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Quiet Signs of Love (YukiUchiha &Lexxy)

"I will!" She said and began to scream quietly and when she was set down, she laughed and smiled at the room. "Just a how nice?" She said and pulled away. She walked to their bed and laid down with her back facing him. "If it's just "nice" then you don't deserve anything else. I'm going to sleep." She muttered only to tease.

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Slowly walking up behind her her husband leaned into the bed on his knees and kissed her neck. "It's the most wonderful thing I've ever seen, thank you." He whispers against her neck.
Ashley looked over at her husband and cupped his cheek as she leaned up and kissed him passionately and gently. When she pulled away, she smiled. "I love you Taylor young." She whispered and kissed him again.

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Before he could go any further with their night together he pulled away. "are you sure this is what you want?" He asks with a sense of seriousness referring to the possibility of another child. That was a big responsibility and wasn't to be taken lightly and not to mention she was the one who has to go through with the changes of her body and having to protect a life. I'm
Victoria looked at her husband and nodded. She knew this was a big responsibility and she was okay with it. "Last one." She whispered with a smile and kissed him deeply again. She knew they could do it. Plus she knew as Rose grew older, she would help her with anything.

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Before Taylor had time to react Victoria was already kissing him. Not wanting to interrupt he silently agreed by kissing her in return. No matter what happened she had to know he would take care of all of them.
Victoria smiled as they continued to kiss and eventually, she pulled away and began to kiss her husband on his neck and jawline. "I love you Taylor Young." She whispered.

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"I love you too." Her husband whispers before he kissed her and things went farther. When the two went to bed they fell asleep curled up to each other.
Ashley slept rather late the next morning. She was exhausted. She stayed curled up close to her husband and after awhile, she finally woke up and smiled at her husband.

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At the sense of movement it was habit for Taylor to wake. "Good morning." He signs wiping the sleep from his eyes. For a moment he had forgotten about last night but when he remembered he smiled.he wasn't sure if his wife had anything planned for today.
"Morning." She signed and smiled as she remember the events of yesterday. It was all so perfect and she remembered, the kids had something for their dad. A party just for him. She smiled bigger and curled closer to him again. She missed moments like these and now everything was falling into place.

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Taylor's arm was wrapped around his wife as she curled closer, it was nice but the quiet was strange, even for him when he couldn't hear. "Do you hear that?, it's quiet." He signs with a light laugh before he kissed her.
Victoria laughed as well and after they kissed, she smiled. "I know. we've never had one." She signed and thought about it. She wouldn't trade anything that happened in her life.

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A little later the two for out of the bed and showered before Taylor followed her to the car. Not sure where she was taking them he remained curious.
Victoria drove her husband to the beach because that's where the kids wanted the party. A bonfire exactly. Upon arriving, the kids ran over to their father and hugged him as everyone else there smiled and clapped.

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When Taylor saw the decorations and the mass quantity of people he laughed in semi embarrassment. Taking the kids in one big hug he lifted them both. When he saw Rose giggling at his reaction he shook his head. "You're a troublemaker."
"Not at all!" Rose said as she went and ran off with the kids. Victoria smiled as she walked over to her husband and took his hand. "Happy Birthday Taylor Young." She whispered and walked over to go with the kids.

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It was in this moment Taylor ran after the three of them that he felt like he had a purpose and a people who needed him. It had been something he longed for and now it really was his. Catching Chris first, which wasn't very hard considering he was still learning to walk and talk, he picked him up and began to tickle him.
Chris began to laugh and laugh as his father tickled him. "Stop!" He said and continued to laugh with a smile. Rose saw this and continued to run away from her father. "You won't catch me!" She said and Chris couldnt stop laughing.

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Taylor laughed at his son before putting him on his shoulders and running to catch Rose, when he caught up to her he swooped her up with one arm. "Gotcha."
"Not fair! You're faster!" Rose said as she shook her head and squealed as she looked at her mom. "Run mom before he catches you too!" Rose called out and Victoria laughed and began to run. "You dad won't catch me. I'm faster." She said and it was true. Plus Taylor was carrying the kids.

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Taylor set both of the kids down before he went running after Victoria. She was faster but that didn't mean he couldn't go after her. Going as fast as his feet would carry him, the cold winter air brushing against his face he stopped mid way and dropped to the sand dramatically laughing when the kids came over to him and tackled him.
Victoria laughed as she looked back and stopped running. The kids enjoyed tackling their father and Victoria walked over and smiled. "You're as slow as a turtle." She told her husband and Rose laughed at her mom. Chris stayed on top of his dad and then gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

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"I am not!" Wiping the baby slobber from his cheek he smiled back at Chris and say up as his son wrapped arms around his neck Taylor took him into s hug.
"You really are." She said and smiled softly as she looked at Chris and laughed again. It all was so perfect. "Mom has dad always been slower?" Rose asked and Victoria laughed. "Of course. I'm the athletic one out of us." Victoria said and stuck her tongue out at her husband.

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