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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

Taylor was there next to his wife but sat their in dis lied that this was all happening. His wife was fading and all in a time span of a few seconds Adalyn quit breathing because her lungs weren't fully developed. It was all a rapid nightmare.
A group of doctors rushed to the side with Adalyn trying to get the baby to breathe with all they could. Victoria was still unconsious and the other group was trying their hardest to stitch her back up and make sure she would be okay. They went to get blood and added another IV to help Victoria get more blood in her system. This was just a terrible scene that nobody should ever see.

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And despite it all Taylor say there silent, mainly because he was in shock not letting go of his wife hands. At this point he was desperate he did the only thing ever knew how to do when things got like this, he asked his sister what to do, maybe she would hear his silent calls for help.
Suddenly there was a cry from baby Adalyn. They were able to get her breathing again but she would need help until her lungs were fully developed. The cries were loud. Victoria still laid unconscious but her heart was still beating which was a good sign as well. All the doctors sighed a sign of relief. Everything hopefully would be fine. They continued to stitch up Victoria and when they finished, they tried waking her up. She slowly opened her eyes and weakly looked over at her husband as she heard the screams. She smiled. Adalyn was okay.

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At the sound of the baby's cry and at the sight of his wife coming back he smiled and wife smile and sent his sister s silent thank you before he kissed his wife. "She's here." He whispers with a smile. It would be a long road ahead for baby Adalyn but Taylor had a sense Jen would keep an eye on her. Because the baby was so small and under developed they rushed he to the NICU where they hooked her up to a bunch of monitors and machines. The doctor explained to Taylor they still weren't quite sure the little one would make it and if she did they would have to keep her until she was stable and of healthy weight, that meant leaving her her when her mother got released.
Victoria didn't like that but she knew it's what needed to happen. She smiled at her husband as he kissed her and then nodded at the doctor. She looked over at Taylor and smiled as she pulled the covers higher over her. "Did we give you a scare?" She whispered weakly.

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"More than that, get some rest." He whispers now that Victoria delivered they were able to give her her needed medicine so she could sleep peacefully.
Victoria smiled weakly and slowly fell asleep. She craved rest where she wouldn't feel the pain anymore. The next morning, the nurse came in with Victoria breakfast and smiled as she was still asleep. She laid the food on the tray and asked Taylor if he needed anything. The covers moving down slightly on Victoria to where her cuts became noticeable.

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Taylor quickly covered his wife up again before the horse noticed and shook his head but Thanked her. Letting his wife rest he felt with their mothers quietly when they entered and soon exited since the baby was off limits besides to her parents because of her weak immune system. When his wife finished reading he would help her down to see The baby.
Victoria stayed asleep for quite awhile and when she woke up, she ate breakfast and after that she looked at her husband. "I want to see her." She whispered and then looked at her arms and legs and noticed they showed. She sighed and slowly stood up. She wanted to change into her pajama pants and sweater. Just so no one saw her bruises and cuts.

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Taylor nodded and helped her get situated into the wheel chair since she was sore from surgery and walked her down the hall to the room full of incubators and machines as they made their way for Adalyn anger silently over came him when he saw just how small and helpless she was hooked up to all these machines just to keep her alive. Die, her father should die.
Victoria let her anger subside as she looked at her little baby girl. If she didn't make it, Victoria wouldn't be okay. She would break. She smiled as the little baby yawned. She was so beautiful. Victoria only wished things could have gone differently. "Hi baby Adalyn." She whispered and Adalyn yawned again. Victoria's heart melted at the sight of the yawn. She wanted her baby to live.

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Taylor eventually set his own anger aside, he need to be a pillar for his wife at a time like this. Watching the baby that looked to be no bigger than three pounds he picked out features of the both of them in her. She had to pull through hopefully she had her mother's strength.
Victoria smiled as she noticed the features. "She has your hair but my nose. I wonder whose eyes she'll have." Victoria whispered at the baby. She was beautiful. She wouldn't trade her for anyone.

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Taylor smiled at his wife and kissed her when she turned towards him. She was a beautiful little girl.. "She's perfect."
Victoria smiled and kissed her husband softly. She nodded and smiled. "I know she is. She's ours Taylor." She whispered and smiled at Adalyn.

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About a week later they released Victoria, they kept her longer than normal to keep an eye on her other wounds. Taylor could already tell Victoria was having a hard time leaving without their daughter. Because she was still sore from surgery he wrapped an arm around her to support her as she walked to see Adayln before they left.
Victoria was very sore and her other wounds were still in utter pain. She walked in and smiled at Adalyn as she yawned again but this time you heard a little noise from her. It was to cute. "She's so adorable." Victoria whispered as she yawned as well.

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Taylor nodded, it was hard for him to accept leaving their daughter here just as it did his wife. They would have to make a schedule to visit daily.
Victoria sighed as she walked off to the car after she left Adalyn. She sighed as they left. This was terrible. She didn't want to leave her baby girl behind.

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It was strange to leave without a baby but things would work out. When they arrived to Victoria's mom's to pick up the kids they ran for their mother but Taylor stepped in front of his wife. "gentle." He signs so Chris would understand what he was saying. "Mommy's hurt."
Rose and Chris sighed but went and hugged him softly. Victoria smiled and yawned, exhausted and slightly in pain. She looked over at Taylor and gave him a look he would understand. Everything was hurting and she wanted to cry but was fighting it.

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Taylor looked from the kids to his wife and went to grab her medicine before bringing it to her. Rose looked between her parents confused as to what was going on. No one told her about the baby.
Victoria took the medicine and Rose watched and looked at her dad confused. "What's going on?" Rose asked and Victoria sighed. Chris pushed up her sleeves and Victoria quickly covered them again. Rose looked even more confused now.

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Taylor sighed gently and walked over to Rose. He pondered for a quiet moment wondering how to explain this to an eight year old. "Remember when Grandma told you someone took mommy?" When Rose nodded. "Well, they hurt mommy but don't worry, she okay now." He added quickly. "and your baby sister decided to come early just see if mommy was okay."

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