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pretty girl who stabbed him / cute guy who shot her

"He's been gone for how long?!"

Lily cringed beneath Aria's glare, even if it wasn't completely directed at her. "Uh. I haven't seen him or heard from him since seven last night?"

Aria groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Please tell me you're kidding, Lily.  I promise I won't be mad about what an awful joke this is. Please."

"... Sorry."

Aria let out a slow breath, trying to keep calm. "Not- It's not your fault. I'm mad, but you're not his babysitter. I'd have to pay you if I wanted you to be his babysitter." A pause, then- "When did you see him last?"

"I told you, at-"

"Where was he going."

"The bar? I think?"

"Alright." Aria lifted her head from her hands. "Which bar?"

"I don't remember the name. The one that he always goes to."

Aria bit back her comment on how descriptive that was, as frustrated as she was Lily really didn't deserve it. "Okay, so he went to the bar and never came home."


"And that was over twenty-four hours ago."


Aria frowned. "Well, I'm sure we would have heard about it if he was dead."


"So I'm guessing he forgot to pay a debt again."

"What do- Oh. Oh."

"Which means I'm going to have to go and track whoever he owed down so I can bail him out, aren't I."

"Uh... yeah?"

Aria let out a very tired sigh, her head dropping back into her hands. "Jesus."


Ray came to hungover and in an unfamiliar place. Which he wished he could say was a less common occurrence than it was. The more strange part was that he was chained up. With actual chains. He'd been restrained with a lot of things in his life, but chains were a new one. A quick test showed that whoever had chained him up had actually known what they were doing. It didn't look like he'd be going anywhere.

He cleared his throat, shaking his head to try and clear a bit of the headache away - he hated being hungover - before calling out. "Hello? I think we've had a bit of a misunderstanding here. For starters, I usually like to be romanced a little before we pull out the BDSM stuff."
Kloude sighed in relief, slipping his bookmark into his book and depositing the novel on his couch. With a quiet whistle, he moved down his hall into the 'spare bedroom', Nyx followed quietly at his heel. The room had originally been his spare bedroom, but with one too many jobs coming in a year back he'd had to re-purpose for when he had to bring work home. "Thought I'd killed you Carter," the blonde said, shutting the door as the dog slipped in after him.

Nyx wandered immediately over to the stranger to scent him out, and Kloude lent back against the wall, folding his arms over his chest. "This is the first time I've had to mix anything with alcohol, you've been out a lot longer then I originally anticipated."
Ray lifted an eyebrow at the blonde, though it took a moment for any amount of recognition to click in, although his second comment did explain the killer headache and the slight amount of fogginess he still had. Whatever drug it was, it sill wasn't totally out of his system, nothing at he was willing to show it. "It's been a while since anyone drugged me. Can't say I really miss the feeling. That being said, did I let you buy me a drink or something? Nice to know that even half-drunk I have good taste." Unfortunately, not a lie. He kinda wished the guy wasn't good looking, but unfortunately he was. Well. Pretty, he guessed was the best way to describe him. He barely spared a glance at the dog, doing a quick analysis of the guy. Until he got free, the blonde guy was in power; probably best not to piss him off too much. "So, any chance that we can get these chains off?"
"No chance of that. You're probably going to be here for the next few weeks," Kloude told him. He straightened up, whistling again and calling Nyx back to his side. "Run down for you. This room is sound proofed, the chains extend far enough to reach the toilet," he paused to indicate to the corner with a toilet and small sink, "But not to the door. I'll feed you twice a day, tell me if you've got any allergies because I will leave you to die if you have a reaction, and I'll get you a water bottle. The sink's water is safe to drink, and I can also get you a rag if you'd like to try and stay clean. You try and attack me or my dog and I'll shoot you. You're the most use alive but I really have no problem returning a dead body for the cash."
So that's how we're doing this. Ray's 'I'm an innocent and trustworhy individual' smile froze on his face. "Alright, cool. No allergies. But allow me to give you the rundown now. You said I'll be here a few weeks? Alright, so in actuality I'll be here a week tops. More likely? Within three days I'll be walking free. Now, the better option for you is that you release me, safely, onto the street. I don't need your name, don't care where you live or who you are, you get to be left alone and unharmed. If you don't do this? Within the next three days my best friend is going to show up and beat you within an inch of your god damn ass, and I will cheerfully kick your battered body and spit on that lovely face of yours as I am escorted out the door. Now, I personally don't give a shit which you decide to do, but I think you probably do. It's your choice." Ray sank back against the floor, his smile relaxing again. "Go on, you still have some time to think about it."
Kloude couldn't help but roll his eyes, he'd dealt with guys like this before. "Cute, really, but empty threats aren't going to help anyone. You're one of the best job's I've had pop up in a long time, no way I'm letting you go on the off chance your 'friend' could possibly find you. Now, I'm going to go walk my dog. I'll see you in a few hours." With that Kloude left the room, making sure to get all six locks on the door before heading out of his apartment. 
Aria was practically buzzing with nerves and frustration. She'd had to wait until noon to drop in and check with the bartender so she wouldnt have to deal with other people who'd had too much to drink. They were always a hassle, but she'd essentially wasted half a day. The bartender glanced at the door when she came in, letting out a sigh when he saw who it is.

