Power Before Coward (Bree and Jj9095)

Morgan was shocked and disgusted as she put down her own headphone. "I regret asking." She swallowed back the knot in her throat. "I didn't know the Salem Witch Trails was more than just ignorant religious nuts killing innocent people....I'd like to learn more about being a witch." Morgan met Faye's eyes with a determined, slightly scared look.
Faye smiled and got up knowing the bell was going to ring. "After school, my place. Check your left back pocket when the bell rings again for dismissal." The bell rang and she hurriedly drank her milk and threw it out. She waved goodbye to Morgan and headed for her next class. ((You can skip to afterschool if you would like but I need to take a test right now so give me some time please))
As the bell to let out the students rang, Morgan gathered her things and fished in her back pocket. Without looking at what she pulled out, Morgan started to walk out of the school building. She opened her hand to find (what I'm assuming) the address to Faye's house and smirked as she headed to Faye's street.
((Good job lol))

Faye was waiting outside her house, already changed into regular clothing. She saw Morgan and waved. "Come in come in." She walked around to the garage and used a 4 digit code to open it up. The garage unlocked and she put up it up just a little bit. "Come on. Duck." When Morgan came in she locked the garage door again and then finally turned on the light. She looked around at her caldron, alter, pentagram in the middle, elemental candles and each element all over the walls painted. The floor and ceiling were light purple for spirit with lines of each element from each corner going to the middle fading. The earth wall had powders and herbs all over the wall. The water wall had different kind of fish's and animals ready. The fire wall had candles, incenses, mathces, blow torches, etc. The wind wall had wands, brooms, and other items that Morgan would soon find interest in. Faye went up to the wind wall first. "Wind." She pointed at each. "Fire, water, earth, and then spirit." She pointed to the middle with the alter, cauldron, athame, etc. "You get to pick one item from each one. I suggest you pick a wand in the air section. Just make sure to look around at each one and if none pop up no problem, trust me you will find it. I am still looking for my spirit, a lot of witches get stuck there."

((Dude can Morgan be her spirit? Like her soulmate? xD ))
((Morgan will be her spirit. xD )) Morgan ducked under the garage door then felt her jaw drop at the sight she was presented. Faye's words barely made an impression on her as she looked around in awe. She could just sense the power that was here. Trying her best to focus back on Faye's talking, Morgan walked over to the wind section. "So....I just pick something?" Her eyes stared at all of the beautiful brooms and wands that she could choose from. "Anything in this section?"
Faye smiled and nodded her head. "Anything, just make sure to go in order." Faye sat down on the ground and watched Morgan look through the air section. "Don't be shy to pick it up and try it out." Faye smiled and thought about her first time picking a wand when she was 11 years old.
((Did you steal that from Harry Potter or was that number random xD )) Morgan picked a up an old-fashioned broom curiously. As soon as she had lifted it up, unpleasant goose bumps rose on her skin, causing her to shudder lightly. She put it back down then looked at the section again. A silver painted wand caught her eye and Morgan carefully picked it up. Warmth spread throughout her in a calming manor as she examined it. What she assumed to be runes were painted around the handle in a gold color. Thinking about the cheesiest thing she could do, Morgan focused her thoughts and warm energy on the tip of the wand in her hand and flicked it. Power surged through her to the wand, where a flower was dangling from the tip. "Woah...."
((omg lmao I didnt realize! I didnt mean to lmao!))

Faye laughed. "A flower huh? Is this the wand you choose? Nice pick. Those Runes have a protection spell on that wand." Faye happily walked her up to the fire wall. "Now, you see 5 different candles and a ton of other incense and bowls and whatever else. The item that you pick here will aid you in becoming a witch and will heat up when you are making a very important good decision." Faye took her necklace out of her shirt and showed it to her. "This is my pendant." It was a shiny ruby that was in a shape of a small tear drop that shined brightly. "Once again I did not choose it, it chose me. This one actually landed on my head." She chuckled. "My mother has a bottle of charcoal and my father has a lighter. Lets see what you get." Faye this time stands up knowing this part of the wall likes to fly around and hit people way too well. She took a couple steps back and crossed her arms.
Morgan nodded with a large grin, carefully putting her wand in her boot before she went to inspect her selection. Everything looked interesting to her and she was too busy taking it all in that she didn't notice the growing chill brushing against her skin. After a few minutes of seeing nothing she liked, Morgan frowned and turned to face Faye. "Ow!" It was then something moved from it's spot with a clatter and smacked Morgan in the cheek. Instinctively, she scrambled to catch it, grumbling a few choice words. She caught the object and examined it. In her hand was a small, faded, and obviously old pack of matches from some incense shop. When she realized what is was, her palm became comfortable hot, like she had held it out in the sun.
Faye laughed and had to bend over to breathe. "I told you!" She fell on the floor still laughing and threw her legs up. She then gopt up and started to wipe her tears from laughing so hard. "Man, that was totally funny when it wasn't happening to me! So is that the one?" Faye smiled and moved closer to inspect the object.
Morgan made a show of theatrically rolling her eyes in Faye's direction before giggling and showing her the matches. "Yupp, this is the one. It's really vintage." The heat in her hand grew stronger as she complimented her chosen item. "What's next?"
Faye smiled at Morgan again and walked up the water wall. "While doing a very powerful spell or doing any spell that is above your pay grade it is best to use a magickal item to help you out. It is used so that if you use too much of your powers you can recuperate faster." Faye went into her school bookbag and took out her eraser. She took out her Pwand from her hair and turned it into the actual item, a small crystal ball that swirled. "Its a ball that with the colors inside tells me my mood, if im healthy, my stamina, etc. depending on the color so I know what kind of spells I can handle at the moment." She put it into her pocket. "This one wont fall on you but it might slip out of your hands. My mother got a bar of soap." She giggled at her bad joke.
"Are...are you serious?" Morgan didn't know whether or not if Faye was kidding. Giving her a funny look, Morgan started looking through the water items, nothing really catching her eye at the moment.
Faye watched Morgan. "What do you mean if I am serious? Does it look like I am playing around." She put on a serious face and pointed at herself. She watched Morgan walking around and looking for a water item. She was taking longer than usual. "Everything okay?"
"Nothing seems," Morgan paused, giving the items one last look, then looked at Faye, "right....Is that bad?" Morgan started to get nervous, thinking she had already screwed up being a witch.
Morgan laughed. "No! Thats fine! We might have a lot in stock here but your item might be somewhere. No worries! Well just have to go to my aunts house and see if we can find it there and if not then you will randomly find it at sone point you just have to be careful." Faye smiled at her warmly not wanting her to be worried. "Mom was stuck in air for two years and I was stuck in earth for 7 months and now im stuck in spirit. Thats just how it works." Faye put a hand on Morgans shoulder for support. "Trust me its fine." Faye gave a small smile. "Now would you like to stop for the day or lern a couple spells or...?" Faye knew the temptation sometimes was too much but with her not having a water element yet it was best for her to be careful daily.

