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Fantasy Realm Chronicles| CC

Azh'Shir - Celestia

Azh'Shir and Celestia were readying themselves for the goblins next attack when they all began to reach for something in a pack. Surprisingly though, they all threw something on the ground, disappearing to somewhere else. Hopefully not nearby. Though, from what happened in the next few seconds, the guy who suddenly appeared before them was the true culprit behind the attack. Azh'Shir had a feeling this guy was not someone to be messed with casually, and no regular person could even think about casually taking on the being standing before them. "So, why is it exactly that you were looking for us? Did we all piss you off in a past life or something? There are definitely better ways to find us than this." "I agree, you could have just appeared to us like you just did now rather than killing off half a city." Alright, half was a pretty big exaggeration, but still, not the best way to get someones attention really.
The two companions stood next to Vissera, who seemed to at least have an inkling of what was going on. Azh'Shir ended up close to Alstromere. He gave her a quick smile when he got closer before turning back to the weird guy that had appeared before them.

Azh'Shir's Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Celestia's Interactions: Quinlan63 Quinlan63
Quinlan - Luke

Needless to say Luke echoed the feelings of the others about the current situation but kept quiet. He wasn't sure who this person was but from the feeling of power coming off of him he didn't want to make any kind of hasty moves. Moving closer to the other to make sure that he didn't leave his back exposed he waited for this person's response.

"Well I couldn't just get in your way when that goes against the rules. In fact I can't be here too long but wanted to make sure you all knew what kind of situation you have been dropped in. But first things first, "he said waving his hand towards Byakuya teleporting him back. "That's better now I can introduce myself without having to do this twice. Well now I guess if it isn't obvious to you all I am no mere stranger but the powerful Quinlan, god of adventure and you all are my next chosen adventurers to take on a grand quest of my design. As for the death that has taken place that served two purposes, the first being that those who died today actually would of died tomorrow from a terrible disease and I don't think that is a very adventurous way for people to die. Second is that I wanted to test you all to see if you really had what it took to do what will come next. Oh that reminds me I need to explain what the quest is so you don't run around for an entire week not realizing." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a scroll with writing on it.

"Alright, so there is a large number of monsters and demons who were sleeping for the past thousand years have finally awoken and are on a complete rampage. It hasn't gotten that bad yet but what happened here is only the beginning of potentially the end of the world. You all are the world's only hope.... Wait I'm sorry you were the first I picked to handle this quest in the even that you all meet an untimely demise. And before anyone says no they won't do it I would like to remind all that adventure is something that will seek you out if you try to ignore it. Besides I'm not cruel, you all were able to beat the necromancer so well that the rest of his forces retreated. They could easily stay and tried to finish you off before you even had a chance to understand the situation. Plus I'm very rewarding to those who go on adventures that I send them on.... Or was that removed from all the writings about me. Honestly, a dark lord takes over the world for 100 years and people start complaining that I'm not fair enough. Its not like they weren't killed off by some heroes that I sent to kill him after the fact.... I'm sorry I'm rambling on, pretty much you have to kill.... What was it one, two, oh that's right 5 different dark lords who are planning to conquer the world by any means necessary, But your in luck for each of you were perfectly picked because you have all the necessary skills and abilities to potentially win in the end... Hopefully. Oh well I've been here long enough the first clue is to find those people who were taken. Oh and I'll be watching you every step of the way." With his last words he teleported back to the heavens to watch what they do next.

Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Astrylan Astrylan Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 GreyGremory GreyGremory
Tabitha couldn't believe what she was seeing. This person who could do things she's never seen before, got them together to...go on an adventure? What the heck is up with that? Not that I'm complaining. It was now that she was happy the priestess had held her back from attacking the man called Quinlan. Tabitha heard the necromancer speaking to the priestess, Viserra was her name? It seemed like she knew a little bit about what could be going on which pissed off Tabitha. Why wouldn't she say something to prevent these deaths? The train of thought got distracted when this Quinlan person mention that there were multiple people they had to defeat. Tabitha sure did love to get into fights and this would allow her to test her strength and prove she could beat anyone. The man disappeared after giving them their first clue. It was then that Tabitha turned to face the group. "Well I don't know about you guys but I'm in."

Viserra could feel Alstromere getting closer to her. She looked over at the girl and her heart went out to her. Today was a tough day for her social anxiety. Viserra really wasn't intending for it to be this overwhelming for the girl. When she mentioned her vision Viserra nodded. "I couldn't see much, as you know my visions are very limited. I just know that we were all together fighting something i couldn't see." As they continued to listened Things started to click for the priestess. This was why Apollo sent her here and she was ready to take on the mission. When the halfling said that she was in Viserra nodded. "I don't like his methods but the reason is something we cannot ignore. Alstromere and I are in as well. We could use a little adventure."
interaction: Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Quinlan63 Quinlan63
alstromere listened to the strange man that hand appeared... talking about demons and monsters waking up, and was apparently a deity also, ok... alstromere could get behind that at least it made some sense even if it was incredibly uncomfortable... why of all people had she been picked... she was just... a regular person well at least in her mind. but then again... Viserra had seen her in that vision.. so it must be right? "well... i guess... we have... to work together, then" alstromere said somewhat quietly until Viserra herself confirmed that they were both in, alstromere smiling a little because it would be an adventure wouldn't it? just like her dad used to tell her about, maybe she could help some of the weird creatures as well "Yeah, an adventure, this should be fun right?"
"Fun?! What about this could be fun when we are basically being toyed around with like his personal play things" he said out of anger. Byakuya had tried to go off by himself to gain some clarity and maybe figure out where the carriages had made off to. Now he was back with the group of people he didn't even know who were all basically accepting what the man had told them without a second thought. He turned to the people "Do what you want but im going after those prisoners that the monsters made off with. With any luck they should be somewhere still semi close by" he said making his way back to the place where the captured had once been held. He looked around at the ground and tried his best to see if he could follow their trail "Where could you all have gone" he asked himself as he examined the ground.
Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Ch3rryBlossom28 Ch3rryBlossom28 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Astrylan Astrylan

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