. Maybe he was the reason Lord Apollo sent her that vision? Her God would never steer her wrong. As painful as it was to watch others die, fate was already set in stone.
interaction: Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Quinlan63 Quinlan63
having helped Azh'Shir with the assassination of the goblin necromancer by applying a sort a negative-energy shield to them, the rest of the fight was a blur, Alstromere having closed her eyes only for a moment and when she opened them again, the necromancer was dead as and the rest of the goblins and people where gone. she exhaled loudly having held her breath, losing up a little now that there weren't so many people around but still enough to keep Alstromere on edge. but when some man appeared suddenly in front of the group and it made Alstromere jump back a little in surprise, inching closer to Viserra, who was holding back the aggressive half-ling. alstromere grabbing onto the priestess's shoulder lightly hiding behind the elf somewhat. "umm... what.. do you.." alstromere would have finished her question when she remembered something "wait... Viserra.. is umm... would this be like related to that vision you where talking about?" she asked curiously

(short one for alstromere)

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