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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows (OOC)

Oh and no, Tyranitar in not a legendary

None of the Legendaries evolve, there are some Pokemon out there that don't evolve as well but not one evolves

Here's a pic showing them all
... Done with what, there's no post, it's your turn to reply

Never mind
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Again with the one liner @Darkri, add details. Use your characters name tell us what hes thinking more stuff. Please try to be better
I edited you post a little. Take a look at what I put to try and learn some stuff. This is a casual RP, not a simple.
Yes but you kinda have backwards information. It's Latios who had protected the forest. He does so that no human goes near their home and hurts Emlas. Sal is the one who came to the forest. If I remember he was looking for his family.
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