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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

metalcity said:
Ent decided to ignore the call as it would be a waste of his time, he made his way to the food counter in the canteen and brought another tuna salad and milk and started eating/drinking as he started to randomly roam the school.
Damen glanced over with his mismatched coloured eyes, surprised to see Ent. He ignored him and continued eating his waffles.
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen looked up and smiled, his pale, dead face looking eery, but the smile appeared genuine. "Please take a seat, I have much I wish to say to you, and I would not see you stand, I would ask you to maintain your human form however, it is difficult speaking with a bird."

Night Wing, confused, sat down at a chair as she looked at Pollen "Sooo…umm, why exactly did you call me?" she asked seeming a bit perplexed on why he wanted to see her.
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Pollen leaned back and sighed "I wished to apologize for our first meeting, I was unkind, and I should have shown restraint. my life is e monotonous hell, but that was no excuse for the way I acted. I apologize for my actions. May I ask, How old are you as a Familiar. I am not knowledgeable on shapeshifters such as yourself."
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen leaned back and sighed "I wished to apologize for our first meeting, I was unkind, and I should have shown restraint. my life is e monotonous hell, but that was no excuse for the way I acted. I apologize for my actions. May I ask, How old are you as a Familiar. I am not knowledgeable on shapeshifters such as yourself."

Night Wing took a moment to take in the apology from Pollen, surprised still, she finally spoke " Oh…I'm 16……and one more thing…why do you use dark magic? I mean I've seen it before but I'vd only seen one person use it without corrupttion other than you…of course. Sorry if I'm to talkative sometimes" said Night Wing chuckling a bit.
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing took a moment to take in the apology from Pollen, surprised still, she finally spoke "16……and one more thing…why do you use dark magic? I mean I've seen it before but I'vd only seen one person use it without corrupttion other than you…of course. Sorry if I'm to talkative sometimes" said Night Wing chuckling a bit.

Pollen nodded and thought for a moment "Dark magic, as you call it, was merely another field of study back in the golden age of my race. I chose to specialize in it, not knowing that future species would consider it evil, but few humans can withstand the Lure of some of the Entities we in the school of the Dark arts are forced to deal with, and they fall victim to tragic possession, or, worse yet, corruption at the hands of these dark entities, it is these creatures that I fight agaisnt, and so I was chosen by those who destroyed my species to teach other humans how to defend agaisnt this, to avoid another dark age." He smiled "Does that explain your question, it is not the magic I perform that is dark, but the entities I must battle to harness it that are dark. there is great power and serving those entities, but it comes with a severe cost."
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen nodded and thought for a moment "Dark magic, as you call it, was merely another field of study back in the golden age of my race. I chose to specialize in it, not knowing that future species would consider it evil, but few humans can withstand the Lure of some of the Entities we in the school of the Dark arts are forced to deal with, and they fall victim to tragic possession, or, worse yet, corruption at the hands of these dark entities, it is these creatures that I fight agaisnt, and so I was chosen by those who destroyed my species to teach other humans how to defend agaisnt this, to avoid another dark age." He smiled "Does that explain your question, it is not the magic I perform that is dark, but the entities I must battle to harness it that are dark. there is great power and serving those entities, but it comes with a severe cost."

"Sorry…I didn't know" said Night Wing, she was slowky understanding what he meant but it still didn't completely answer her question, she was also surprised that none of what he said mentioned anything sbout the hunters. She shrugged the thought off as she spoke yet again "Thank you for apologizing…may I go? I sort of told Damen I'd meet him in ghe cafeteria" explained Night Wing biting her bottom lip.
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Pollen stood "I was feeling a bit hungry myself, perhaps I'll join you and Damen, I need to apologize to him as well. I sense you are dissapointed with my answer, was there something I did not cover?" He was a teacher, and he felt it was probably part of his job to explain how the dark arts outdated many of the modern troubles of the world, and that beings much older and much more powerful were at play.
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen stood "I was feeling a bit hungry myself, perhaps I'll join you and Damen, I need to apologize to him as well. I sense you are dissapointed with my answer, was there something I did not cover?" He was a teacher, and he felt it was probably part of his job to explain how the dark arts outdated many of the modern troubles of the world, and that beings much older and much more powerful were at play.

