Rags and Riches (AkumaTenshi X Valentine2013)

Kaito stood there outside the room hearing the loud music from out there. He was surprised at the fact she had a boyfriend and just stood there. He was thinking what would happen if Eli had a boyfriend. "Probably will kill him" he said silently to himself.
Aurianna and him kept kissing. Suddenly he was on top of her, trying to take her shirt off. "Dante, what are you doing." She asked, trying to get him off her. He didn't stop, clearly he was more drunk than she thought. "Stop it, Dante." She continued to try getting him off her. "No." She was terrified, he was obviously going to try going all the way. She remembered Kaito, who was probably standing outside her door. All she needed to do was yell, but Dante must have guess this and covered her mouth with his.
Kaito stood there only hearing the loud music from her room and he sees a maid pass. "Um excuse me can you tell lady aurianna lunch is ready" she said and kaito gave her a nod.

"Aurianna lunch is..." He said as he opens the door and he sees both of them in the bed. He narrows his eyes when he sees she looks to be struggling. He moves into action and hit the guy quickly in the face. He then puts him in a chokehold which led him to let go of her. He then slams him to the floor and keeps to choke him. He eventually fall unconscious because of lack of oxygen and he goes over to aurianna. "Are you alright aurianna" he said in a concerned tone.
Aurianna had tears streaming down her face as she continued to try pushing him off of her. One of his hands had gone up her skirt. She barely heard Kaito over the music, but she sensed him. When Dante let go of her, Aurianna sat up and moved away. Her back pressed against the wall and her eyes closed. When he asked if she was alright, she nodded a little. "I'm okay." She said quietly.
Kaito gave her a light nod and looks at her tears. He takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and wipe away some tears. "Don't cry everything will be okay" he said with a light tone and a smile. He looks over to the guys and tie him up using duct tape. He then called 911 to take him away from the house.
Aurianna took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She looked up at Kaito, his presence made her feel better. "Thank you." She said quietly. She then did something she'd never done before. At least, not very often. She hugged him. She didn't know what would have happened had he not stepped in and helped her.
Kaito was a bit shock when she hugged him and he hugged her back. "Everything will be alright just sit down while I deal with him" he said as he led her to the bed so she could sit down. The police came and kaito gave his side to the story and they told him most likely he will be going to jail. Kaito went back upstairs to aurianna room and sees she was still sitting down. "Do you want me to bring you anything to help you calm down aurianna" he said as he stood infront of her.
Aurianna sat down, her heart was still racing. When Kaito came back, she looked up at him. She was more glad for him than anything else right now. "Some tea, maybe." She said weakly. Tea always seemed to calm her down. She was told she got that from her mother. Therefore there was always green tea in a cupboard in the kitchen.
"As you wish" kaito said with a light bow and he went into the kitchen. He started to brew her some of the tea and added some personal touches to it. He then comes back upstair with the hot tea on a tray and enter her room. "I got you some tea" he said as he serves it infront of her.
Aurianna felt weird as he bowed. When he came back, she looked down. "Thank you." She said softly. She took the cup, even just holding it made her feel calmer. "And, um, you don't have to bow, it's kinda weird." She told him.
"Alright if you wish it that way oh yeah wait here let me get your lunch" kaito said as he ran down stairs and got her the lunch. He came back up with a snawhich and chips on a plate and he sets it on a small table for her. "So do you feel better now aurianna" he said as he looked at her with a light smile wanting to cheer her up after that ordeal.
Aurianna watched him go. She didn't want to be alone right now, so she was glad when he came back. She didn't feel very hungry as she slowly sipped her tea. "Yeah, thanks." She said quietly. Still, she didn't want him to go. "How old are you, anyway?" She asked. She figured that if she talked to him, he wouldn't go. That way she wouldn't have to say anything about still being scared.
"Well I'm actually 17" kaito said as he sat infront of her formally. He didn't mind staying with her as she just finished with the whole ordeal. "So how about you aurianna what's your age" he said with a light smile as he was chatting with her a bit.
Aurianna was glad he stayed. "I'm 17 too." She said. It struck her as weird that a 17-year-old had a full-time job as a butler. "Why are you working here instead of going to school?" She asked.
