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Fandom Pokémon: shadow story

Zedisback said:
Sneasel, walked back in, his arms full of berries, but it was still by no means a large number of them, it was a smile pile that he would lay on the ground before putting the rocks back into place, that he needed to knock down with his feet before knowing Angel wouldn't be able to move the rocks, at least not with her broken wings. @JessBeth
Angel see Sneasel back as she stand up and walk toward him. "Let me help!!" She used the moved Pyschic to pick up some berries and put it on the leaf plates.
JessBeth said:
Angel see Sneasel back as she stand up and walk toward him. "Let me help!!" She used the moved Pyschic to pick up some berries and put it on the leaf plates.
"Thanks." He said sitting down not really sure what to think about this he was happy to let her help, looking over to Angel "You can eat first." Not really sure what to think but she was his guest. Just sitting and resting.
Zedisback said:
"Thanks." He said sitting down not really sure what to think about this he was happy to let her help, looking over to Angel "You can eat first." Not really sure what to think but she was his guest. Just sitting and resting.
Angel look at the Oran berry and eat it. "Sneasel, you can relaxed, I'm not going away or hurting you...." She let out a giggle.
JessBeth said:
Angel look at the Oran berry and eat it. "Sneasel, you can relaxed, I'm not going away or hurting you...." She let out a giggle.
Sneasel looked at Angel nodding he was relaxing after he went around everywhere, looking for berries, "I'm going to relax for a second." He said thinking about how long it would take them to regrow. @JessBeth
Zedisback said:
Sneasel looked at Angel nodding he was relaxing after he went around everywhere, looking for berries, "I'm going to relax for a second." He said thinking about how long it would take them to regrow. @JessBeth
Angel look at him as she smiles a bit. "Are you lonely?
M-2/Miciliox Though Rayquaza had a point in the fact that Celebi could take them to a time where they could stop the creation and growth of the Shade, Eclipse, though, Latios was also correct- in doing so, they could quite possibly disrupt the very fabric of time and space. He could sense Latios' growing frustration with the great dragon, but he was holding it back- somehow. His robotic eyes began to glow ever so softly, almost to the point where it was non-existent, "Latios has a point. Take into account how such an action would affect Dialga and Palkia," he mentioned and explained. Though having been foreign to some of the legendaries in their time, he certainly knew of some, specifically the ancient ones, the ones rumored to be on this earth ever since the beginning of it. "You need to put your differences aside for the sake of this planet," he stated. His words were monotone as usual, and it was likely that he didn't feel all too strongly on the situation, but in hopes of his survival, he had to help; if this weren't the case, he likely wouldn't be with them.

JessBeth said:
Angel look at him as she smiles a bit. "Are you lonely?
He looked at her shaking his head a bit saying "Well I don't see many others in this area, I like that really." He liked being alone, but he wasn't going to lie to her, but he was still happy to help saying "But, I am more than happy to help." @JessBeth
"And what has the world done for me, I've been protecteing it for eons and all its does is get into trouble. I feel like the maid around here. And besides, why would I come along with this 'child'." He said looking directly at Latios.

"I am not a child." Wispered Latios to him self. His clenching claws were now starting to draw blood. Latios was unsure him much for this he could take.
M-2/Miciliox M-2 seemed to stiffen for a few moments after exchanging his sight between the large and daunting dragon Pokémon, and Latios, the one who was being tormented by him- at least that's how it seemed. Latios had clenched his claws together tightly, and as soon as M-2 caught sight of the thick, red liquid that began to fall from the self-inflicted wound, his eyes noticeably began to shine with instinctive light. He let out a small and alien sound before redirecting his vision to Rayquaza once more, the light having faded once he'd done so. "Why must you be set on taunting him?" he asked, having been referring to Latios. "It's almost as though you're simply asking him to lash out at you; It's best not to tempt him," he would've said more, but he didn't want to be attacked- or worse.

"I would kill you know beat if it didn't appeal to my interest, but I'll rather informe you. Latios here had one job. A job to keep this world from ending up in such a disaster. Do you know why he knew Eclipse so well. That's because they meet each other 7 years ago. Poor Latios here had broken out of his cell, dooming the rest of his kind. When he returned a small black flame could be seen in the center of the room. This flame was Eclipse, back then it was vulnerable and had no will of its own. It just floated there a Latios just stares back. Before he could do anything it flew away, waiting until it had full control of itself and all of the death energy it had collected. Now it has grown out of control. All because it wasn't stopped then. This is his mess, not mine." Rayquaza said, a wicked smile came to his face. Surely by now his little friends would know thier leaders wrong doing.
Zedisback said:
He looked at her shaking his head a bit saying "Well I don't see many others in this area, I like that really." He liked being alone, but he wasn't going to lie to her, but he was still happy to help saying "But, I am more than happy to help." @JessBeth
Angel smiles as she finished up the berry. 'Ah! So full" She move and stand up.
Everyone Ascalon's, and everyone else's eye(s) widened in surprise, even Jirachi. Surely, they couldn't be the only ones who were shocked by the knowledge they'd gained from Rayquaza's explanation on Eclipse's origins. However, despite the state of mind that everyone was currently in, Ascalon spoke up whilst the others stayed silent and watched Latios' movements. "Certainly he couldn't have known what that thing was, right Latios?" he questioned, him exchanging glances with their now 'exposed' leader. At the time, Ascalon was the only one who spoke up, but as soon as he'd finished speaking, Jirachi too spoke as well, therefore responding to Ascalon. "You have a point! How could he know? We were all kids once, and we weren't as wise as we are now!" he exclaimed happily. Of course, Jirachi didn't take into account the serious state of the conversation- if Latios did know what Eclipse was back then, why wouldn't he stop him?

