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Fandom Pokémon: shadow story

Zedisback said:
"No, I haven't." The Sneasel said really not even sure what a legendary pokemon even was until he said "Legendary?" Trying to learn what it is. @JessBeth
"You mean you never heard of it?" Angel asked as she look at him.
Zedisback said:
"Yes, I do." He said walking over to her his wonder was starting to peak, Sneasel walking over to her taking a seat, @JessBeth

"Well...I don't know....that mean I have to tell you from the beginning....before I meet one of the legendary pokemon...."
Angel said as she climb another rocks.
JessBeth said:
"Well...I don't know....that mean I have to tell you from the beginning....before I meet one of the legendary pokemon...." Angel said as she climb another rocks.
Sneasel would sit at her feet waiting for her to answer, he looked up at her saying "Well we have time." Sneasel walking up getting another two of the berries handing one to Angel. @JessBeth
JessBeth said:
Angel take a berry and smiles. "Ok.....As the reason why my name is Angel....my trainer named me.....I was an egg...hatch as a Togepi...."

He looked at Angel saying "Go on." Taking a bite of the berry, eating it, smiling at her waiting to her the rest of her story looking at nodding as she talked. @JessBeth
Zedisback said:
He looked at Angel saying "Go on." Taking a bite of the berry, eating it, smiling at her waiting to her the rest of her story looking at nodding as she talked. @JessBeth
"My trainer dream it to become a star...so she train me to do dancing and used my move to impressed the judges and make people smiles...." Angel smiles as she remembered the time when she trianing. " My trainer take me to do some Pokemon Contest, where I become the best....."
JessBeth said:
"My trainer dream it to become a star...so she train me to do dancing and used my move to impressed the judges and make people smiles...." Angel smiles as she remembered the time when she trianing. " My trainer take me to do some Pokemon Contest, where I become the best....."
Sneasel nodded wanting to know her story unlike her he didn't have much to say about himself, he was just a Sneasel, who used a lot of his time being in the place he was born, he had nothing else to be told, he would smile hearing her story saying "How long did that take?" He asked her. @JessBeth
Zedisback said:
Sneasel nodded wanting to know her story unlike her he didn't have much to say about himself, he was just a Sneasel, who used a lot of his time being in the place he was born, he had nothing else to be told, he would smile hearing her story saying "How long did that take?" He asked her. @JessBeth
"Oh, a year....that when I started to evolve....soon become a spotlight of grace and cuteness....winning a ribbon and having the best time of my life!!" Angel smiles so happily of memories and being in the contest. But then her smiles start to fade away. '....But...it didn't last...."
JessBeth said:
"Oh, a year....that when I started to evolve....soon become a spotlight of grace and cuteness....winning a ribbon and having the best time of my life!!" Angel smiles so happily of memories and being in the contest. But then her smiles start to fade away. '....But...it didn't last...."
"How sad..." said looking at her standing up patting her on the back "What happened?" Sneasel asked looking at her with a small frown on his face, it seemed something dark happened in her past something that made her uneasy something she didn't like to speak about. From what he could tell.@JessBeth
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Zedisback said:
"How sad..." said looking at her standing up patting her on the back "What happened?" Sneasel asked looking at her with a small frown on his face, it seemed something dark happened in her past something that made her uneasy something she didn't like to speak about. From what he could tell.@JessBeth
"My trainer caught pokemon, Milotic, which is rare to catch it in the wild. She soon start to train it for the Pokemon contests. Then, Milotic grew to become popular in the show...taking all the spotlight....and everyone love Milotic for it elegant and beauty...while I...lost the spark...." Angel said it as it is hurtful. "Then the next thing I knew....my trainer decide to release me....meaning I'm no longer doing any shows since I lost the sparks.....I was shocked and didn't want to be separate with her...but she didn't care.....and she leave me......"
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JessBeth said:
"My trainer caught pokemon, Milotic, which is rare to catch it in the wild. She soon start to train it for the Pokemon contests. Then, Milotic grew to become popular in the show...taking all the spotlight....and everyone love Milotic for it elegant and beauty...while I...lost the spark...." Angel said it as it is hurtful. "Then the next thing I knew....my trainer decide to release me....meaning I'm no longer doing any shows since I lost the sparks.....I was shocked and didn't want to be separate with her...but she didn't care.....and she leave me......"
"Well....I'm sorry to hear that, but than again if they did do that maybe you are too good for them in the first place." He looked at her standing up this is one reason he didn't like Humans he had heard story's like this before but he was always thinking this couldn't be true but maybe they could...Sneasel looked at her, ready for her to go on to the next part of the story looking at her saying "Go on." Looking at her. @JessBeth
"I was heartbroken.....I feel like a betray....I start to fly away, going faster and far away from that town and place I know....All I want is to forget about it......I keep traveling around day and night without stopping and rest.....it take days...until I found a forest that is peaceful and quiet....then....I meet him...." Angel said it.