Kaito heard her question and gets a sad smile on his face. "I drop out the first year to provide me and my siter money. You see aurianna my sister and I are very poor. I have worked most of my life and even 2 jobs to keep us afloat and with money. The problem was recently jobs stopped hiring me because of laws against child labor. Times were getting tough for us so when a job offer that would provide housing came up I immediately jumped at it. I'm just grateful now both me and my sister can live with a nice roof over our head" he said telling her most of his life story. He had kind people offer him money but he never accepted it because he didn't want to be a charity case.
Aurianna felt a bit sad for him. Not that she would ever outright say it, she didn't think he would like it. Her father never much cared for laws like that, he could easily get around them. "What's your sister like?" Aurianna asked next. She never had any siblings and always wondered what it was like.
"Eli is a wonderful little sister and I love her very much. She is a wonderful, caring and smart little girl. I rember one time when she wanted this dress for her birthday but it cost so much money, money we didn't have at the time but I still promised her the dress. I had to work 4 jobs that month and got only about 4 hours of sleep but when I saw her face open her present and jump up with joy, when I saw her put on that dress and gave a little twirl and a big smile, that was enough reward for me. I just want to make her happy and live a normal life" kaito said with a smile as he looks at aurianna. He loved his sister and only wishes for her to get a better life than the one he was providing.
Aurianna smiled a little as he described his sister. She didn't know what it was like to struggle for money, but it certainly didn't sound easy. "She sounds amazing." She said. "And you sound like an epic older brother." She added. She'd sort of wanted an older brother, or a younger sister. But of course, neither one could happen. She wanted to make sure he could stay here as long as possible, even if just to make sure his sister had a place to stay. She wasn't heartless.
"Thank you go the compliment but what about you. You probably have tons of story with the way you life" kaito said as he always thought what would it be like to be rich. He always thought rich people have somewhat easy life since they could provide themselves with all thier money.
Aurianna shrugged a bit. "I don't know. Dad's never home, I was raised by Amma." She said. That's what the older maid wanted everyone to call her. "I mean, it's not horrible at all. I get cool stuff, but I don't really use most of it."
"That still sound like a pretty good life aurianna" kaito said as he look at the time and technically it was break. The door of the room opened to reveal a little girl who look a bit like kaito. She looks at kaito with a soft smile before she runs to him and give him a hug as she nuzzle close to his chest. "Eli what are you doing here" he said as he pets her head as she nuzzle close to him. She doesn't answer and just continue to hug him.
Aurianna nodded. "I know." She said. It was a really good life, but she wasn't going to really sugarcoat her feelings over it and say that it was perfect all the time. When he looked to the door, she did too. Even before he said her name, she knew it was his little sister. She looked like him. It made her smile a bit seeing the two. She definitely admired Kaito for taking this job because of his sister. It was sweet and really showed family.
"Well she wanted to see you and I heard you were in this room" a voice said from the door and it open to reveal amma the head maid. She was a old lady but looks to have some youth still left in her eyes.

"Thanks for watching her for me amma" kaito said as he just let his sister hug him more. He honestly didn't mind since this was a norm.

"Oh aurianna dear I heard about what happen earlier are you alright" the head maid said as she comes over and sits beside her. She was worried when she heard the police come and told her about that she was almost raped.
Aurianna looked up and smiled a bit at Amma. She loved Amma like family. She smiled a bit. "Yeah, I'm okay." She said. "Thanks to Kaito." She added. She looked back at Eli and Kaito. They definitely loved each other, that much was obvious to her.
"Aah yes I heard about that thank you kaito for saving her life. Oh yeah it's your break time don't worry I will look over aurianna" amma said with a smile as she looked at the brother and sister pair.

"Are you sure? Aurianna do you want me to go now" kaito said as he just wants to make sure that he could go on his break. Eli stop hugging him and just stood up next to him with a smile.

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