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pretty girl who stabbed him / cute guy who shot her

"I'm not entirely sure our definitions of being good are the same." He downed the painkillers, trying to decide whether or not it would be better to try and remove the bullet by himself or just wait a few more days. "But I guess I'll consider doing my best."
"Try not to die while I'm out," Kloude said, offering Ray a slightly more genuine smile. "I really don't like disposing of bodies. See you to tonight."
"I'll be here. Waiting. Bored out of my mind." Ray's attention turned back to his injury. "Try not to get killed out there, it's a lot of work to get chains off by yourself."


Aria stood in front of the apartment door, checking Ray's gun for the last time. It had taken her two more days to ferret out the license plate number, one hour for Lily to get all the information she needed (and to find out that either Kloude was his real name, or he'd lied on a lot of government documents), and about thirty minutes to walk to the apartment. So, all in all, she'd spent over three days, one hour, and thirty minutes longer dealing with this problem than she'd like to. Honestly, if the guy wasn't keeping Ray here, she was going to shoot him. After he'd either collected Ray for her, or brought her where he was. She flipped on the safety before shoving the gun into the waist on her pants and moving the fabric of her hoodie to cover it, shifted her ankle so she could make sure the knife was still in the right position in her boot. Theoretically, they wouldnt be necessary. Relatively sure she wasn't going into this defenseless, Aria knocked.
Kloude paused in tying his laces, glancing at the door for a moment before Nyx started yapping excitedly and jumping up at it. "Bíddu Ne , niður stelpa, Nyx er spennt því miður," he called, finishing with his shoes, "Það er kominn tími fyrir ganga hana . Getur þú vinsamlegast hringt næst þegar þú kemur?" 

Standing, he walked over and pulled the labrador back by her collar, shooing her away before opening the door for his sister. Or the random redhead standing there. "Oh. Þú ert ekki Nevae. Um, who are you?"
Aria's eyes widened slightly when the door opened and she realized just how tall he was, though she caught herself quickly and smiled at him. They really hadn't been exaggerating when they said he was tall. Sure, he wasn't quite as tall as Ray, but he had to have nearly a foot on her. "Hi, you must be Kloude?" Of course he was, even if she didn't know this was his address, he matched the description she'd been given perfectly. "My name's Aria, and I kinda need to talk to you about something. Do you mind if I step inside?" If this got violent, she really didn't want to be in the hallway. Bystanders aside, it was way too exposed.
Kloude gave her a very quick once over, smiled because the girl was cute enough and waved her into the apartment. "Don't mind the dog," he said, shutting the door once she was inside, "It's time for her walk so she's pretty excitable. Aria, was it? Did Declan send you or Nevae? Because I'm pretty sure no one else knows my address. Oh, well Alisha does, but you're way to cute to be one of her friends."
"I, uhm, actually got it from one of my friends. But she got it from Declan, I believe." Aria shrugged, the lie rolling off her tongue smoothly. She let herself absentmindedly inspect the room, eyes catching on the locked door before landing on the dog. Her smile grew despite herself, and she glanced back to Kloude. "She's a cutie. Black lab, right? What's her name?"
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"Nyx," Kloude said, whistling the dog over. He crouched down, smiling over at Aria as he started petting the excited dog. "She's my baby. Pedigree too, so she cost a small fortune but she was such a pretty puppy I couldn't not get her. You like dogs?"
Aria couldn't help but smile back. "I like animals. So, yes, I like dogs." She leaned down to give her a quick scratch behind the ears before forcing herself to refocus on the task as hand. While any other time she would have happily allowed him to talk more about the dog, especially if she got to play with her, he was currently holding Ray captive and that was a situation that needed to be remedied. She straightened up, sighing.