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Morgan began to smile again as she bounced on the balls of her feet, "Could I learn some spells?" She wanted to dive into this magic stuff head first, it was all so awesome and fantastical to her. Even Faye said it herself, it was okay that she didn't find her item and it was fine, so why couldn't she learn a few simple spells to make up for it?
Faye nodded. "But you must be careful okay? If you feel tired at all you MUST stop." Faye turned around to the center of the room and got her Books of Shadows out. "Now, what exactly would you like to be able to do? Try to make it small for now."
Morgan thought for a moment, suddenly coming up to a blank wall in her thought process. "Um," She tapped her chin then grinned, "could I change my eye color? Like in that one move? They were called...Glamours I think." She remembered the movie where there was a coven of witches who had just done 'Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board' and then started changing their hair and eye color.
Faye laughed. "You can even change your skin color if you wanted. Hence why a witch was seen as green once and it always stook." She shaked her head at the naughty girl that tried that out. "Wand out!" Faye says and goes through the book and finds the page. "Okay so you literally change anythings color, not just your eyes, but eyes actually kind of hurt if you ask me but I shall show you." Faye read off the book without moving her wand around much and pointed to her shoes at the end. The shoes turned from white to purple. Faye looks at Morgan and smiles. "Tada! Okay so here's the deal, you actually do not need to use your wand later on, as you can see I barely need it, but for you since you're new the wand will help you fly through it easier so follow my moves and then just read off the book okay? Practice time." She flicked her wand dramatically like she did in the cafeteria and did it one more time for Morgan. "Okay get on front of the book." Faye moved on front of her and the book but took a couple steps back and hid behind a random shield with only her head sticking out knowing what happens if you mess up the spell (kaboom of colors and paint all over the room). "I'm ready, go."
Morgan studied the book once more before brandishing her wand and doing the dramatic movements. She felt the familiar zap of magic power surge through her and into the wand as she pointed to her jeans, focusing on turning them red. Instead of the power fading when the jeans turned red, the power grew stronger until Morgan couldn't contain it and she fell back as paint exploded in front of her, coating her in a thick layer and red and pink. "......Heh..Sorry."
Faye hid behind the shield and watched as the shield turned colors. Faye stated to laugh when she saw Morgan. Her skin color was red, her hair was pink, her shoes were a mix and so were her pants. Faye started to crack up. "Okay, so that was hilarious. Now lets fix you up. Repeat the words doing a circle with the wand over and over again to clean it up." Faye giggled when she started to look around the room.
Morgan stood up a bit shakily with a grin of her own. "Alright, let's hope I can do this one right." She repeated the words while circling her wand repeatedly in the air. Power once again returned and Morgan kept control over it as all of the paint converged to the end of her wand and disappeared. "Yay, I got one right!"
Faye clapped dramatically. "Woohoo! Bravo!" She stopped clapping and looked at Morgan. "Okay, I think thats enough for today. Now just ONE more thing..." Faye made a sign for her to follow her. She opened the door to her house. "You have to pick a book of shadows to be able to put your spells somewhere. My father makes them in this household. Dad?" "Up here sweetie!" Faye went upstairs with Morgan following her. "Dad, this is Morgan, Morgan this is my dad." "A new witch huh? You took her to the garage I hope?" "Of course." "And now she needs a Book of Shadows. Well it is a pleasure to meet you Morgan! You are allowed in our household whenever you wish. Now please follow me." Faye and Morgan followed Faye's dad into their library. "On this side of the wall are Book of Shadows from our ancestors that you are allowed to read, on this bookcase there are empty Book of Shadows for the witches that we meet. I normally charge but for you, a friend of Morgans, it shall be free." Faye's dad smiled. "And over here." He pointed to the next wall. "Is our library of witch history/ancestry and anything else you could possibly wish. As a precaution each book looks ordinary and can be read like any ordinary book to anyone who does not have witch eyes." Faye's dad smiled and nodded. "I will leave you girls to it." Faye looked at Morgan and crossed her arms happily. "Go ahead."
"Your dad is nice." Morgan smiled at Faye before she went to inspect the wall of blank Book of Shadows. She let her hand trace along each of the spines, searching for just the right one. When she was on the last shelf, Morgan knew she found it. Pulling a black, leather bound book with a ribbon to keep it closed out, she grinned at her new friend. "I like this one, it's simple but mysterious."

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