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Pokemon XY RP W/ Pyka the Pikachu

[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo was smiling behind Serien when she was talking about him

Seiren's Mother took a breath and said "I suppose I could tell you..."
"When Seiren was little her father went off the deep end..." Explains Seiren's mother "He was a good man until one day he met that horrible Woman..."
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo looks at Seiren mother "What horrible women?"

"YOu know that woman on your holo caster news?"
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo stood quiet for a moment "I'm sorry to hear that..." Leo said to her mother

Seiren's mother said nothing
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo said nothing and got embarrass and awkward suddenly

"It's fine..."Said Seiren's mother "You may go Seiren with your friend..."She continued after turning to her daughter
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]"R-Right" Leo said bowing down to Seiren mother and started to run off "Come on Seiren let's go" He said waving at her

Seiren silently followed him with her backpack and Pokemon in tow
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]"Oh okay....well ready to go to our first route together?"

Seiren nodded and followed Leo
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]Leo smiled and they made it to the first route "So Seiren is Kitsune your only pokemon?"

"Nope, I have a few others... Come on out!" She said throwing up 2 Pokeballs Out came a small Eevee and an Absol "When I said I was inexperienced I meant against other trainers
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[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]"cool and eevee and a absol so cool" Leo said as Sparks jump down and walks up to the eevee and absol

The Absol looks at Sparks Warily and the Eevee Jumps happily "THese two are Tsuki and Hikari, Tsuki is the Absol and Hikari is the eevee."
[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]"Well nice to meet you Tsuki and Hikari" Leo said as Sparks jumps up and down with Hikari

Tsuki looks at LEo warily but soon smiles and gives a happy nice-to-meet-you-too cry
Leo smiles "Well I better let you introduce to my pokemon as well....Come on out everyone!" He said as suddenly and Eevee and Charmander came out looking at everyone "Meet Flame the Charmander and Silver the Eevee"

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