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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

Victoria looked at her husband and smiled. "I love you more." She whispered and kissed him again and when he pulled away, she laughed softly. "Thank you for my gifts." She added.

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Taylor nodded but smiled. "There's still more." With that being said he headed down the stairs with Victoria in hand to eat breakfast with the kids.
Victoria smiled. Oh how excited her husband would be with her gift to him. She walked down as well and joined her family for breakfast. They all enjoyed the company.

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After breakfast Taylor cleaned the mess and went upstairs to change again. This time in jeans, a jacket and a long sleeve flannel. He smiled when Rose looked at her father questionably and turned to Victoria handing her another box, her next clue. Inside were a brand new pair of riding boots.
Victoria saw the confusion in her daughters eyes but Victoria looked at the box and then opened it. When she saw what was inside, she couldn't help but squeal and hug her husband close. A new pair of riding boots. She could never ask for anything more then what her husband got her. "I love them." She said and took them out and held them.

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"Good, I'm glad, you might be needing them." He says with a wink before opening the door for his mother who came to collect the kids for the day. When Lisa saw what her son was wearing she smiled. "That country sure is getting to you." Taylor laughed and turned to his wife. "I think I pull it off rather well, what do you think Hun?"
Victoria laughed and looked at her husband. "Oh you pull it off alright." She said and then laughed and kissed her husband before she went to go change. She was 3 weeks now and she had to be careful. She promised Rose everything would be fine. When she finished, she came out and smiled. "I'm all ready to go." She said and kissed him again.

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"Come alone then." He says with a laugh taking her hand and driving to the cabin. "Close your eyes." He says covering them and leading her out towards a field where there stood a white mare and he uncovered her eyes.
Victoria did as she was told and when she opened them and saw the mare, her eyes grew wide. "She's beautiful." She whispered and walked over to pet the mares neck. "Oh Taylor." She said and hugged him then kissed him. "I love you so much."

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Taylor smiled on her lips and kissed her back. "Let's go." He says taking her hand and helping her a top the hours. Something else she didn't know he and the horse spent a lot of time together lately so riding her was a breeze. At the end of their property there was now a big white pained barns with lights lighting the exterior. Getting down from the horse he brought her inside.
Victoria couldn't help but laugh at the barn. She walked in with him and smiled. "You never cease to amaze me Taylor." She whispered and kissed him once again. She just wanted to tell him right away but she refused. Not until later.

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"Well In your defense, your husband is pretty amazing." He says with a laugh walking over to kiss her and then pulled away. His surprises for her were over but it was a success.
"That he is." She whispered back and kissed him softly. She looked at everything and smiled. "Well, we should get back to the house because I have something for you." She whispered and put her hand on her stomach when he wasn't looking.

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Taylor smiled and nodded before he pulled away to put the mare back into her stall. "If you say so." He says with a laugh and kissed her once more before they walked back to the car.
Upon arriving to the house, she handed Taylor an envelope. It had a paper inside with a blue and pink wristband.

The paper read,

"Mr. Young,

Pink and blue wristbands now what could that possibly mean? I know. It gives you admittance to a room. A room of fun. Now let's go and explore this room together my love."

The paper said and when she saw his confused face, she laughed and led him to the room and opened it. Inside were pink and blue balloons with different names on them. The streams with the last name Young on it. Along the walls were papers that said boy or girl? And since Victoria was far enough in her pregnancy, she knew the gender already.

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Taylor looked at this wife confused and followed her to a room. When she opened the door it took him a minute to realize what all the streams and balloons meant. When he prices it together his eyes went wide and he smiled before he leaned into kiss her. When he pulled away he smiled at her laughs. "That's not fair, this year you win by default."
Victoria laughed at her husband and smiled as she kissed him again. "Would you like to know the gender of our next baby?" She asked as she took his hands and placed them on her stomach. Now finding out the gender wouldn't be easy. Rose and Victoria did something special for that.

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Taylor laughed and kissed her once more before he pulled away he looked at her confused. She kept it s secret for almost four moths already. "Well that's not fair either." He then nodded. "Of course."
She laughed softly and smiled. "Let's get to it then. This won't be easy. Rose and I put the sonogram rolled up with a string of pink or blue but the trick is, it's in one of the balloons. The balloon color had nothing to do with the gender by the way." She said when in reality, it did. The string was just to throw Taylor off. "Rose out it in a name she really likes for her younger sibling." She added and laughed.

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Taylor shook his head at the two and pulled out a pocketknife. "Who says this won't be easy?" Walking over to a set he began to look for the hidden picture.
"That's not fair." Victoria told her husband as the picture came out of a blue balloon with a pink string. Victoria merely laughed. "Looks like you found it."

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"Hey you never said how I had to find it." He says with a smirk before he bent done to pick up the picture. Despite the string color he had to see it for himself.
When he opened it, the words read, it's a boy. She laughed at her husband and couldn't help but smile again.

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Taylor smiled at the thought of another son and in the mist of his excitement he picked Victoria up and kissed her. When he pulled away he smiled at her setting her back up to her feet he then noticed how well she was hiding it from him and he couldn't help but laugh. "You're good."
"I try thank you." She whispered and kissed him again. She pulled away and smiled. "I love you." She whispered and then yawned. "What an exhausting day."

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