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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

Chris was in the kitchen, trying to get food. His yogurt to be exact. He had dropped the cheese and tea and practically everything but the yogurt. By the time his dad came, he tried reaching it one last time and with no success, sat on the floor and began to cry.

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Taylor notionally with what was going on would have gotten upset by this mess. The terrible two's for his son were no acception but this time he just smiled and went to pick everything up off the floor. Luckily nothing was busted or broken so it all went back into the fridge. When Chris saw that his dad was now in the kitchen he quickly jumped up and waited for him to hand him the yogurt. "What do you say?" His father asked him before he handed him the tube of flavored yogurt.
"Pleaseeee." Chris said, extending the e with a laugh and when he got it, his face lit up and he ran off to go eat it. It was so cute. He sat at the couch and watched tv while he ate his yogurt.

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Taylor couldn't help but smile but he couldn't leave Chris here unattended with his mother upstairs. "Come on, we have to go get sissy." Taylor says at at the mention of Rose Chris ran for the door. "Sissy!" He shouted excitedly and waited for his father to open the door.
When Rose saw her father pull up, she walked into the car and put her bag down. "Sissy!" Chris said and Rose smiled softly. "Hello Chris." Rose said and the two smiled at each other. "Sissy look!" Chris said pointing to the tv that was playing a movie. Rose laughed softly and smiled. "Hello dad." She finally said realizing she didn't acknowledged hkm.

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Taylor smiled at the two interacting. "Hi princess, what do you want for dinner?" He asks as they pulled away from the school. After everything that went right today Taylor dreaded he would have to go back to work in the morning.
"Chicken sounds really good right now." Rose said with a smiled as she and Chris played on her tablet like they always did to bond. Chris and Rose were getting close and Rose didn't mind. She loved it actually.

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Taylor nodded and went through Chik-Fil-A before the three arrived back home. Getting the kids situated he left them to ry while he went to go look for his wife.
Victoria was in bed still, asleep. She was wrapped in a blanket and shivering even though she was warm. She felt like she was getting sick.

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Gently set his keys back on the table and went to gently wake her. When they walked down the stairs he went back into the kitchen and have her some medicine to take. Hopefully it would prevent her from getting sick.
Victoria sighed as she sat down and ate with her family. "Ew mom mayo?!" Rose said as Victoria put mayo on her chicken. She laughed. "It's good but if you're barley noticing that you're late." She said and Rose made a face of disgust as her mom ate it.

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Taylor laughed at Rose, it was gross but Victoria had always done it. "How was school?" He asks the little girl as he three each of the dogs s fry,
"It went pretty well. We're doing a play and I got the lead role." Rose said and Victoria smiled. "That's fantastic love." She said and Rose nodded as she continued to eat. Victoria wished this normal day wouldn't end.

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Taylor's eyes lit up at the news he had never seen his daughter in that setting before and it excited him to see she had an interest in the arts like he had. In the least he was proud of her. "Are you excited?"
"Very. Rose said and Victoria knew her husband was excited that she could share something with her dad. It was oh so cute in her eyes. She then laughed softly. "Yall are dorks." Victoria said and Rose looked at her and stuck her tongue out at her.

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"I'll remember that." Taylor responds with a wink and a laugh. When they all finished eating the watched a movie with the kids and Taylor put them to bed before he walked back in the room. Seeing his wife with a book back in her hand he let out an exaggerated sigh for tease and took the books from her hands before he kissed her, long this time and laughed slightly when he pulled away and she pulled him back. "I believe we got interrupted." He whispers.
"I believe we did." She whispered and pulled him back as she began to kiss her husband again. She loved moments like this but after she kissed him for what felt like years. She reached for her book and began to read it again. She loved playing around with her husband like this.

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Taylor just shook his head and turned his back to face her. He knew it would drive her crazy of he didn't play along with her teasing. Containing to lay there he waited for her repose.
Victoria tried her hardest not to let him win but she couldn't. She hated when he didn't play along. She threw the book to the side but kept her glasses on and laid him back as she sat on top and kissed him passionately.

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Taylor smirked to himself when she gave in and accepted the kiss. "Well, hello there can I help you?" He asks, his eyes on her hands which were now under his shirt like they were before.
Victoria laughed and smiled as she took off his shirt. "Just want to spend some quality time with my husband." She whispered and kissed him again as her hands traced his abs again.

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"Hmm, if you wish." As he reached to pull her closer and began to kiss her again, his hand now on her cheek and for a moment he hesitated remembering how drastically things changed after the last time this occurred but she quick was reassure him. Later on in the night Rose came into the room and snuck in between the two of them after she had a bad dream.
Victoria too thought back to how things went last time but she reassured Taylor, they would be fine. They fell asleep together and when Rose came and slept with them, Victoria smiled and stayed asleep. Everything was normal that day.

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And they continued to remain normal am for the weeks that passed, Taylor cut down on work and was home more. Rose and Chris bother benighted from the fact their home environment was back to normal. Their parents seemed their usual happy selves again.
It was all perfect in Victoria's eyes. It all was. She smiled as she watched her husband okay with the kids outside. She enjoyed these moments.

(I has an idea)

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