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August 19, 2042

Ethan sat from his attic, looking through his father's telescope; though technically it had been inherited by him. His gaze was left on the approaching 'object' as his hands were busy feverishly writing down notes and calculations. These were mostly to keep him busy, keep his mind active until he'd have to retreat back into the small shelter under the house. The calculations stayed relative simple, given the constant trajectory of the 'object'. Or they were, until pieces suddenly fell off and created new trajectories. At first Ethan wasn't concerned, this was simply a result of the atmosphere and gravity's effect on the 'object'. But as Ethan finished his calculations, panic set in. If his calculations were correct then one of the breakaway pieces was....heading for the school shelter; the one designated for those in the area who couldn't afford shelters of their own.

Ethan immediately ran out of the house, he had to warn them. Sure, the bunker was sturdy but a direct hit by an object that size moving at that velocity.....it would make the solid steel look like tissue paper. But if Ethan hurried, maybe he could get them out, maybe he could get them to an area that would be safe; he just had to run. And run he did. Ethan wasn't a runner, so was out of breath by the time he arrived, but he made it. Now he just had to.....wait, this was wrong. The breakaway piece looked only moments away from collision, but his calculations estimated at least thirty minutes. It was almost as if....the object changed density, becoming heavier....but that was impossible.

In a greater panic, Ethan still tried to help; running towards the bunker entrance. But it was too late. Just as he touched the door, the object hit and caused a huge crater to be created where the bunker had stood. Ethan was unsure what happened after that, as the blast had knocked his out. When he woke up, his whole body was in pain; so much so that he almost forgot where he was. Then it hit him and his body was moving to the rubble. His brain told him their was no point, but his heart told him there was hope. Maybe...just maybe there were survivors in the rubble.

Getting to a large chunk of metal wall, that was covering....something, Ethan attempted to lift it. Ethan wasn't a strong guy, so he expected to really struggle. But as his hands touched the metal it....felt lighter. So much so that the force, that he used to lift it, was enough to send it into the air. Ethan looked on, astonished; oh focussing back to earth when he remembered why he'd done that. Looking down, he holed to find a survivor. But it was just more rubble. Collapsing to the ground, Ethan felt his body go numb. He might have given up there, chosen to join his class....until he felt....something telling him to keep going.

Ethan didn't know what it was, but it was right. He wasn't the type to give up, not so easily. He'd seen the joy his class got from learning, learning he provided. If he died now, that joy....would die with him. This class, tragically, did not make the blast, but others might have. And Ethan would guide them, maybe enough so this wouldn't happen again. Standing up, Ethan took a breath, silently thankimg whatever logical thought had snapped him out of his despair. Then he looked back to the rubble, then to the steel wall that was high in the air. He still wondered how such a thing had happened, but there was a more burning question in his mind. Ethan had been mere inches from the impact....how had he survived. With a look of determination, Ethan pulled out his notes. Time to start figuring things out.
August 19th, 2042

Just a week days ago, Sam had celebrated her 27th birthday with a small group of friends. A few days ago, on the actual day itself, she celebrated with her family. And today, it seemed, the world would come to an end. The object known as the Sleeper had made trajectory for Earth. The impact would be sure to wipe out a fair part of humanity. Maybe for the better. People can be shit. There was a fair chance she was going to die soon as well. Sam wasn't quite sure what to think of that. Should she just make amends with whatever business she had left and accept her impending, very doomy fate? Or would she fight to survive? Though... what's there to fight when the thing about to kill you is a large rock falling from space?

She finished doodling in her sketchbook and put her pens to the side as she gazed at the window. A fiery rock of death approached, with no time left to go anywhere other than a shelter if you were lucky enough to be near one. Nuclear shelters aren't really a thing everywhere in the world. Or at least not to public knowledge. Sam did know where to find some old WWII bunkers though. They'd been used as musea over the last larger part of a century. With a sigh she headed into the cellar below her father's house. Was it a safe place to hide from a meteor strike? Probably not. But it was better than nothing.

