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Nation Building Post Apocalyptic North America


Mekon's Maze Worm


(Highlight or name your claimed States or provinces)


Population: (real Population)


Military: (6% of population or less)

Government Model: (Democratic Republic, Republican Dictatorship, Monarchy... ect)

Leader's title:

Current Funds: (everyone starts with 100)

Current leader:

Leader's political affiliation:

Major political parties:



Other Information:

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Can you like make, like, a cool flag like, which has, like, a big red dragon head with a black/gold background

Population: 1,500,000

Capital: New New New York-Chicago

Military: 215,000

Government Model: Elective Monarchy (Most famous son/brother inherits)

Leader's title: Chikhagan

Current Funds: 100

Current leader: Chikhagan Gaelious

Leader's political affiliation: Republicat

Major political parties: Democricats

Allies: There arn't any others.

Enemies: No one has applied yet?

Other Information: Their national bird is THE GREAT DRAGON.
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[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Mid West
Can you like make, like, a cool flag like, which has, like, a big red dragon head with a black/gold background

Population: 15,000

Capital: New New New York-Chicago

Military: 700

Government Model: Elective Monarchy

Leader's title: Chikhagan

Current Funds: 100

Current leader: Chikhagan Gaelious

Leader's political affiliation: Republicat

Major political parties: Democricats

Allies: There arn't any others.

Enemies: No one has applied yet?

Other Information: Their national bird is THE GREAT DRAGON.

I can't make the flag right now, as I'm at school, also, the Midwest is very big, and has a population of 65,971,974. That's alot of land.
Massachusetts(Name:Workers National Republic of Massachusetts)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/The-Workers-Nationalist-State-of-Massachussets.gif.f71294844bbad98d1c7cbbbbea65dac4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72463" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/The-Workers-Nationalist-State-of-Massachussets.gif.f71294844bbad98d1c7cbbbbea65dac4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Population:6.349.097(In real,so help would be good to estimate the numbers for post apoc)

Capital:New Rome-Boston

Military:442336.79(estimated with the population above)

Goverment Model:Facist Dictatorship

Leader's Title:Il Duce

Current Funds:100

Current Leader:Il Duce Vincent Adam

Leader's political affiliation:Workers National Party

Major Political Parties:Workers National Party,All other Parties are banned

Allies:Currently None

Enemies:Currently None

Other Information:The Motto of the WNP is ''Working for a Greater America!''



  • The-Workers-Nationalist-State-of-Massachussets.gif
    165.7 KB · Views: 72
DefendKebab1918 said:
Massachusetts(Name:Workers National Republic of Massachusetts)
View attachment 163355

Population:6.349.097(In real,so help would be good to estimate the numbers for post apoc)

Capital:New Rome-Boston

Military:442336.79(estimated with the population above)

Goverment Model:Facist Dictatorship

Leader's Title:Il Duce

Current Funds:100

Current Leader:Il Duce Vincent Adam

Leader's political affiliation:Workers National Party

Major Political Parties:Workers National Party,All other Parties are banned

Allies:Currently None

Enemies:Currently None

Other Information:The Motto of the WNP is ''Working for a Greater America!''
Fascism best ism!

I mean accepted

La République de Québec

The Republic of Quebec



Quebec Province

Labrador & Newfoundland

New Brunswick

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island

Capital: Québec City

(Ville de Québec)

Population: 9,917,055

Military Personnel: 595,023

Government Model: Democratic Republic

(République Démocratique)

Leader's Title: Prime Minister

(Premier Ministre)

Current Funds: 100

Current Leader: Prime Minister Louis Beaudoin

Leader's Political Affiliation: Liberal

Political Parties

Liberal Party

Conservative Party

Allies: None

Enemies: None
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Lorkhan said:

La République de Québec

The Republic of Quebec



Quebec Province


New Brunswick

Nova Scotia

Capital: Québec City

(Ville de Québec)

Population: 9,917,055

Military Personnel: 595,023

Government Model: Democratic Republic

(République Démocratique)

Leader's Title: Prime Minister

(Premier Ministre)

Current Funds: 100

Current Leader: Prime Minister Louis Beaudoin

Leader's Political Affiliation: Liberal

Political Parties

Liberal Party

Conservative Party

Allies: None

Enemies: None


Ok. We can start now. I made Deth's flag, he can put it up whenever. How it will go is each turn is a week. Deth, Defend, then Lorkhan will be the order. You post one thing, I'll respond, post again I'll respond. Eventually, you'll end you turn. Then it will happen. With the next person. On week will begin at Deth's first post of his turn, and end at Lorkhan's last post of his.
Florida,Ga and if possible the states on the Yucatan Penisula




Population: 20,000,000 (19.89 mil)

Capital: Mariana


Government Model: Celestial Monarchy

Leader's title:Emperor, Boss, or just Name

Current Funds: 100

Current leader: Emperor Hannibal Semiw

Leader's political affiliation: Semiw Family

Major political parties:Nobles, Common Folk (for Referenda only)



Other Information:Motto is "Don't Underestimate, Ever"
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The Deseret Confederacy


Population: 2.94 million

Capital: Salt Lake City

Military: 117,600

Government Model: Theocratic Republic

Leader's title: President/Prophet President presides for five years, the prophet for life

Current Funds: 100

Current leader: Church: Adam S. Carter. State: Henry J. Whitlock

Leader's political affiliation: The Southern People's party, and the LDS Church

Major political parties: The Southern People's and the North Party of the populous, as well as the predominant LDS religion

Allies: None as of yet

Enemies: None as of yet

Other Information: Due to the population being mostly LDS they listen heavily to the prophet and his apostles. They started preparing when the prophet made the announcement in late 2010.

Republic of New Hampshire


(Highlight or name your claimed States or provinces)

New Hampshire







Government Model:

Constitutional Republic

Leader's title:


Current Funds:


Current leader:

Jack Taylor

Leader's political affiliation:


Major political parties:

Republican Party

Demicatic party (Minority)


none as of now


none as of now

Other Information:

NH is a small country in New England with a small population and land mass.

The people in New Hampshire love guns. Many civilians own them.

English is the major language, although, many speak French as a second language.​
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DefendKebab1918 said:
Gonna Unite East Coast Under my Facist Banner!
Good luck m8. The Republic of New Hampshire shall Prevail. Perhaps an alliance?

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