Power Before Coward (Bree and Jj9095)

Faye smiled. "That one it is. Now just give me one teeny tiny second."Faye said a couple words under her breath and took out her wand. She touched the book softly and a small blue protection spell went around it and then she touched morgan ."So not only will a regular mortal not be able to read the contents of this book but if anyone at all touches it besides you, youll know." Faye smiled and started to walk outside so Morgsn can go home. "Ill see you tomorrow?"

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With a big grin on her face, Morgan followed Faye outside. "Definitely. Thanks for offering to teach me by the way, I would have never known if you hadn't told me." She made sure her wand and matchbook was tucked safely in her boot and held her hand out for Faye to shake it, not really taking Faye as being a huggy kind of person.
Faye looked at her hand and chuckled. "Dont judge a book by its cover." She pointed at her new book and hugged Morgan. "No problem, you deserve to know that you are special." She let her go and waved goodbye to her from the front porch.

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Morgan giggled a bit and walked back to her foster home actually happy for the first time. She ignored her foster siblings and parents while heading to the only place she could get any privacy; the attic. When she was there, Morgan took out the items from her boots and laid them out in front of the only window. She spent the rest of the day examining them. ((Morning?))
Faye woke up the next morning for once actually excited to go to school and to have a friend. When her best friend died in a car crash she blamed the curse and didn't get close to anyone else for years. Now she felt a connection with this girl, more then a connection. She thought about her butt and then shook her head. Friend Friend Friend... She walked to class with her Pwand in her hair instead of a chopstick and had a little skip in her step.
(( xD I can't stop laughing at that)) Morgan woke up on a bad note with one of the younger children screaming in her ear. It wasn't until she was out of the house-her wand tucked safely into her furry boot- that she remembered yesterday's events. She had a friend, a friend that was a witch. Morgan grinned to herself as she walked into the school and to her class. "Morning, Faye."
Faye hearing Morgans voice smiled. "Morning, Morgan. Did you sleep figuring out your big news?" She saw people looking at them in wonder since Faye normally doesn't talk to someone unless shes dissing them or about to throw a punch. Oh but they didn't know a single thing about Faye.
Morgan took the seat next to Faye with a chuckle. She glanced at the people staring at them but returned her happy look to her new friend. "I barely slept, I was too hyper." She laughed a bit. "How was your night?" The people staring was really starting to bug her and she looked the them in annoyance. "I'm about to buy them a camera so they can take a picture." Morgan said, just loud enough for them to hear.
Faye laughed and wiggled her wand playfully at them to make Morgan laugh. She winked at her and nodded her head curiously. She COULD just turn them all to toads... "I thought you would say that. I was actually hyper for you but at some point I crashed I just don't know when." She giggled.
Morgan laughed at Faye's antics, "Aw, thanks for being hyper for me!" She returned Faye's wink with one of her own and watched as the teacher came in and quieted down the students. "Did we have homework?" Morgan suddenly started to get nervous as she had totally spaced her school work last night.
Faye nodded and calmly made an extra copy of her answers by putting another sheet of paper on front of hers. "Yes, you left it at my house." She gave Morgan the sheet of paper and watched as Morgan touched it and the letters switched from her handwriting to Morgans and Morgans name popping up in the top instead of her own. She passed her own sheet up to the next person so the teacher can collect it.
Morgan grinned as she noticed the writing changed. She handed it up, "Thanks so much. I owe ya one." With a grin, Morgan winked at Faye before taking out her book and some paper to jot down notes. That was really nice of her to do, Morgan felt like she needed to do something to show her thanks for everything her new friend has done for her. But what could she do?
Faye yawned and waved Morgans thank you away. She put her head down and decided to sleep for a little since she knew history backwards and forest, the abridged and the unabridged version. When she woke up the teacher was calling her to answer a question. Faye answered the question while crossing her arms upset she had to be woken up from her nice dream of Morgan and Faye frolicking in the moonlight. She sighed and looked at Morgan and smiled.
Morgan stifled her laughter with her hand as Faye smiled at her. "Sleep much?" She whispered after the teacher's attention was shifted from them. "Oh, and you have some drool right...there." Morgan leaned over and wipes some slobber off of the corner of Faye's lip with her thumb, thinking how cute that was.
((How cute her drool was? That's normally not cute lol))