"Listen, I'm really sorry to put you in this situation, but I actually came here because I think you might have something of mine."
"Uh. Not likely? I don't borrow things very often," Kloude said, confused. He glanced around the apartment for a moment, thinking. "Is it a book? I do get lent a lot of books and I know Dec has a habit of lending other peoples things."
Probably best to just get to the point. "Uh. No. It's actually a 6'5 arabic guy who's very irritating. His name's Ray Carter? Probably flirted with you?" Aria folded her arms over her chest, a very slight frown on her lips. "See, he's kinda my best friend, and it's hard to train a new sociopath, so I need him back."
Kloude's face shuttered, eyes going cold as he pushed himself back to his feet. "Nyx, kitchen," he commanded, waiting until the dog had left the room before pulling his gun on Aria. "Well, this was an unfortunate turn of events. You're really cute, I'd hate to have to kill you but I can't leave loose ends."
As soon as he'd told the dog to leave the room, her face hardened. It really was unfortunate that he wasn't even going to give a thought to the easy way, but not that surprising. Her hand was on her gun and the safety was flipped back off before he'd pulled his, though that didn't earn any more reaction than a raised eyebrow from her, the irritation in her eyes no longer hidden. "Cute. You think I'd let you kill me."

In one swift motion her gun was out and she'd fired off a shot at his shoulder, hoping to incapacitate him with as little work as possible.
Kloude ducked, dropping to crouch, the bullet thankfully sailing over him but more than likely lodging itself in his wall. He let out an irritated growl, taking aim and firing at her shoulder in turn. "I'd appreciate you not shooting up the place, I'm the one who has to clean it all up."
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Aria managed to drop just in time to avoid getting hit, immediately rolling to put the couch between them. "Well, really, if you hadn't pulled a gun, you wouldn't have had to worry about that." She really shouldn't split attention to talk, she was already at a disadvantage here. But she was also very frustrated. "Basically, not feeling that sorry for you." She straightened up just long enough to take aim and fire off a few more shots before dropping back into a crouch.
Kloude swore, the shots had missed thankfully but he really wasn't looking forward to explaining to fixing the mess they were leaving instead. The noises had set Nyx off too, barking loudly now, though thankfully staying inside the kitchen. Peering under the couch, Kloude took two shots at Aria's ankle. "I only need your 'friend' for about a week. You could stop shooting and just go home. Wait until I'm done with him."
Aria jumped onto the couch, but she didn't move quite fast enough- the second bullet hit. She hissed, jamming her hand over her mouth to stop any other sort of yell. Moving showed her that while it was still functional, it hurt; she needed to end this fight before she suffered any other injuries. "Can't. Do you realize how much he'd whine at me if I just ditched? I don't want to deal with his tantrum." Not like the blonde was likely to let her just leave at this point, anyway. She vaulted over the couch's back, careful to take her weight with the good ankle so she didn't collapse. She'd barely landed before firing off three shots at his hands, hoping that the close range and multiple bullets would mean she'd land a hit even if her aim was off.
Kloude hissed, one of the bullets grazing him and causing him to drop his gun. "Helvítis!" he swore, taking his eyes off of Aria for a moment as he scrambled to pick the gun back up.
There was her window.

Aria easily pulled the knife from her boot and lunged, barely wincing as she knocked him the rest of the way to the ground and stabbed the knife into his shoulder, her knee digging into his back to try and keep him down for long enough that she could get a more stable hold on him. She applied pressure as she twisted the knife slightly, trying not to show how much she really didn't want to have to do this. She shoved her gun between her cheek and shoulder long enough to grab his hair, jerking his head to the side so he could see as she aimed the gun at it.

"You know, this whole thing would've been avoided if you had just let him go when I asked for him back." As level as she tried to keep her voice, she couldn't help the slight growl; she really was hoping she could do this without having to shoot anyone at least once. "Now. Tell me where you're keeping him, or I'll pull the trigger. You should probably talk quickly, I get a little twitchy when I'm hurt."
Kloude screamed, shoving his forearm into his mouth to bite down hard and muffle the rest of the noise. He hadn't been stabbed in a while, and he couldn't say he missed the pain. It threw everything off, clouding his thoughts and worsening the panic at seeing the gun aimed at his face. This was the first time he'd actually lost a fight.  Translating her words and then his own took a minute, the pain distracting enough that he found himself struggling with English. "Locked door. Kitchen. Fokk, sjitt, þú helvítis druslan! Keys in the kitchen. Touch my dog and I'll kill you."
Even through her irritation (and the pain that continued to wash through her ankle, she probably wasn't going to be able to work for at least a week), she took the time to be offended at his last statement. "Don't be ridiculous, your dog hasn't done anything wrong. What kind of monster do you think I am?"

