Other Punching Nazis and Other Things

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Also the best way to make a Nazi stop being a Nazi is to prove him wrong by making himself see he is wrong. Nazis are people too. Just like KKK members. But if you are aggressive and make them an enemy they are gonna act like an enemy. Because no one likes being punched. But if you are polite and ask the Nazi why he is a Nazi. You can learn alot about how they think, then you can learn to help them not be so hateful or ignorant.
That's what affermative action was to begin with. Not what it is now. It also had racist intentions, considering Lyndon B. Johnson was one of our most racist presidents.
I've studied affirmative action under American civil rights for college history. The point of affirmative action (which is also known as positive discrimination, by the way) is to incorporate a greater number of people who are associated with groups that faced racial or gender discrimination in the States into the workplace, especially federal offices. It's quite ironic if you think about it. Getting rid of a concept of hiring people based on race and gender by introducing a concept of hiring people based on race and gender. Brainlit genius.

I can post links, or you could just Google "affirmative action V workplace diversity."
Communism isn't that bad, lmfao. Tell that to the Chinese and Russians when Mao and Stalin were around.

Next you'll tell us that the gulags were five star hotels, fucking moron.
Woah, I read your comment as praising communism at first (I didn't see the gulag part) and got so mad. But yeah, totally agree with you there. Just letting you know in case you (or anyone else) read my now-deleted reply.
Everyone has a right to speak. No one has the right to punch someone for talking their mind. Everyone has the right to ignore what is said.

Simple. Efficient. Done.

People are allowed to advocate Nazism That's fine, as long as they aren't hurting anyone it is good. Just like your allowed to advocate communism.

HOWEVER! A big but coming up.

Your ideas are never allowed to not be scrutinized. Everyone who listens to anyone has a right to ignore YOU and ignore are what you have to say or debate you. and the burden of proof is important here, shifting it is not a good thing.

Also about affirmative action, it is a stupid concept, racist or not within a capitalist society. As it tilts the free market off it's axis.

There's my peice.
Well said
That's enough with the personal attacks. Stay on topic and stop calling names or we'll shut this down.
As Kaerri's request to cease the personal attacks was ignored, this thread is locked.
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