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Fandom Pokemon high school

"Oi...is everyone trying to find Mrs. Jade today..."

The snowy haired female glanced about, massive bag draped over her shoulder. Crimson hues showed the faintest traces.of amusement. It seemed that the source of either inquiry were both males and both new by the looks of it. Though typically antisocial she was occasionally known to be motherly. Resting her hand and the book it held on her hip she cleared her throat.

"If she's consistent each year then I think I may be able to help you find her...seeing as I was going there myself..."
Oh thank you very much!- Deimon follows the lady in order to find Mrs. Jade.

So, it seems to be a nice place here, doesn't it? Says Deimon in order to prevent an uncomfortable silence.
Itazura grinned in response to Crystal's blushing. The male mismagius felt something flutter inside his chest.

"One day? I breathe all the time. But not like the way you do." He said, raising his hand to gently ruffle the girl's hair.

Giggling Crystal allowed Itazura to ruffle her hair, looking up Crystal thought to herself wether or not she would be able to do the same to him. No I don't think I would be able to reach... Giggling again at her thought Crystal smiled at Itazura.
A light pink tint appeared on his pale face and he quickly withdrew his hand. Avertimg his gaze from the girl, he asked, "Should we, uh, get going?" The male mismagius struggled to stay. Crystal made him feel...warm inside.

Noticing the slight shade of pink on Itazura's face Crystal placed her hand on his forehead, of course she had to go up on tippie toes but she touched it none the less.

"Itazura do you have a fever? You face is slightly pink. Hmmm... Doesn't feel like a fever. Are you feeling alright?"

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Noticing the slight shade of pink on Itazura's face Crystal placed her hand on his forehead, of course she had to go up on tippie toes but she touched it none the less.

"Itazura do you have a fever? You face is slightly pink. Hmmm... Doesn't feel like a fever. Are you feeling alright?"


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