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Realistic or Modern Project: Sailor Member Files (CS)(closed)

Name: Rika Sombrero

Codename: Some Bro Ho

Other Nicknames: YoYo, Entitled Generation Brat, Worthless employee,

Age (somewhere from 14 to 21): 17

Physical Gender: Female

Gender identity: Female

Sexuality (Ships gotta sail, and then sink themselves): Heterosexual

Skills (that anyone can learn):

Driving: She considers herself an amazing racer.

Observant: Working as the mascot of a major fast food chain means silently tolerating a bunch of people at their worst. She's good at looking at a person and figuring out what they might or might not notice. Also helps her make distractions as well.

Blending-in: A tie-in with being observant, is putting on a quick disguise to blend in and escape notice. It also helps that she has a forgettable face.

Powers (in magical girl form):

Shapeshifting: Within the scope of the person being a human. That means she can't shape shift into any animal but she can assume the form of both male and female if she chooses, although she needs to find her own clothes. Oddly enough, she only enjoys this form for petty theft and prank calling.

Weapons (in magical girl form):

A magical sling-shot that can change size to launch whatever it needs to launch. It can launch small rocks up to a medium sized sedan.

Personality: Rika is a slave to her own addictions, with the chief addiction being alcohol and coffee depending on the time of day. She's organized, but only in the ways that allow her to ensure a lazy lifestyle free of work. At times, she can be extremely forgetful and at other times insightful. It all depends on whether she's been drinking or she's on her third cup of coffee. At the end of the day, Rika can be dependable if she's given the credit and responsibility too but as far as leadership goes, she happily follows anyone whose got the money.

Civilian Appearance:

Magical Girl Appearance:

Other (optional): She will often have a cartoonish version of whatever face she's about to morph into and wear it just before she transforms. Some sort of ritual, whether or not it's important for her power is unsure.

Quotes (optional):

"I may be an idiot, but the only way to move is up."

"Technically we're all going to be reduced to shit one day, we come from shit and we return to shit."

"I'd kinda be into the vigilante crap if it wasn't illegal."

"You know technically I could make a business out of this."
Theme song (optional):
Approved but could you pick a different codename. That one's kind of awkward for anyone saying it in the earshot of someone who doesn't have context.

Name: Sally Harris

Codename: Shining Knight

Squad: Blank

Other Nicknames: None

Age: 18

Physical Gender: Female

Gender Identity: Agender (is that the right term? I'm not sure)

Sexuality: Bi

Skills: Math- she has a terrifyingly good head for numbers

Diligent: she spends most of her time practicing magic


Light Blast: just like it sounds, Sally conjures a blast of light to harm foes.

Shining Shield: Sally conjures a wall of hard light to stop incoming attacks

Constellation: Sally can, in theory, call upon the powers of the constellations of the Western zodiac to grant her additional powers. However, she currently has none of these additional powersets unlocked.

Weapons (magical girl form): A 3 foot sword of shining steel, that changes when she activates a constellation power

Personality: Sally joined the Project for one reason and one reason only: she wants to protect people. Pure and simple. She has a tendency to look done on the less single-minded girls as slackers, and on the rare occasion she isn't training, she's probably in her room reading.

Appearance: A neck-down costume of reflective silver spandex, with a white star on the chest. The emblem changes to the image of whatever constellation she activates.
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Name: Sally Harris

Codename: Shining Knight

Squad: Blank

Other Nicknames: None

Age: 18

Physical Gender: Female

Gender Identity: Agender (is that the right term? I'm not sure)

Sexuality: Bi

Skills: Math- she has a terrifyingly good head for numbers

Diligent: she spends most of her time practicing magic


Light Blast: just like it sounds, Sally conjures a blast of light to harm foes.

Shining Shield: Sally conjures a wall of hard light to stop incoming attacks

Constellation: Sally can, in theory, call upon the powers of the constellations of the Western zodiac to grant her additional powers. However, she currently has none of these additional powersets unlocked.

Weapons (magical girl form): A 3 foot sword of shining steel, that changes when she activates a constellation power

Personality: Sally joined the Project for one reason and one reason only: she wants to protect people. Pure and simple. She has a tendency to look done on the less single-minded girls as slackers, and on the rare occasion she isn't training, she's probably in her room reading.

Appearance: A neck-down costume of reflective silver spandex, with a white star on the chest. The emblem changes to the image of whatever constellation she activates.

Sidenote: I belive that is the right term assuming you're going for someone who doesn't really identify as any geneder.

