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Raising the Winchesters

Dean smiled at his brother's giggles, giggling himself. Soon, both brothers were lying on the floor, giggling at each other.
His giggles dying down, Sam crawled over to their pile of toys and pulled out a stuffed giraffe and elephant. The giraffe reminded the younger Winchester of himself, since they were both tall. And the elephant reminded Sam of Dean, since they were both strong. It seemed the perfect fit.

Holding the elephant towards his brother, the floppy-haired little one babbled cheerfully.
Dean smiled and took the elephant from Sam, making it play with the giraffe. Dean imimtated an elephant the best he could, trying to make the younger Winchester smile. 'Course it didn't take much to do that.
Giggling and clapping his hands excitedly, a bit of drool poured from the corner of Sam's mouth and onto his clothes. He didn't know what a giraffe sounded like, so he made a cute, confused expression as he wondered what to do.
Dean frowned a bit, when he saw Sam's confused face. He scooted over to Sam, and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, smiling softly. "Otay, Sammy..." Dean cooed.
Blushing slightly, Sam nuzzled his brother and cooed fondly. Leave it to Dean to always make him feel better.

In a brighter mood, the younger crawled back to the pile of toys and pulled out some crayons and coloring books. Sharing a page with Dean, Sam handed the older a few crayons before giving his brother a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
Dean blushed and picked up a crayon, helping Sammy color in the dinosaurs on the page, making one green and blue, trying his best to stay inside the lines.
Dean smiled as he slowly pushed a load into his diaper, enjoying the sound of plops and soft crinkles as it filled the back of his diaper, and the feeling of the soft, smelly warmth, that was compact inside the puffy garment taped around his waist. Dean looked over at Sam, who appeared to be pushing out a load, too. That was confirmed when Dean heard a loud squelching sound.
Setting down his book, after hearing the sounds of his boys messing their diapers, Castiel carried both of them to the changing table. Going through the similar routine, the angel hummed to himself a familiar, meaningless tune.

Being a good boy, Sam didn't fuss or squirm during the diaper change, instead babbling to Daddy and Dean.
Dean however, did not want a diaper change. He wanted to enjoy his messy diaper for a while, as little boys often did.
Seeing his eldest fuss over the change, Castiel spoke firmly, "Dean, I am doing this so you don't get a rash."
Dean grumbled and crossed his arms with a small huff, pouting a bit, as he let Cas change his diaper, unhappy with the decision.
Hearing his brother's grumbles, Sam giggled before wiggling in the comfort of his fresh diaper.

Finishing changing Dean, Castiel smiled to himself at the little one's pout, before bringing them back to the living room to finish their coloring.
Dean was still pouting when Cas sat him down on the floor, in the same spot he was in before. He was mad at Cas for changing him when he didn't wanna be.
Finishing with their coloring, Sam squealed and clapped his hands excitedly, proud of their artwork. Bouncing up and down, the younger couldn't contain his glee.
Attempting to tear the paper off, so that he and Dean could keep the picture in their room, Sam had managed to earn a paper cut. It didn't seem to help that his motor skills decreased so that his fingers were clumsy like a baby's.

Tears sprung in hazel eyes, and the younger whined loudly. It hurt.

Hearing his youngest's whimpers, Castiel immediately picked up Sam before washing the cut, drying his finger, and wrapping a band-aid around it. Cas gave an all-better kiss to the bandage, then bringing Sam back to his brother, and sitting down with the two.
Dean looked at Sammy, who was sniffling and whimpering. He frowned and scooted over to Sam, wrapping his arms around him.
Giving a few last sniffles, Sam snuggled closer to his brother, before giving those infamous puppy-dog eyes to Daddy, wanting him to cuddle too. The younger Winchester needed all the love he could get, at the moment, it seemed.

Smiling slightly, the angel tried his best to wrap his arms around his little ones.
Dean smiled and remembered one thing that always made Sammy laugh. Furrowing his brows and grunting, Dean let out a few farts, sighing happily. He then waited for Sammy to laugh.

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