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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rp OOC

All we need now is a guild master. If we dont have anyone throw interest soon, I'll just hold the role until we find someone, as I'd like to start either tomorrow or the next day, 7/31 or 8/1. We have a veteran team now and our 2 recruits can run as a duo or if we happen to find another recruit, that's welcome as well. Overall I'm just really happy this got filled so quickly and I'm really looking forward to this rp. If you have any npc teams you like to make up and have out their in the world to interact with please go ahead and create a sheet.
I only ask, rather than make a second post on the character thread, just add a spoiler for any npc characters you'd like to make.
I posted a CS but I'm not sure sure if it was meant to be posted here first for approval (; °͈▵°͈) I'm so sorry if it was, I'll delete it from the CS thread if that's the case.
Also, everyone's characters are adorable~
You're sheet is great, happy to have you aboard! You'll be on the recruit team with mareep so all you two need now is a team name!
I'm thinking of maybe doing a lore thread, so we can list all the canon stuff we want to have happened or be acknowledge for us to use later on such as time gears or ninetails powers, as well as our own created history.
An Infernape and a Mismagius, running a guild with a Jolteon, Meowstic, Ledian, Mareep and an Eevee.

I like this cast. =D
May I join as the third one on the newbie team, or was I too late?

I posted my CS just in case, but obviously I can remove it if I need to ^_^
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Nah wait. Infernape. That's my dude. Fire monkeys
So I love the sheet, only minor tweak, I know I didn't list it but I'm just going by the red and blue ranking system.
So maybe team horizon was Platinum, if you dont mind. I do want to have a rankings list of the top 10 teams so maybe before they're disappearance Horizon was top 3? I'd definitely like to explore rescuing them as well if you had a background story in mind? Love the sheet, am excited to have a full roster and get started!!
I've edited the characters page to better show the rankings for both your rescue team, and your position within the guild. Treasurer and Nurse will likely be npcs less we find more people who would like to join. I think once we get all the sheets on the characters page, we'll be ready to go!

Side note, though it doesn't need to be included in the sheets, I'd definitely urge you to talk with your teammates and establish the kind of relationship your characters have going in so it's easier to start. This holds true with the master and hand as well.

Side side note, are we going to say that this is Wigglytuff's guild, just a new generation? Caesar is say guild master number four giving the guild a little more history, and if people are interested in deeper lore building we can even have sheets for the former Guild masters for possible appearances! I'm just really excited for this rp, so feel free to throw out idea for characters or storylines or lore you'd like to add!
So I love the sheet, only minor tweak, I know I didn't list it but I'm just going by the red and blue ranking system.
So maybe team horizon was Platinum, if you dont mind. I do want to have a rankings list of the top 10 teams so maybe before they're disappearance Horizon was top 3? I'd definitely like to explore rescuing them as well if you had a background story in mind? Love the sheet, am excited to have a full roster and get started!!

You're sheet is great, happy to have you aboard! You'll be on the recruit team with mareep so all you two need now is a team name!
Yay! Thank you so much! (⌒▽⌒)☆ Happy to be aboard, cap'n!

Oh gosh I'm bad at naming things, what do you guys think mdebourg mdebourg Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17 ? Looks like we have a team of cheerful fresh faces who are eager to help, but have a lot to learn and might end up with more than they bargained for. Maybe something lofty and above their station?

I'm not sure how much of a pre-established relationship the three would have since they're all new, their bonds will probably grow a lot during the RP, but they all seem outgoing and friendly enough that they'd get along fairly easily from the start (though depending on how he goes about it, Eevee probably wouldn't enjoy Tesla babying her).
I wonder who the leader would be... Oishii is the strongest and most experienced from the get-go I'm glad he joined because I don't think either of the others have much experience at all if they have to fight, Tesla has the most grounded aspects to his personality like being cautious and diplomatic, and Eevee is the most into being part of the guild, specifically. I feel like the former two have more reason and leadership qualities, but I'm not sure which.
Also, Eevee will probably admire Blitz Brigade and other more experienced Teams and guild members.

I like the idea of it being a new generation and there being a little bit more lore and history!
Welcome aboard!
Thank you :closed eyes open smile: Mystery Dungeon roleplays are one of my favorites to do.

Suyasuya Suyasuya mdebourg mdebourg I feel like Tesla would be the actual leader of the team, given all his wandering he's done and the reasons you mentioned, but if not I wouldn't be against Oishii leading them. As for a name, I've been thinking about it all day and am still drawing a blank for some reason, but I'm still trying to think of one that'd fit perfectly. :dead:

Unless one or both of you two sparred with him at some point, he probably won't know either of you at the start. But yeah I feel like he'd get along with everyone on the team just fine.
Oishii might annoy the other teams by trying to spar with them constantly though.
I think with our current roster we'll be ready to start tomorrow. Everyone will be starting at the Guild base, except Caesar who is away on a private matter. Hex will be giving a tour to the noobies, while Blitz Brigade is sought out for help, and will be hired for a rescue mission. I'll take the main story progression slowly initially, just until everyone gets comfortable, and then well jump into the Pokerage storyline.

I'll have the start of our lore thread up tonight after work.
I feel like Tesla would be the actual leader of the team, given all his wandering he's done and the reasons you mentioned, but if not I wouldn't be against Oishii leading them. As for a name, I've been thinking about it all day and am still drawing a blank for some reason, but I'm still trying to think of one that'd fit perfectly. :dead:

Unless one or both of you two sparred with him at some point, he probably won't know either of you at the start. But yeah I feel like he'd get along with everyone on the team just fine.
That makes sense!

I'm having the same problems with the name x_x Though I guess if we can't think of anything before, since they're the newbie group anyway we can have them try figure it out in-RP. If it comes to that, hopefully it'll be easier to throw out ideas in-character x'D

I can't speak for Tesla, but I imagine neither of them would have sparred with Oishii, since Tesla's CS says he avoids fighting unless necessary, and the extent of Eevee's battle experience is probably just play-fighting among siblings like puppies/kittens asdfghjkl But I don't think them not knowing each other will be a bad thing~

I think with our current roster we'll be ready to start tomorrow. Everyone will be starting at the Guild base, except Caesar who is away on a private matter. Hex will be giving a tour to the noobies, while Blitz Brigade is sought out for help, and will be hired for a rescue mission. I'll take the main story progression slowly initially, just until everyone gets comfortable, and then well jump into the Pokerage storyline.

I'll have the start of our lore thread up tonight after work.
Okay! I'm stoked!


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