"Can I ask who you're starting a fight with today?"

Aria frowned, hopping onto one of the barstools. "They deserved it."

"They, unlike you, are paying customers."

"Doesn't mean they didn't deserve it."

He let out a sigh. "You want something to drink?" He seemed to find her annoyed silence funny, the hint of a smile on his lips. "Forget I asked. What are you here for, if it's not a drink or a fight?"

"Ray Carter."

"What about him?"

"Did he leave with anyone two nights ago?"

"Why should I-"

"Do you really want to start this? Because I swear to god that I've been looking for an excuse to shoot someone for the past twelve hours."

He set down the glass, glowering at her. "I don't like threats."

"I don't like people kidnapping my friends."

The two had a silent stand off before he finally sighed, looking away. "He left with some blonde guy. Longer hair, kind of a pretty boy if you're into that kind of thing. Pale. Almost as tall as Carter. I don't think he's with any group."

"Mmm. You have any idea which way they went?"


"If I find out you're lying, I will stab you. You understand that, right?" 

"Again with the threats. I don't have any reason to lie to you. Just get out without starting anything, yeah? I swear to god, I'll kick you out next time."

Aria rolled her eyes even as she slid back off the seat. "Yes, okay, I get it, don't show up when people are actually drunk because I ruin the partying mood. No buzzkill like a girl breaking a guy's nose. I'm just saying that he did deserve it."

"Get out."
"I made you a sandwich, it's literally just spinach because I haven't been shopping. Don't complain," Kloude told Ray, as he opened the door. Kicking it shut behind him, he crossed the room, stopping in front of the other man to hand him the plate, as well as placing the promised water bottle from the day before. "You haven't eaten in over a day so you're gonna want to eat it slowly."
"I'm dying." Ray took a bit of the sandwich, beforing looking at the blonde with a frown. "Dying of boredom. Now, I can see that you still haven't really given my proposal much thought, which is fine, take your time, but could we maybe put a tv in here? Flat screen, surround sound..." Another bite. "Really, you'd expect some form of entertainment if I really am going to be here for the next few days. I'm not saying your pretty face doesn't lift my spirits right up, but I'd kill for netflix."


Aria had been snooping around for hours and still had next to no clue what she was dealing with, exactly. She really wanted to believe that Ray had just had a debt called in from some gang and not been able to cough up the money, but the guy he'd been seen with last (someone had said his name was Kloude Glacie or something, but that was even more obviously fake than many of the names you'd get from criminals) appeared to have no link to, well, anything. Except his car. If she could just figure out what his license plate number is, it wouldn't take her long to get a location on the guy himself; unfortunately no one seemed to have any clue what kind of car it was, not to mention a license plate number. The only information she did have on it was that it was a car. This was starting to get on her nerves.
Kloude frowned down at him, not amused. "One, I can offer a book or a radio. I don't have a television and I don't know what netflix is. Two, stop calling me pretty. I'm not interested in you at all, wrong, uh... You're a man, not interested.
"Wow. I'm sorry, I thought we were in the twenty-first century. My mistake." He shook his head in disbelief. "How can you not know what netflix is. I havent had a tv since I was twelve and I know what netflix is. Netflix shipped physical copies of the discs back then. What kind of stone age... No matter. More importantly, I like that you assume that just because I'm calling you pretty means I'm into you. Don't get me wrong, I play all fields. But I'm really not that into stockholm syndrom, you know? Not my style. Unless I was the kidnapper, maybe. I'm just saying you're pretty because I have eyes, Mister Prettyboy."


"Would you just tell me what kind of car he has?"

"I don't know, a cadillac! Older model, practically classic. Silvery."

"And I don't suppose you saw the license plate."

"I- Uh-"

Aria lowered the gun, rolling her eyes. "Better?"

"Y-yes. I didn't see- I don't know what his plate is."

"You sure about that?"