Here: apparently there's a gender wiki Agender
Name:Hong Feng Huang
Other Nicknames:Specs
Age:18 years old
Physical Gender:Female
Gender identity:Female

-Proficient in unarmed combat
-Decent swordsmanship (she prefers fighting using her own fists or gauntlets)
-Video Game player (She's a decent player in nearly any games as long as they aren't FPS or Street Fighter/KoF-like games.)
-Observant (to an extent)
-Intellectual (to an extent,wearing glasses doesn't always mean she's definitely a know-it-all)

-Enhanced Reflexes,Movement Speed and Strength
-Flame Manipulation (Standard level,currently allows her to form some any makeshift melee weapons or form fireballs and phoenix to "shoot" at enemies.)
-Flight (If she is tired she can only either hover or just not be able to fly)
-Burning Aura (Fire surrounds her fists or legs or both,letting her deal more damage onto her enemies. Said flames can also surround her entire body,but due to her inexperience with her powers it is extremely taxing on her to do that)

-A pair of Gauntlets (because just punching bare-handed can have consequences)
-Flaming Sword (made from her Flame Manipulation ability)

Feng is a quiet individual who usually kept to herself with a novel (or phone) on hand to occupy herself. While usually an introvert,she can actually get along with others,provided they happen to share similar interests in a particular topic. Deep down,she is quite a geek regarding a certain anime series starring a huge mecha with a V-Fin on their forehead (Gundam),and despite her quiet demeanor,Feng can be rather snarky towards nearly anyone. While she may look like a calm and collected girl,she is someone who can easily feel nervous and as a result would stutter when talking. Feng is the sort who would follow the lead instead of being the lead,given her lack of confidence on her ability to guide others. she's a covert pervert with a classified fetish- I mean secret.

Civilian Appearance:
Feng wears a military-esqe uniform,black tights and knee-high brown boots.

Magical Girl Appearance:
Blaze wears a one piece(sorta) dress with long gloves,stockings and ankle-high boots. The back of her dress has a pair of accessory resembling that of a phoenix's wing.
-Her name,Feng Huang,means phoenix in Chinese. Whereas her surname Hong means red in Chinese.
-She shares a similar voice to that of Shino Asada's
-She adores cats and dogs,though she keeps the excitement to herself out of fear of embarrassing herself.
-She has a bad case of arachnophobia and nyctophobia.

“Hey,I'm just some girl who reads up whatever she stumbles upon in her free time,not Einstein reincarnated. So stop thinking I'm smart enough to solve everything.”

Theme song:
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Name:Hong Feng Huang
Other Nicknames:Specs
Age:18 years old
Physical Gender:Female
Gender identity:Female

-Proficient in unarmed combat
-Decent swordsmanship (she prefers fighting using her own fists or gauntlets)
-Video Game player (She's a decent player in nearly any games as long as they aren't FPS or Street Fighter/KoF-like games.)
-Observant (to an extent)
-Intellectual (to an extent,wearing glasses doesn't always mean she's definitely a know-it-all)

-Enhanced Reflexes,Movement Speed and Strength
-Flame Manipulation (Standard level,currently allows her to form some any makeshift melee weapons or form fireballs and phoenix to "shoot" at enemies.)
-Flight (If she is tired she can only either hover or just not be able to fly)
-Burning Aura (Fire surrounds her fists or legs or both,letting her deal more damage onto her enemies. Said flames can also surround her entire body,but due to her inexperience with her powers it is extremely taxing on her to do that)

-A pair of Gauntlets (because just punching bare-handed can have consequences)
-Flaming Sword (made from her Flame Manipulation ability)

Feng is a quiet individual who usually kept to herself with a novel (or phone) on hand to occupy herself. While usually an introvert,she can actually get along with others,provided they happen to share similar interests in a particular topic. Deep down,she is quite a geek regarding a certain anime series starring a huge mecha with a V-Fin on their forehead (Gundam),and despite her quiet demeanor,Feng can be rather snarky towards nearly anyone. While she may look like a calm and collected girl,she is someone who can easily feel nervous and as a result would stutter when talking. Feng is the sort who would follow the lead instead of being the lead,given her lack of confidence on her ability to guide others. she's a covert pervert with a classified fetish- I mean secret.

Civilian Appearance:
Feng wears a military-esqe uniform,black tights and knee-high brown boots.
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Magical Girl Appearance:
Blaze wears a one piece(sorta) dress with long gloves,stockings and ankle-high boots. The back of her dress has a pair of accessory resembling that of a phoenix's wing.
View attachment 569829
-Her name,Feng Huang,means phoenix in Chinese. Whereas her surname Hong means red in Chinese.
-She shares a similar voice to that of Shino Asada's
-She adores cats and dogs,though she keeps the excitement to herself out of fear of embarrassing herself.
-She has a bad case of arachnophobia and nyctophobia.

“Hey,I'm just some girl who reads up whatever she stumbles upon in her free time,not Einstein reincarnated. So stop thinking I'm smart enough to solve everything.”

Theme song:

Minus the secret unknown fetish this is literally Adrian. They'll either get along or never interact. Approved.
Minus the secret unknown fetish this is literally Adrian. They'll either get along or never interact. Approved.
They'll proabaly interact.....when they're locked in a room that has the condition for them to talk for 30 minutes straight if they want to leave that is.

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