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I’m excited to see what happens.
Either something goes wrong and Eve has to spend some time re-booting or everything goes fine and she simply goes back with everyone else calmly xD
-5 hours later-
Eve: guys where are you?
Kanade: ... Troy, go pick her up.
Troy: *grumbles as he drags himself on the hospital bed to the field*

Don’t worry, things hardly go wrong...
And they always do if we say that.
After the mission is done, we'll be going into an Interlude Phase which is a time for everyone to spend free time interacting with one another so...that should be fun. XD Time limit for the Interlude Phase goes as long as Seven and the researcher's interrogations. XD
-5 hours later-
Eve: guys where are you?
Kanade: ... Troy, go pick her up.
Troy: *grumbles as he drags himself on the hospital bed to the field*

Don’t worry, things hardly go wrong...
And they always do if we say that.
"anyone who wants to pick up eve say aye"
"okay troy you said aye mentally you do it"
Since we have a lot of musclehead bots, I sometimes wonder what would happen if all of them got into a boxing/brawling arena somehow...

That's definitely going to be in one of the Interlude Phases somewhere. XD
Random question: judging by how ZGF models are operating fine, I guess EVE doesn’t have some kind of ‘AI control’ or ‘internet control’ stuff?
So does Eve, right?
Wait what
Random question: judging by how ZGF models are operating fine, I guess EVE doesn’t have some kind of ‘AI control’ or ‘internet control’ stuff?
So does Eve, right?
Wait what
For explaining purposes I'll call the THANATOS EVE...Nagisa. Since her original identity was Kanade's cousin Nagisa Makinami and all. XD

No, Nagisa doesn't have control over the machines in the fortresses or the First Rebellion at all. The only machines Nagisa can actually control are the Destroyers (who we will be encountering after a few missions...i swear. XD) and the THANATOS machines since her Code directly controls all machines under THANATOS control. XD
Alright, so while I'm waiting for posts, I'll tally up who's with Kanade and VANADIS just quick:
Troy, KASHIMA and Johnny 5 and EVE is at a different location...
oh fuck i just realized i'm the guy that has to post shit
Will post soon with Kanade's decision on what to do!
Alright, so while I'm waiting for posts, I'll tally up who's with Kanade and VANADIS just quick:
Troy, KASHIMA and Johnny 5 and EVE is at a different location...
oh fuck i just realized i'm the guy that has to post shit
Will post soon with Kanade's decision on what to do!

I think Troy and Johnny is with them, KASHIMA went to warehouse, Eve is sleeping waiting, EVE is.. yeah, somewhere else
Every time Eve is mentioned I’ll mention EVE too
What can it do, zap me with robo beams? *gets zapped*
I think Troy and Johnny is with them, KASHIMA went to warehouse, Eve is sleeping waiting, EVE is.. yeah, somewhere else
Every time Eve is mentioned I’ll mention EVE too
What can it do, zap me with robo beams? *gets zapped*
I can send a Destroyer to destroy the sandwich shops in ATHENA
Good to know everyone's location because I now have a plan! It might not be a good plan, but it's one! XD
I always have a plan.
A perfect plan that always work.
A final move.....
*runs away with all the sandwiches*
Alright! Post up! We're back into combat. Kanade's instructions basically mean:
Johnny 5 blows up the right side door because it's what he does best.
VANADIS bashes in the left side door because "If the opening's too small, you just have to bash it a few times to widen it."
KASHIMA lands in through the rooftop because he's secretly a ninja not the type who blows stuff up.
And the two humans are stuck together because they're the only ones with dexterity to get through the traps. XD

Support people + EVE I swear I'll have you guys do something soon...XD
Let me reserve a quote real quick before I forget:
“That’s the most f-bomb filled speech I’ve heard ever since the speech my friend with a missing arm who was carried back to base by me and another friend gave.”
Alright! Post up! We're back into combat. Kanade's instructions basically mean:
Johnny 5 blows up the right side door because it's what he does best.
VANADIS bashes in the left side door because "If the opening's too small, you just have to bash it a few times to widen it."
KASHIMA lands in through the rooftop because he's secretly a ninja not the type who blows stuff up.
And the two humans are stuck together because they're the only ones with dexterity to get through the traps. XD

Support people + EVE I swear I'll have you guys do something soon...XD
Eve's just chillin', to be honest the support people could probably be helping out other squads and stuff too e.g. NPCs because they're still at base. You could just make a small "X squad is in danger" and let them have some fun with it
Eve's just chillin', to be honest the support people could probably be helping out other squads and stuff too e.g. NPCs because they're still at base. You could just make a small "X squad is in danger" and let them have some fun with it
Small problems could be solved in just one post though. I was thinking of getting the Supports to be the ones in charge of handling the researcher and Seven when they get back to base. XD
I know that Kanade is, by heart, a skilled programmer who can disable those defenses with a beautiful flick of a finger.
Please tell me she can.
I know that Kanade is, by heart, a skilled programmer who can disable those defenses with a beautiful flick of a finger.
Please tell me she can.
"Ahahah...if I was any younger, I'd probably be saying something like, 'A few automated defenses are like matchsticks to the great Takamine Kanade!' or something...

And yeah, I can."

Probably not with a flick of a finger, but she can disable the defenses without too much of a hassle. Troy just needs to cover her while she hacks. XD
"Ahahah...if I was any younger, I'd probably be saying something like, 'A few automated defenses are like matchsticks to the great Takamine Kanade!' or something...

And yeah, I can."

Probably not with a flick of a finger, but she can disable the defenses without too much of a hassle. Troy just needs to cover her while she hacks. XD
At least she’s nice enough to NOT say “Troy, you’re coming with me, be my shield, literally”
Which, in this case, would’ve recieved some of those f-bombs Kanade drops on a refular basis.
At least she’s nice enough to NOT say “Troy, you’re coming with me, be my shield, literally”
Which, in this case, would’ve recieved some of those f-bombs Kanade drops on a refular basis.
"I-It's not like I dragged you here to be my shield or anything, b-baka!"
im sorry i had to make the joke.
I now imagine that every mission that these two are sent out on results in f-bombs being thrown everywhere. XD
If they see a bomb trap and can’t defuse it, he’s stepping on it. If they have a turret they can’t turn off, he’s gonna take the fire. Unless he had the trusty EMP launcher or genius hacking skills, he was just there to blow things up and take some bullets. Or lot. ‘This is gonna be a hell of a day.’ He thought.
hallelujah he didn't grumble
"There's always the other idea of us blowing up the defenses instead of disabling them manually. You'd still be a shield though. :D"

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