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Realistic or Modern provιdenтιal нeιgнтѕ - ooc

i'm crying
"pull up a rich kid character and take a seat"

caramel caramel ; excuse me, i hope you remember me. cause i miss you???
okay so 1st boi is gonna be mac and he's goofy, maybe sells pot and has tried to get with Half of the school

other girl is gonna be diane/kiara and she's that Type A, super fuckin Perfect, ultra competitive and Smart femme fatale
Crying because if mac ever speaks with him, haiden's just gonna be like "I don't swing that way, please leave" or "leave me alone, thanks"
"your eyes really pop in that sweatshirt and I literally mean that in the gayest way ever"
"my ass looks really good in these pants, huh "?
i am extremely keen on joining this rp, but before I submit a a character, is there any stereotypes someone hasn't seen yet, and think it would be a good addition to the rp? If not I'm just gonna make a pure and wholesome little schemer [i know that makes no sense i dont care]
i am extremely keen on joining this rp, but before I submit a a character, is there any stereotypes someone hasn't seen yet, and think it would be a good addition to the rp? If not I'm just gonna make a pure and wholesome little schemer [i know that makes no sense i dont care]
there aren't really any stereotypes going on, just general character themes

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