Aria let out a discontented hum. "Fine."
"Stop calling me pretty," Kloude repeated, taking a few steps back until he was out of the chains range and fishing out his phone. "I need to take some photos of you, your father wants proof that I actually have you before he's willing to pay."
"My father can go to hell." Ray shrugged, ltsking another bite of the sandwich. "Really, I don't get your issue with being called pretty. It's a compliment. It means someone likes your face. Do you not get out much, is that why you dont get compliments? Oh, is that the real reason you roofied me, you're a closeted gay man who though I was hot but didnt want to deal with the rejection he was sure he would inevitably recieve? And now that I'm showing that maybe I would have responded favprably to your affections, you're becoming flustered? That's adorable, Blondie."
Kloude rolled his eyes, leaving the room, door wide open and returning a moment later with a handgun and a chair. He placed the chair just out of the chains range, shutting the door before he sat in it. "Please just shut up. Maybe try and look sad while I take the pictures? You'd really be making my job easier. If your father pays quickly you'll be out of here and back home by tomorrow."
"Nah. No offense, but I really don't want you to have that money at this point. Not to mention my dad probably isn't going to pay ransom for at least two weeks, he'll want to be sure there are no other options. Besides, I'll be out of here in a couple days either way." Another bite of the sandwich and a shrug. "I can pose for you other ways if you'd like. I call this one 'The Ladykiller.'" Ray winked, doing double finger-guns at the phone.


"So, what do we have so far?"

"Whoever took him has a made up name and an older car. He's tall, blonde, and appears to work alone." Aria's words were slightly muffled by being facedown at the table.

"What kind of car?"


"Oh, a Cadillac? Those are really pretty! Great cars. He has good-" Aria lifting her head to frown at her made her bite the rest of her statement back. "Sorry. So, what's the issue? He has a car, just tell me what his license plate number is and I can get all his information for you."

"I don't have his license plate number, Lil. Apparently no one has enough common sense to look at those anymore."

"Aria, I highly doubt anyond thought it would matter."

"I'm still frustrated." Ari's head dropped back into her arms.

"I know. I am too."
Kloude took the picture just for the sake of it, before taking aim and firing at Ray's thigh. "I'm going to let that bleed for a minute and then we'll try taking the photos again. Sound good?"
"Jesus fucking- What the fuck, man?!" Ray's hand slammed onto the injury to try and slow any bleeding, his other hand automatically reaching for his gun- useless, since he hadn't even brought it to the bar. "You know what? I changed my mind. I'm glad you picked the option that's gonna get you hurt. I was really thinking we might be able to get along, but clearly-" Another wave of pain washed through him, forcing him to grit his teeth. "Clearly not. Asshole."
"You keep pissing me off and I'll leave the bullet in leg until your ransom is payed," Kloude told him. "Now. I can either take a couple of pictures or we record a quick video where you beg your father to pay up. I'm leaning toward the video, I can always shoot you again if it means I'll get some tears for the camera." He bared his teeth at Ray, in something a little too animalistic to be considered a smile and pointed the camera of his phone at the man again. "Photos or video?"

(This is mobile I have no idea what formatting might end up happening)
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Ray glared at the blonde man, finally forcing "Photos, please" past his teeth. He was not going to beg his dad for anything.  He pressed his other hand to his leg, trying his best to keep pressure on it until there was some sort of first aid. Aria was always better at this than him, anyway. Hurry up.
Kloude took several photos, circling Ray twice to get different angles. He kept his gun aimed directly at his crotch the entire time, just to freak him out. "Please try and look a little more helpless," the blond sighed after a few minutes, "Maybe move your hand so I can get a picture of the bullet wound, or smear the blood a little more for me. I want him to pay fast, and I don't think you want me to have to beat you to get your father worried enough for that."
Ray glowered at him in response, though he did shift his hands away from the injury. "I promise you, my dad is plenty worried about me." Worried about me breaking his nose when he finally pays the ransom. He shook his head, frowning. Act like everything is fine. "Is this gonna take all day? Because I do have a wall I'd like to stare at."
Kloude concentrated on finding  the shot that the wound looked the worst at before finally putting his phone away. The savage smile was back. "See? Wasn't so hard," he taunted. "I'm going to leave the bullet in, because you're still annoying me. But, I'll throw you a gauze and some bandages. Fair?"
Ray lifted an eyebrow at the man, scowl staying firmly in place. "Your generosity astounds me, but I would appreciate that. Anyway, I'm pretty sure you're just very sensitive or something. If I was that annoying, I highly doubt I'd have friends. Or any chance of getting this ransom paid. Which would really leave you pretty much screwed on this job, wouldn't it."
Kloude rolled his eyes leaving the room. He came back after a few minutes, handing Ray a few painkillers as well as the gauze and a bandage roll. "I'm walking my dog, so I'll be back in a few hours. If you're good when I get back I might actually lend you a book to read. How about that?"

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