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Fantasy Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?

Lmfao! [Tears of joy] A beautiful quote indeed, Mugi. A beautiful quote indeed.

My mom is going to make me a Zoro poster xD and get it framed lmfao
I wish they sold One Piece related things here...all they do is dub it in the local language and air it on TV. But that's okay too, because because of it, I met someone who loves it and the one who made me watch it.
My dad has watch Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Parasyte, and...what was it?....Uhhhhm.....The anime with Kogami Shinya.
My mom hasn't watched anime though, but she knows how much Ashlyn and I love One Piece xD we used to stand out in the yard and pretend we were Sanji and Zoro. Our entire family would just watch us, and afterwards...we'd laugh about it and pretend it never happened to avoid thinking about the embarrassment.
I'm going to watch One Piece on TV in front of my parents some time and see how they react
Do it. Ashlyn and I would fangirl really hard over everything, and they'd come out of the room like: "Quiet down, dammit. Don'tchu know people 'r tryna sleep!? Turn it down."
The weird thing is that after they reach the Whiskey Peak arc, they keep redoing it from the first episode. I'm going to check if it's on right now, and if it isn't I'll just keep the channel on until it comes on
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Yes! lol xD that's what it was.

I was going to follow you back....but your numbers are so even.....should I still do it? Tell me to do it.
Lol xD female luffy! I don't like her for some reason. She seems like she'd be annoying...despite actually just being Luffy...but with a gender switch xD

I don't like female Zoro either because I feel like she's a rival O.o
Thank you. I'm a wild creature too. You'll find me in the jungle with my pet monkey that I call Monkey D. Luffy.

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