Other Random question of the day

It would be cool, but not sure it would be a fun existence.
I think one would be rendered insane. I mean, if your a human, a human brain can only handle so much information before it does a dump to maintain sanity.
A lot of people with photographic memories struggle. Although, is this an existence with a photographic memory or just like they have lived so long.
I would think it would get boring after a while. There is a sort of understanding with every creature's all things are born and all things die. It's not necessarily a sad thing. Like, the human mind and body can only go on for so long. I think science has dictated if you lived a completely pure existence your organs have a life span of 150 but I mean, that's a stretch.

It's sort of nice knowing life's show has an ending.

Now, like, a computer maybe? That would be interesting and a bit sad
Physically impossible. In order for there to be a school, there needs to be civilization, and in order for there to be civilization, there must be written, or at least a strong oral storytelling system. And as long as people pass down stories from generation to generation, there is history.
Random question of the day:

Do you ever feel lonely? If so, what do you do to combat that loneliness?

All the time, and I try to combat it with roleplays, to an increasingly less effectiveness because I’m usually spending a lot of energy trying to keep my partner entertained, instead of focusing on myself because I’m tooo nice

(And no I am not referring to you Alex)
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

What's the perfect example of annoying fictional characters getting what they deserve (In your opinion)?
Spinning plates has always been my favorite song since it came out and I first heard it on the radio. At that point in my life I really resonated with me being recently post 911. I remember this song being a part of a time when the world was becoming real, I suppose. I mean, not in a sad or dramatic way but I was sort of coming of age. Spinning plates is about thinking you have life spinning in one direction and balancing but I mean it takes one little thing to set them off balance
Also like radiohead<3
I am going to say Doomsday. It's a DSMP Song about the UTTER DESTRUCTION OF L'MANBERG (v.2), but it has the message that "betrayal is wrong" behind it. Well, that's what I see.

Another is Celestial. Ed Sheeran. People who haven't seen the music video may think he's talking about a girl (again), but no, HE IS TALKING ABOUT POKEMON!!!!!!!!
"We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn.
It's more widely known for Gravity Falls right now, which is a shame. The original meaning of the song is sobering.

This was sung far and wide to Allied forces during WW2, having gone away from their families, their friends, and essentially their whole lives to fight in the world's most terrifying war with no guarantee of ever coming back. So many men's lives were lost for this cause and being in the military during such a horrible time was demoralizing, but Vera Lynn was a "forces' sweetheart", and among others, travelled to sing to the troops for morale.

In other words, in some of the darkest times the Earth has known, this was a song sung for the purpose of restoring hope and love to countless men who may never come back from their duties.
Do You Hear the People Sing from Les Miserables. It has gone from just one of many show tunes to a song used in protests worldwide, a symbol of defiance and democracy.

Also, the (hymn? Psalm? Poem?) Eli Eli by Hannah Szenes, a Jewish partisan. She wrote it before parashuting into Nazi occupied territory to rescue Hungarian Jews. She was murdered. it makes me cry whenever I sing the haunting melody.
I found a song fairly recently called “Intrusive Thoughts” by Natalie Jane. It spoke to me on a personal level. It’s a song about fearing love, but also being afraid of not finding love. It’s easier to be alone, but those same lonely thoughts keep me up at night too. It’s a bit self-destructive, but there is beauty in it.
Random question of the day:

Why is it common for people to get sick while on vacation?
It usually boils down to water! Even if your traveling from city to city the water can be different and upset the balance of your gut. Not to mention this is very common when you travel country to country as well. Actually, it's like very common, and often times why people bring bottled water. It's just easier on the stomach. In some places, you are required to boil your water before drinking and this is not just excluded to impoverished places and not excluded to only impoverished countries. ( for example if I go visit my mother I have to boil the water before drinking) Did you know up to fifty percent of indigenous tribal homes live without clean drinking water! That means they have to buy their water or boil their water before even taking a bath. At risk of getting sick. In Canada it's similar if not worse and Canada is the largest clean water resource. So I mean, it depends from country to country what has happened with the water too. Ah, water is a huge reason. Now, I'm certain, all sorts of sickness that people are not immune to and stress oh gosh that can bring on sick and it just happens sometimes. </3

But for general vacation like generally water, could be simple, could be complicated,

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