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Fantasy Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?

[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]

You have it posted at the top of OOC that the rules aren't up yet. That's your fault (B')

But you can clearly see the rules tab so you know that the post in OOC is wrong but touche ill edit that now
I couldn't see that it was clearly wrong. I'm not that thought-out. I looked at the Rules Tab and said, I'll read them when they're up, because I was too lazy to click it after seeing that there would be nothing there. Have you not learned how my mind works yet? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Some sister you are. (*^*)(TAT)
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]
I couldn't see that it was clearly wrong. I'm not that thought-out. I looked at the Rules Tab and said, I'll read them when they're up, because I was too lazy to click it after seeing that there would be nothing there. Have you not learned how my mind works yet? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Some sister you are. (*^*)(TAT)

Tbh i can never get used to you. One day you're the smartest person I know and the next you have the brain of a goldfish

To all the people who are ready to get down with some RP-innnnn', I'm lookin at you @kurol, Danielle will be the first one to make her post about how she found her letter and blah blah blah ended up in little garden and then you can do the same. Hopefully, that will attract some more people so we can fill these last two spots. So, if you want to hurry up and RP and you think it's taking too long then please, blow up my sisters inbox and annoy her as much as you please.
kurol said:
So do we all go through this river?
What happens is you all open the letters and when you finish reading them, without waiting for your response, the letter teleports you into the skies of little garden and well with gravity and all, your character will fall. Luckily, right below them there is a big lake so they can land safely. Although, depending on what your ability is you dont have to land in the water, but if you can't fly or ease yourself to the ground; your character would probably die if they smacked onto the ground lol, so be as creative as you want or just have you character land in the water, it's up to you. (P.S. all of your characters will land in the same spot and be relatively close to one another when teleported. Chii will be waiting for you all. xD ) Sorry this is so long.
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And I'm sorry these first posts have to be so specific. The RP will be more relaxed once we get everything situated.

You remind me of some of my friends in how much you like Soul Eater.
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Hehe! ^^ @Mugiwara Soul Eater is one of my favorites. Your friends have excellent taste!!
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Soul Eater's one of their favorites too! They really love it. And your ability reminds me of the Black Blood.
That's annoying. *-* That happened to me before, and I went on a total killing spree afterwards. Hehe, kidding

[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lol, poor Mugi xD
I think the One Piece RP is dying out.....[cries]

A man's dream will never die!

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