Faye was a little shocked when Morgan took care of her drool and she was a little embarrassed. She moved her hand over the spot again and blushed. "You can never have enough sleep." Faye sighed when the teacher told them to take out a worksheet. Faye did it in only a couple minutes and looked at Morgan. "Need help?"
((No, it's cute that she drools xD or at least I'm told when I drool lol))

Morgan frowned as she thoroughly hated history. Relief filled her expression as Faye asked if she wanted help. "Please. I hate this subject." Everything confused her, she could never get dates right, and everyone's names seemed the same.
Faye laughed. "Its okay I hate English. Latin and Egyptian is more my thing." Faye started to explain each question to her and tell the history behind each person and a hint on how to remember it and let her write it herself. When she was at the last question she by mistake put her hand on top of Morgans and jumped when she realized it. "Sorry sorry." She blushed and cleared her throat and continued to explain the question.
Morgan glanced up at Faye, her own cheeks heating up. "It's..fine..Thanks for the help, it's easier to understand now." She finished up the last question, trying to get rid of the butterflies now in her stomach. Morgan swore she could still feel Faye's hand on hers and had to shake away the thoughts in her head.
Soon after Faye turned in her worksheet and saw Morgan do the same the bell rang. Faye mentally cursed and waved to Morgan as she went to her next class without her. She sighed and wished she could master making time faster besides on her own watch. She sat down in English class feeling annoyed with life.
Morgan waved back and watched Faye go to class before slowly going to her own. Sitting in French, she let her mind wander on thoughts about Faye and their new friendship. She faintly heard people gossiping about the accidental hand holding and wasn't surprised when someone spoke up and asked if they were going out. With a roll of her eyes, Morgan answered in a voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, yes we are madly in love. Get a life instead of listening in on others. It's pathetic." Morgan wasn't bothered the rest of class but she soon regretted what she said as she heard rumors flying around the classroom and she anxiously watched the clock until lunch time. She hastily made her way to their table with a very annoyed frown.
Faye finally was walking to lunch when the popular girls bumped into her and started to comment on Morgans 'love' for her and how they could not believe anyone would love her. Faye looked at them confused and happy but scared that this was a joke or something. She walked by them not knowing how to answer and not even stopping to pull a prank on them. She went to her table with Morgan and popped up some food inside her backpack like she normally did. She saw Morgan walking up to her with an annoyed face and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Hey, everything... okay?"
Morgan took a seat and a deep breath. "I'm sure you've heard what everyone has been saying, right?" She was thoroughly embarrassed to have to talk to Faye about this. This might ruin their friendship, something Morgan didn't want, but she would be lying if she said that what she felt for Faye was just that, friendship. What had started as simple has grown into something a bit more complex. Morgan was crushing on her best, and only, friend.
Faye looked at her thinking about what the popular girls said but she shook her head not knowing where it would go. She felt her throat closing feeling scared of what shes going to say.
"Well," Morgan combed through her hair, avoiding Faye's gaze. "Someone asked me if we were dating and I gave them a sarcastic answer...That they took literally I guess...." Oh god, this was humiliating. Morgan could feel her face on fire and she couldn't look at Faye.
Fayes face dropped and shook her head hearing that the answer was sarcastic. She tried to brighten up and gave Morgan a weak smile. "Hey, its okay. Many rumors go around about me. Many people like to pick on the weird ones. I'm used to it. This is nothing new." Faye smiled at Morgan and not being able to fake it anymore she looked down at her bag with her hair covering her face.

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