Down there she found all four parents huddled together with her siblings. The divorce happened thirteen years ago, but on relatively good terms. And the end of the world tends to bring people together. Sam sat down with them, wrapping her arms around her youngest sibling, who couldn't stop sobbing. Seeing the fear in the eyes of this young boy hurt her in her soul. "It's going to be alright," she whispered. "We're all here together now. And I'm sure none of us is going to feel a single thing." God, she hoped that was true. Sam knew she wasn't a fighter. All she could hope for was an instant death. For her, for her loved ones. Fear now took a hold of her too. What would it be like to die? What would happen after death? A thing she'd always been curious about, but not something she'd been keen on finding out until she was at least 90 years old, deaf and grumpy. Taking one last look at everyone, she huddled as close to them as she could. Sam shut her eyes tight as the sirens outside started blaring.

A low rumble drew her attention. The sound quickly grew louder. Sam recognized the sound of crashing waves, of relentless water getting close at a fast pace. Her throat clenched to the point where she could barely breathe. "Oh please don't let it be true..." she muttered softly. Memories of a trip she'd desperately tried to forget flashed past her. With a loud crash the water rushed in. The house around her collapsed. Her brother's hand slipped out of her grasp. "No!" she called, water spilling into her throat. Sam coughed, struggling against the current dragging her under and away.

She was unsure how much time had past when she barely managed to make her way to the surface. She didn't even recognize where she was anymore. Had the water washed her further into the land, or dragged her towards the coast? All Sam could see was the destruction. Drifting belongings, parts of houses, people. Parts of people. A strong wave of nausea hit her, as well as a sadness threatening to tear her soul into pieces. She shivered, using whatever strength she could muster to swim towards land, or the roof of a house. A dry place. There she let out a cry. Sam felt her brother's hand in hers, still. But he was no longer there. Neither was anyone else. She desperately looked around, praying to whatever god may be listening that she would catch a glimpse of something familiar. Nothing.

Hopelessness settled in. As she slipped and fell back into the water, Sam gave up, letting the current drag her to wherever it may take her. Under water she was no longer to discern up from down, whether she was close to the surface or to the bottom. She let the darkness surround her, the water swallow her. And then she waited.
While Anna still believed going to the mainland was the right choice, it was only now standing with her phone and waiting for the impact that she realized that even she and her parents survived communications would go down. If she was lucky it might take weeks before she would learn if her parents were still alive and vice versa. She honestly didn't know what would be worse, finding out they died or never finding out at all.

Anna desperately dialed their number again but of course the network was overtaxed and she got nothing. The impact was less than an hour away and she was getting desperate. Eventually she gave up on hearing their voices one last time and wrote them a simple text, three words and eleven characters long.

That done she put away her phone and wandered through the city. It was strangely empty with most people sitting inside with their families. She guessed she could have stayed at the hotel, most of the other guests were nice enough, or even accepted one of the many invitations of people wanting to make sure no one was alone when they di..when the impact happened but instead she wandered around.

Eventually Anna arrived at the Eifel Tower and decided that would be as good a place as any to wait, after all it wasn't like with lightning where it would be drawn to the large metal construction. Unsurprisingly she wasn't the only person to make that choice, including one couple that was clearly too young to be doing what they were doing, and in public even. No one seemed to be paying any mind to anyone else though and once she reached a floor with a decent view she sat down and pulled out a bottle of cheap wine.


Anna was surprised she survived given the state of the tower and wondered how what was even possible, she was up high enough that a fall should have killed her outright. Even stranger is that despite climbing the Eifel Tower only about halfway she is on top of the rubble. As she tried to remember what happened during and right after the impact she got the silly idea that she was somehow briefly able to fly. Clearly the wine had hit her harder than she expected cause her head didn't hurt enough for it to be due to any kind of brain damage.