"Oh no, it's fine. You covered pretty much all if it" said Night Wing, she then thought about the idea of Damen and Pollen in the same room…she sighed a bit as she started smiling "I suppose you could…eat with us…" said Night Wing not wanting to be rude. She opened the door as dhe walked back out if the office and headed to the cafeteria.
Dnaleri017 said:
Kyo looked over to see Nami's struggle, "Hey guys, you got a customer, I suggest you listen." Kyo got up and walked up beside Nami, "See anything that pleases your taste?"
Nami smiled up at him, 'Thanks..' She looked back up at the menu, 'I've never actually really been to a cafe before so I don't really know what to get. Any suggestions?'
Domxx said:
Nami smiled up at him, 'Thanks..' She looked back up at the menu, 'I've never actually really been to a cafe before so I don't really know what to get. Any suggestions?'
"Hmmm... well if I had to choose I guess I'd choose one of the lattes or maybe a simple hot cocoa. Personally my favorite, and my usual for this place, is the hazelnut latte." Kyo chuckled, "So, once you order, tell me a bit about yourself." Kyo smiled, "If you'd like we could just talk about random stuff, find out what we both enjoy."
Dnaleri017 said:
"Hmmm... well if I had to choose I guess I'd choose one of the lattes or maybe a simple hot cocoa. Personally my favorite, and my usual for this place, is the hazelnut latte." Kyo chuckled, "So, once you order, tell me a bit about yourself." Kyo smiled, "If you'd like we could just talk about random stuff, find out what we both enjoy."
Nami ordered her drink before going to sit at the sofa that Kyo was at before. 'What's do you want to know?' She asked, preferably not wanting to tell him too much that he could use to his advantage.
Domxx said:
Nami ordered her drink before going to sit at the sofa that Kyo was at before. 'What's do you want to know?' She asked, preferably not wanting to tell him too much that he could use to his advantage.
Kyo sat beside Nami on the sofa, "You know, I really hadn't thought too much about it..." Kyo stared absently at the wall in front of them for a moment before turning to respond, "How about just something simple, what kinds of hobbies do you enjoy?"
Dnaleri017 said:
Kyo sat beside Nami on the sofa, "You know, I really hadn't thought too much about it..." Kyo stared absently at the wall in front of them for a moment before turning to respond, "How about just something simple, what kinds of hobbies do you enjoy?"
Nami didn't seem to be sure what she enjoyed doing either. She settled for the simple answer of, 'I like fighting..' Before asking him the same question.
Domxx said:
Nami didn't seem to be sure what she enjoyed doing either. She settled for the simple answer of, 'I like fighting..' Before asking him the same question.
"Hmm, well obviously by the headphones I love music, in fact I'm writing some of my own for my guitar and violin." Kyo thought for a moment, "Normally I don't talk as much... my only friend before I met you was Akinari Sugimura... and I love illusions, hence why it's my main magic besides the portals. Oh and I hate fighting unless I have to, but I do train anyway every now and then." Kyo smiled, "But mostly I just chill and do my own things."
Dnaleri017 said:
"Hmm, well obviously by the headphones I love music, in fact I'm writing some of my own for my guitar and violin." Kyo thought for a moment, "Normally I don't talk as much... my only friend before I met you was Akinari Sugimura... and I love illusions, hence why it's my main magic besides the portals. Oh and I hate fighting unless I have to, but I do train anyway every now and then." Kyo smiled, "But mostly I just chill and do my own things."
Nami was astounded. 'You can play two instruments?!' She asked, blinking in surprise. 'My magic is mostly to do with the mind .. and stuff. I'm normally by myself so sorry if I come off as unsociable..' she apologised, avoiding eye contact.
Domxx said:
Nami was astounded. 'You can play two instruments?!' She asked, blinking in surprise. 'My magic is mostly to do with the mind .. and stuff. I'm normally by myself so sorry if I come off as unsociable..' she apologised, avoiding eye contact.
"Nah, I know how being shy works, honestly this is the most I've talked ever." Before being able to continue one of the employees spoke, "Yea, he normally never talks, by the way, your guys' stuff is ready." Kyo got up and retrieved their drinks handing Nami's to her. "Anyway, I know quite a few places in and out of town from my wandering since I normally walk around to work on my music." Taking out his small notebook from his back pocket he opened it up revealing pages upon pages of notes, some of which were crossed out or highlighted, "This is what I've been working on for my guitar, it's a work in progress but enjoyable nonetheless." Kyo took a sip of his coffee and smiled, "Ahh, I'll never get over the amazing tastes of hazelnut."