JessBeth said:
"I was heartbroken.....I feel like a betray....I start to fly away, going faster and far away from that town and place I know....All I want is to forget about it......I keep traveling around day and night without stopping and rest.....it take days...until I found a forest that is peaceful and quiet....then....I meet him...." Angel said it.
He looked at her standing up this was one reason he liked this lace because it was away from Humans if they really did do this, how could they do this? Looking at her standing up yet again looking at her Sneasel said " Did that really happen?" Giving her a small look of worry wanting to know if it was true or not. @JessBeth
Everyone They all stood in silence as Sim and Rayquaza exchanged in small conversation, but would it even be considered that? The two Pokémon were simply speaking their mind. Surely, most everyone was impressed with her bravery to stand up to the legendary serpent. However, unlike the others, M-2 didn't react, he simply found clarity in both Latios' and Sim's words. 'That thing is braver than it looks-' he thought; it wasn't very respectable of him to refer to her as an 'it' rather than what she really was. Before going silent once again, he whispered almost to the point of being inaudible, "Apologies," he mused.

Ascalon broke his silence with a small chuckle, and that was about it from him. The cause of his amusement was the fact that Rayquaza had stated: "
You've surprised me," considering the fact that he didn't seem the 'able to be surprised' type, Ascalon found this funny. In fact, to him, Rayquaza almost seemed to make himself want to seem all-knowing, but that was just in his eyes. "Oooh~" Jirachi started to say like a child would in a case where they would prepare to 'tell on' someone, "Sim surprised Ray Ray~!" he exclaimed as he proceeded to make quick twirl in the air.

"The point is Rayquaza, Arceus has called for you. Weather you like it or not your going. If you don't then when the would still stands you will have a lot of explaining to do with him in why you just sat by."

Rayquaza knew he was right. Not coming would come with a lectur from the Father. And Arceus was not someone you wanted to get on his bad side. "I'll meet you at Spear Pillar." That was all he said before flying of in the direction of the mythical monument.
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Ascalon The sudden change in Rayquaza's mood was pleasant to see, and it hadn't taken him very long to fly off towards Spear Pillar- the location that would likely end their journey throughout the regions. Latios faced Rayquaza honorably, and put him in his place, and Ascalon respected this. As he briefly looked over his previous doubts in Latios' leadership and honesty, he'd mentally scolded himself; Latios was trustworthy, and to think anything less of him for as long as they've been acquainted was sad. He slowly turned to Latios, giving him a stare filled with regret, "I apologize for my doubt in you-" he stated much more firmly than he'd expected. Of course, he wasn't the only one to have a moment of distrust, but nevertheless, he was one of the first to apologize. No one else seemed to speak up beside M-2; However, Jirachi didn't seem to hold any grudges, and Aeurilo- the new addition to their group, still didn't seem to trust Latios very much.

Sim Sim stood still until Rayquaza had flown away. As soon as he was out of sight, they began to shake, and their knees buckled. "Th-that was terrifying," they said. "I-I thought for sure he was going to kill me or something..."
"No need to apologize Ascalon. I've been holding many secrets. Mostly because I'm afraid of what people would think if they were to know." He said. Latios was about to get ready to leave when he remembered something. "Oh crap. I didn't tell Rayquaza to find Groundon and Kyogre. Ugh, this is going to be a pain in the rear."
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