M-2 stood in silence unlike the others, they'd begun asking Latios questions as well as trying to defend his position. '
What if we were blindfolded all of this time? What if Latios has been deceiving us- ?' he thought hesitantly. He exchanged a lifeless glance with Latios before stepping away ever so slightly in Rayquaza's direction. He hadn't known Latios for the longest time, and who was he to question either of these Pokémon? However, Rayquaza was older, and M-2 was much more familiar with his position compared to Latios- he somehow felt as though he could trust him more despite how wrong his current actions felt.

Aeurilo's facial expression changed from that of frustration to one of absolute surprise, and he instinctively put his large draconic wing around his brother before speaking to both Rayquaza, and Latios, the one that most people here seemed to trust and like besides Rayquaza. "
You were the cause of this?" he asked, his dull eyes seeming to narrow as well as his large claws beginning to clench and scratch at the old rock beneath his feet. He looked away to an area where no one was before speaking, "Is he?" he mused in a highly protective tone; like always, there was no reply. He directed his attention back towards the two Pokémon in a small conflict. Latios had four Pokémon to answer to, and none of them were sure what he'd say.

(I know, It's a lot of text, but I felt the need to give everyone a reaction for this revelation.)

Sim Current form: Eevee

Sim had walked up the mountain, carrying the unconscious Celebi on their back. A good rest had done wonders, and they had almost recovered all of their strength. Certainly enough to keep up with the group, at least.

At Rayquaza's reveal of Latios' past, Sim hesitated. They listened to everyones reactions and berated themself for mistrusting Latios, even for a moment. They thought back to their first encounter from what felt like ages ago. He had saved the forest, even after he thought he couldn't. He was brave, and wanted to save everyone. "What happened in the past is in the past," they said out loud. "It doesn't matter. Latios is trying to save everyone now. You should be, too. Clearly you know about this thing. Why didn't you stop it? Latios was a kid, a scared kid in pain and afraid for his life. You are a powerful dragon, lord of the heavens, and yet you blame a weak, tortured child for not killing something? Latios may be at fault, but so are you."
"No, I didn't know what was happening then. I didn't know what Eclipse was. But it spoke to me. It said only a few word. 'Death is on your hands. The shadow has been freed. Now the world will perish.' By that point I was more confused than ever and I still just watching in amazement. Then it flew away, never to be seen again. Until 2 weeks ago." Latios answered.

(Sorry for my slow replies, I'm haveing internet problems. Big storm going on over head.)
JessBeth said:
Angel smiles as she finished up the berry. 'Ah! So full" She move and stand up.
He got up looking at her saying "I'm going to eat a little." Stabbing into the berries with his claws them putting them at his mouth as he ate, he looked at her seeing if she wanted more. @JessBeth
Zedisback said:
He got up looking at her saying "I'm going to eat a little." Stabbing into the berries with his claws them putting them at his mouth as he ate, he looked at her seeing if she wanted more. @JessBeth
Angel is walking around the place as she started to get curious.
Latios said:
"No, I didn't know what was happening then. I didn't know what Eclipse was. But it spoke to me. It said only a few word. 'Death is on your hands. The shadow has been freed. Now the world will perish.' By that point I was more confused than ever and I still just watching in amazement. Then it flew away, never to be seen again. Until 2 weeks ago." Latios answered.
(Sorry for my slow replies, I'm haveing internet problems. Big storm going on over head.)
Sim Sim glanced at Latios, then turned back to Rayquaza. "E-even if he had known what that meant at the time, it left before he could do anything. It's not his fault it got away!"
For the first time Rayquaza, the old wise Dragon of the sky, was speechless. The young one had so much bravery. He hadn't know anyone to have stood up to him like that. And it made him mad. "Why I outa kill you for your upstanding. But your the first to do that. You've surprised me."
JessBeth said:
Angel is walking around the place as she started to get curious.
As he ate he looked back seeing Angel look around he said "Feel free to look around" After those words he got back to eating being sure not to eat everything. @JessBeth
Zedisback said:
As he ate he looked back seeing Angel look around he said "Feel free to look around" After those words he got back to eating being sure not to eat everything. @JessBeth
Angel walking around more as she start to walk out as she wanna to outside. Once she is outside, she chexk if the close is clear.
JessBeth said:
Angel walking around more as she start to walk out as she wanna to outside. Once she is outside, she chexk if the close is clear.
Sneasel had finished and was, looking at Angel did she want to go outside? Standing up he walked over to her saying "Do you wish to go outside?" Sneasel asked. @JessBeth
JessBeth said:
Angel slowly walk outside and look around. "Do you know this place?"
Sneasel stood up looking at her before he said "Yes I do I lived in this place most of my life I can remember, so I know it pretty good."

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