Dnaleri017 said:
"Nah, I know how being shy works, honestly this is the most I've talked ever." Before being able to continue one of the employees spoke, "Yea, he normally never talks, by the way, your guys' stuff is ready." Kyo got up and retrieved their drinks handing Nami's to her. "Anyway, I know quite a few places in and out of town from my wandering since I normally walk around to work on my music." Taking out his small notebook from his back pocket he opened it up revealing pages upon pages of notes, some of which were crossed out or highlighted, "This is what I've been working on for my guitar, it's a work in progress but enjoyable nonetheless." Kyo took a sip of his coffee and smiled, "Ahh, I'll never get over the amazing tastes of hazelnut."
Nami giggled, 'Thankyou.' She said, taking her drink and sipping from it. 'I'd love to here you play sometime.'
Domxx said:
Nami giggled, 'Thankyou.' She said, taking her drink and sipping from it. 'I'd love to here you play sometime.'
"Well I'm playing here at the café tomorrow night so you can join me then." Kyo chuckled, "So what about your mind game magic, what kinds of stuff do you do?" Kyo took another sip of his coffee and sunk into the sofa a little. "I might just have to crash here if this coffee stays as good as it always is."
On her way out, hearing how many students were being summoned, Heather figured she might eventually have to actually do something, so she stopped at the exit to the cafeteria and spun around, scanning for anyone to sit with. There were a few people, but most of them seemed to have found friends. She overlooked Damen because he was weird, but seeing as how everyone else was pretty much preoccupied, decided to sit with him anyway. She sort of stood across from him and asked, "Mind if I sit with you?" While setting her stuff down and settling in.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
On her way out, hearing how many students were being summoned, Heather figured she might eventually have to actually do something, so she stopped at the exit to the cafeteria and spun around, scanning for anyone to sit with. There were a few people, but most of them seemed to have found friends. She overlooked Damen because he was weird, but seeing as how everyone else was pretty much preoccupied, decided to sit with him anyway. She sort of stood across from him and asked, "Mind if I sit with you?" While setting her stuff down and settling in.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked up, surprised to see the girl from earlier "Sure" he said while continuing to consume his waffles.
"Thanks," she said, already taking a bite of yogurt and settling in. "You sortta left before I could introduce myself. I'm Heather. Just arrived this morning." She thought of extending her hand to shake his, but her hands were busy with food, which was always a priority.
Kazehana said:
"Thanks," she said, already taking a bite of yogurt and settling in. "You sortta left before I could introduce myself. I'm Heather. Just arrived this morning." She thought of extending her hand to shake his, but her hands were busy with food, which was always a priority.
"Oh sorry about that, I sensed something in your dorm but when I saw it was you…nevermind" said Damen as he continued eating his waffles but then remembering her introduction "I'm Damen" he said continuing to eat.
She scowled and stared at him for a few moments, unsure if he was serious or not. "Do you not even remember already introducing yourself, yet you rememeber spying on me?" She was a tad upset that stalking was his priority. She took a bite out of her banana, trying not to make it forceful. If she wanted to meet people, she couldn't be THAT annoyed with them already.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
She scowled and stared at him for a few moments, unsure if he was serious or not. "Do you not even remember already introducing yourself, yet you rememeber spying on me?" She was a tad upset that stalking was his priority. She took a bite out of her banana, trying not to make it forceful. If she wanted to meet people, she couldn't be THAT annoyed with them already.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen's face went red a bit when she said 'spying' "No…that's not what I was doing please I can explain" he said while sighing. "My gift allows me perception of the physical, emotional, mental, magical, dark etc. worlds. I could sense 4 of the same person in your dorm. That's not something I've ever seen before…" explained Damen, seeming to be more chill than he just was. Now he was glad he didn't use his magic eye to see into her dorm for he didn't want Heather, or anyone for that matter, think of him as a stalker.

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