Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Aurianna nodded a little to Kaito. "Yeah, it's fine." She said. "Take your break." He definitely deserved it. He was probably going to spend it was Eli and that was fine with her. Even if he took longer than a "break" would normally last, she wouldn't care. She could do things on her own, really.
Kaito gave her a little nod before he walks out with Eli holding his hand. They went off to eat some lunch together and probably talk a bit.

"So aurianna do you want to tell me what happened" amma said as she moves over to comfort the girl. She just wanted to know what happened from her part of the story.
Aurianna watched them go. "It happened so fast." She told Amma. "He came in and sat down, asking who Kaito was." She looked down. "Then he was kissing me and on top of me. I couldn't get him off and I couldn't yell for help. If Kaito hadn't come in--" She trailed off. She rested her head on Amma's shoulder. "He wouldn't have stopped."
"Kaito is a great young man you know that aurianna. I was the one who gave him his try out. When I heard his back story I was ready to give him the job but he told me that he wanted to prove that he could do it maybe you should look at him for a boy friend" amma said but the last part she said a bit teasily.
Aurianna was glad that Amma had given him the job. She smiled a bit hearing the teasing tone in her voice. "Maybe I should." She said. "Or at least friendship." She smiled a bit more. "You always say that I need to find someone who can keep me grounded." She didn't think she would ever see Kaito as "boyfriend" material, but definitely a friend.
Amma chuckles hearing her say what she said and agreed that she needed someone to keep her grounded. "Well that's good but never predict too soon if there one thing I learn in my old age is that the future is full of surprises" am said and look at the time and it would seem kaito break would be over soon.

Kaito came back to the room with Eli holding his hand. "Do you mind if you could watch her a bit more" he asked amma and she gave her nod before taking Eli with her. Eli waves kaito a bye and he looks at aurianna. "So is there anything you want me to do" he said as he stood ready for any orders.
Aurianna smiled more. "Can't wait." She said. She was never one for surprises, Amma knew that. She looked up at Kaito and Eli as they came in. When the two left, Aurianna looked at Kaito. "Can you tell me more about Eli?" She asked. "I don't have any siblings, but they seem like fun."
Kaito gave her a nod and took a chair to sit on it. "We'll she is a nice girls and she goes to school. I made sure to enroll her into a good school so she could have a great future. She wanted to quit and help me but I told her that if she stayed and got good great it would help a lot. She does her best to be the top of her class after I told her that" kaito said as he laid black in the chair and smile.
Aurianna smiled a bit more. She got more comfortable on her bed. "Have you ever thought about going back and getting your G.E.D.?" She asked him. She knew that graduating high school, at least, helped with job opportunities. Maybe it could help him out down the road, not many people wanted to be a butler their entire lives.
"Well I would love too but I have a full time job so its impossible to do. I'm fine as long as Eli makes it through life I'm content with my current education" kaito said as it was possible to go back to high school bit he had no time for it now.
"Who says your job has to get in the way?" Aurianna asked. "At least now." She added. "I mean, I'm still in school and it's easier to study with someone else." She smiled a bit. "You'd probably end up helping me study anyway, so why not try for your G.E.D.?" She didn't know why she was so intent on helping him get his diploma. Maybe it was because everyone deserved to at least have that.
"But what school can I go to, all the school are finish with registration so there probably no more spot for me. I will also be your butler during school since your private school will allow it" kaito said as he is now her full time butler and even during school he has To go with her.
Aurianna shrugged. "Seeing as your my butler, which I probably won't say much, and you have to go to school with me anyway." She started. "I'm sure it wouldn't really be much trouble to get you enrolled." She finished. "So, what do you say?" She asked. "Will you try?"
"Well if you won't mind then I'm goess ill give it a try and thank you for getting back to school" kaito said with a smile as he looks at her with a smile. He was really grateful that she was going to let him enroll into school again.
Aurianna smiled more. "Yay!" She was happy he said yes. "Just think of it as my thank you for saving me." She said. "Besides, how I see it, everyone has the right to at least graduate high school." She added. He had worked hard for years just to let Eli stay in school, the least she could do was get him back in it.
"I am grateful aurianna and if there is anything you want don't hesitate to ask me at all" kaito said as he was truly happy he was able to go back to school. He was also thankful that aurianna can get him back in and is willing to do anything for her.
Aurianna smiled more. Maybe Kaito would make a good friend. "Well, I don't think there's anything right now." She said. She was just glad that they at least got along. It would be horrible if one of them acted like they hated the other.
"Well so what about you can you tell me more about yourself" kaito said as he wanted to know more about aurianna. He was just a bit curious about her life.
Aurianna thought about it. "Well, my best friend is Lucy." She said. "You sort of met her earlier." She added. She thought a bit more. "I can do gymnastics too."
"Really that's quite cool I remeber I did park out for a bit in the past" kaito said as he rember when he was in a parkour team for the cash prize.
Aurianna tilted her head to the side. "What's that?" She asked. She'd never heard of Parkour before. She kind of wanted to know what it was.
"Well parkour is called free run basically we runs across building and obstacle using fluid movement" kaito said explains the sport. It's us a very a good sport and he does enjoy doing it .
Aurianna smiled again. "That sounds cool." She said. "You'll have to show me sometime." She added, not like she was talking to her butler and giving an order, but like she was talking to a friend. She was definitely starting to see him that way. It was hard to see someone your age as a butler.
"I could show you now if you really want me too" kaito said as he could a bit of parkour right now. It wasn't too haddock for him to do it and it would be a nice exercise.
Aurianna smiled more. "Really?" She asked. "Sure." It sounded like fun. Plus, it was something to distract her from what had just happened with Dante.

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