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Fandom Pokémon Legends: Castaways OOC [CLOSED]

djskakdkdkalal who's our leader gonna be💀 can't be Kei (child) and I while Dulcia would take charge and be a decent leader she is new, Athena is a bit wimpy and Meka might be too rude but she is good at convincing ppl to do stuff. I'd say Tama or Sami would be good.

Also, funnily enough, Tama is actually Meka's favorite person right now, for the sole reason she hasn't done anything to piss her off and she's calm, I swear she only gets along with people that fight/tease her back without getting angry. After all the insults and toughness is a defense mechanism for Meka, really once she can be vulnerable she becomes cuddles mc softy
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Honestly, I half expected Meka to claim to be the leader and Tama would have to step in (Sami doesn't want to be leader. Her fatal flaw is that, despite being nice, she undervalues herself).
Meka/Tama co-leadership? Meka has the smarts and forcefulness and Tama has the calmness and reasoning?
We can probably say that everyone but sami and you are in their houses so that we can still discuss between chars idk lul maybe make it so you told them to come the next day. I'm I don't know???

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