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Pokemon XY RP W/ Pyka the Pikachu

Sparks, Flame, and Silver also greeted the other pokemon and somewhat they all share somewhat personalities with each other as Leo smiled at all of them
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Sparks, Flame, and Silver also greeted the other pokemon and somewhat they all share somewhat personalities with each other as Leo smiled at all of them

Tsuki eyed Flame warily, Kitsune looked happy talking to Sparks and Hikari tried to play with silver
Flame kept a distance with Tsuki while glaring at her, Sparks was enjoying talking to Kitsune, and Silver wanted to play with Hikari
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Flame kept a distance with Tsuki while glaring at her, Sparks was enjoying talking to Kitsune, and Silver wanted to play with Hikari

All the pokemon are palling around except for Tsuki and Flame
"It looks there getting along...besides Flame and Tsuki" Leo said as Flame spits out spark of flame and lit off once it hit the ground
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]"It looks there getting along...besides Flame and Tsuki" Leo said as Flame spits out spark of flame and lit off once it hit the ground

Tsuki Growls at flame
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Flame dodges and smirks at Tsuki "Yeah I guess Flame and Tsuki has the same personality"

Seiren laughed nervously
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo laughs at the two

Seiren soon smiles as well Kitsune yipped and Seiren responded "Yeah it has been a long time since I've truly smiled..."
Leo looks at her "Well you should try it sometimes especially if you are hanging out with your pokemon and friends" He said as Sparks agreed
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo looks at her "Well you should try it sometimes especially if you are hanging out with your pokemon and friends" He said as Sparks agreed

"Seiren responded with a smile
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo smiled back at her "So ready to go find a pokemon?"

"yes but I don't want my other pokemon getting jealous.."
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo smiled back at her "So ready to go find a pokemon?"

"Why not." Seiren responded looking to her pokemon for the "OK"
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]"Great let's go" Leo said as Sparks jumped on his shoulder as he started marching and his pokemon followed him as well

Seiren follows him
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]They made it to a grassy wet terrain "I heard there's a special pokemon living in this area"

Just then Seiren stopped in shock and surprise. THere was a Team Flare Grunt Standing there "Brother...?" She Asked in disbelief

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