She spent some time trying to figure out what before getting up as she felt oddly tired as well. She even took out her phone hoping against her better judgement to see a message from her parents. While she expected that there would be nothing she was still disappointed. Not wanting to drain the battery she turned her phone off and made up her mind. There was still a chance her parents were alive, but in order to reach them she needed a boat or ship and someone who could operate it.
19-Aug-2042 1800

A small metal interior enclosed on all sides save for a single entrance. One would not be remiss to compare this place to a rather large coffin the comforts within the room matched a coffin as well, in that there were few. Despite this room being underground its was very much not a grave and could even be considered the complete opposite. This was a place meant for survival from great disasters and despite its spartan look was rather expensive to create. This particular breed of survival bunker being only reserved for the most wealthy. Hopefully it would justify its price tag the dream of one man required it after all. Mark Shamash age 32, born in the United States of America, former member of the US Army Delta Force as well as founder and current leader of the mercenary organization World Serpent. Now, a witness to the end of the world and someone with maybe only minutes to live.

There was a slight rattling from outside the room the single light fixture overhead swayed from side to side, then silence and stillness almost as if there had been no change. This room was as cut off from the outside world as humanly possible even while calamity raged outside this room would remain unchanged, hopefully. Mark Shamash sat upon a single chair bolted to the floor his legs crossed with his arm bent and resting against his chin in contemplation. His face was impassive and stock still not a single grimace or twitch, yet his frosty blue eyes narrowed and for the first time in years he thought of the family he left behind. Were they safe? Would they survive? Would he ever see them again? He knew he would receive no answers nor did he deserve any when he abandoned them for his dream, but even the Lord of World Serpent was human. Finally his thoughts turned to his father the man he had respected and sought the approval of. Mark wondered if they too thought of him? Maybe...

Static, then the sound of a radio transmission. Shamash's face did not react but a slight widening of the eyes was more than enough to communicate his surprise as his inner deliberation was interrupted. He banished any distraction from his mind leaving only cold resolution behind. A voice sounded out from the radio directly in front of him. "Lord Serpent this is Grey Serpent respond, over." The voice was his right hand and most loyal member of World Serpent. He was to report every hour since Shamash entered the bunker about the outside situation, both The Sleepers location and the status of World Serpent survival operations. Long range communications had long been disrupted hours ago but short range communication such as radio were sufficient. His even tone rang out an immovable mountain in a sea of chaos he sounded utterly calm. "Grey Serpent, report." His response was short and to the point forgoing radio basic military radio etiquette. There was no reason to entertain the rules he was the only one using this radio and soon no one would use it ever again. "Things are relatively under control here sire our forces are consolidated and have hunkered down as much as possible those who wish to leave have been allowed too but the are a minority, there will be losses but they should be within projections. World Serpent will survive this disaster so long as you do sire." Shamash allowed himself a sigh. Grey Serpent while being his most loyal went about it in a way that was almost uncomfortable. In the time he had known them they had yet to stop calling him "sire" and others within World Serpent were starting to follow their example the new recruits being particularly impressionable. He wasn't sure what he had done to inspire such devotion but he supposes that means he's been succeeding in his goals. "Continue to monitor the situation report back if there are any changes outside our projections..." He hesitated briefly. "This world will be reborn in destruction it is up to World Serpent to guide it." There was a a slight gasp over the radio and then silence he couldn't help but quirk his eyebrow at that before Grey Serpent once again spoke up. "Yes my lord your will shall be done the future promised to us shall come!" With this the connection was cut and silence reigned once more.

Shamash sat back upon his chair taking a deep breath, it wouldn't be long now. The radio once again sounded out with static and his eyes widened, so soon? Communication could only mean... He grabbed the radio as quickly as possible. "Grey Serpent situation." Static and garbled chatter answered him. "Sir- th-... uation... ch-ed." He could barely make out any words whatever was going on it had scrambled even short range communications. "Say again Grey Serpent." Silence. "... Th- Sleeper-... HERE!" His eyes widened in shock and soon after the bunker shook and quaked. He could here the metal creak and saw a dent appear in the ceiling followed by several more. Then it broke open and rubble came tumbling through to crush him. His eyes narrowed his face became resolute the man who had seen so much even in his short time of living would not be able to fulfil his dream. "Ah." He was crushed and darkness overcame him.
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