Random OOC Chatting

Hello everyone, so just giving a heads up. I've made a 1x1 rolplay area, so if anyone would like to do 1x1 rps with anyone else, they are welcome to. I did this so 1x1 interactions dont stuff up the group rps. ^^
I got another character idea yet I'm not sure about using it since I've got too many armor-clad characters. Such is life lol.
I was gonna add my necromancer in 'welcome to the jungle'

Which every single time without fail, that song gets stuck in my head, so thank you for that. Lol

-high fives- ^_^
Yeah, with that title it was my intention as well as a pun for the setting lol. Go ahead and add them into there if you want, everybody's welcome to the jungle. We got fun and games! And death, lots of that  :P  -high five-
That's both awesome and at the same time totally not kool. Lmao

Everytime, that song will get into my brain and drive me nuts Dx

I shall, if not tonight, then tomorrow I'll jump in. C:
Well, I did want to make an environment for the RP that would actually have some element of danger lurking in it, and figured the homeland of Mehran was the perfect candidate!

If it's that bad I'll keep the references down a bit in future titles. Jump in whenever, not like the the thread is going anywhere lol
Aw, thanks! I'm just glad to get another shot at making it something good this time. I didn't get much of a chance to do what I hoped to the last time I tried it.

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