She twisted the knife in his shoulder a little further for good measure - he needed to stay down as long as she could keep him there - before she got up, grabbing his gun off the floor as she went. "If you move, I kill you, got it?" Not waiting for an answer, she walked to the kitchen, trying her best to mask her limp. She quickly claimed the keys off the counter, sparing only a quick, if somewhat longing, look for the dog. She really was a cutie.

She continued limping back to the door she'd noticed was closed earlier. Sure enough, it was locked. She checked througgh the keys until she found the one that fit, throwing open the door.

"Aria! There's my knight in shining armor."

"Ray, next time I come and bail you out, I'm shooting you for every shot I take, understand?"
Kloude sagged against the floor, counting his breaths and running through his chances of actually beating Aria with little more than the knives in the kitchen. If commanded Nyx would attack, but he wasn't going to risk his dog like that, and if Aria happened to get Ray out before he got to her then he could be easily overpowered. Also moving seemed like a fairly terrible idea at the moment, and he was pretty sure Melissa would kill him if she had to patch him up because he made an injury worse. "Can you leave my gun when you go?" Kloude called out. "Take the bullets, whatever, but I like that gun."
Aria cast a glance back at Kloude as she passed Ray his gun. "Be good, and I'll consider it." She turned her attention to the chains with nothing more than a mumble of "Shoot him if he moves, okay?"



"This is my gun."


"Why the fuck were you using my gun."

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt your baby."

"That didn't- Ari, seriously."

"Don't worry about it."

"Where's your gun? You have a gun, don't use mine!"

"Stop whining or I'll shoot him and leave you here. And I wasn't planning on having to use it." With that, she removed the last of the chains. "Now, how're you doing?"

"Bored, hungry. Oh, I'm dealing with a few bullet wounds too, but nothing really pressing."

"Anything from the fight?"

"The- Oh. Uh, no, he. He, uhm, might have drugged me."

"Ray, I know you're not a girl, so you haven't been socialized to watch your drink at all times. But this is the fifth time. Watch your damned drink." The use of the swear shut him up, and he had the decency to look embarassed. "Let's go."

"Oh, I promised him I'd do something. Give me a second."

Aria watched as her friend walked past to the blonde and, much more cheerfully than she would've expected, delivered a strong kick to the side. She cringed automatically, hissing slightly. "Is that necessary?"

"Mhmm." He didn't spare her a glance, his focus still fully on the other man. "Thanks for the past few days, pretty boy. Can't wait for you to burn in hell. Oh, oops! Sorry, almost forgot." He leaned down slightly and spat on his face before straightening up again. He chanced a look at Aria. "I'll wait outside for you to finish up, yeah?"

Kloude groaned, hand twitching for a second before he paused and asked, "Can I wipe that off or are you gonna shoot me over it? Because seriously, if you kill me you're fucking screwed. I've got friends in high places, lawyers and cops. Just take your friend and let me wipe his spit off my face."
Aria rolled her eyes, setting the gun down on the bookshelf before limping across the room to kneel down by him. She started checking the stab wound, annoyance coloring her tone. "Don't be such a baby. For starters, if I wanted to kill you, you would've lasted about half the time you did in this fight. Secondly, I'm pretty good at making myself invisible, so if I do decide to kill you, I'm not really that at risk. Now, this is gonna hurt, but try not to yell, I might drop you and then it'll hurt worse. And Ray might decide to shoot you because he thought you tried to attack me." Satisfied that it wasn't bleeding too badly, or damaged badly enough that it needed immediate attention, she moved him to a sitting position against the wall.
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