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Fandom Pokemon high school

"we feel the same then i don't even feel like this around my brother i think i might be i..."he stops himself from saying something he thinks would be stupid he noticed that she looks lonely he took a few steps forward till she was in arms length he doesn't really know what he is doing his brain is allover the place his thoughts are also allover the place he puts his arms around her and hugs her "in love with you" his legs are shaking and he probably isn't thinking properly but he did it in the heat of the moment.
" i feel the same way." she hugged him gently with a bright blush, her heart pounding and her head spinning from unsure and nervous emotions feeling that he wasnt used to this just as much as she wasnt she calmed down alot and smiled looking at him. she then took a breath feeling better than before knowing she wasnt alone any longer she took time to get used to this. she thought with one thing in mind clearly ' alot is going to change ...'
well Lux heard her say the words i feel the same way his heart felt like it skipped a beat he seemed to be able to think clearly again and like his life was going to just go up from here on but he knew a lot changes are going to happen from here on out for the better he felt so much better knowing that alone he was no longer and its someone who knows how he felt.
Skyler lets him go and blushes brighter "Lets go get settled our files and unpack. ill go with you and help if youd like." she aid changing topics and hoping that if would help her relax for she was no longer alone and she was pleased with herself and Lux. she grasps her bag gently and waits for a reply her heart a flutter.

meanwhile the headmistress had been called to the office she had left a note for the students to grab their files and mark their name off for official entry.
Lux nods his head smiling "sure that would be nice" Lux said picking up his bags his emotions are mixed he doesn't know how he should feel he wasn't used to the feeling in the first place and now he is feeling a more stronger version of it he just takes a deep breath and clears his head.
skyler grips the bags and carries them over to the front desk not seeing the headmistress she grabbed the note and pulled the files then sat the note down and holds the lux's file out for him to grasp. '' whos dorm first?'' she said as she was hoping to help him get settled not wanting to go back to being alone, she lightly smiled and blushed. she thought for a moment trying to gather her thoughts staring at him with an adorable gleam in her eyes and her heart deeply pounding as she said before she felt safe.
Lux takes the file "yours i don't want to even think of what my brother will say if he saw us together" Lux said in a jokingly voice but when he thinks about it what will he say Lux's blushes seeing her adorable gleam.
" i dont think hed say much but alright then, its left i believe." she started walking with a happy like spring in her step her heart beating as she became curious as to what flex may have said she looks door to door for the number until she comes across the right room stops and unlocks the door walking in ans setting her belongings on the bed. " room 67." she smiled and put away her belongings. she stopped when she finished and skyler looked at him with a sweet smile. "your turn."
Marcus finally looked over his room with an approving nod. It was only a suitcase or two of stuff, but he was meticulous in his placement. The life of a neat freak was never really settled. He got into something more professional than what had seen him through the airport, or at least a little less wrinkled. Dress shirt and slacks were almost dress code around here, thanks to his efforts.

Marcus finally headed out the door and did a quick sweep of the boy's dorms. They put him nearby for a reason, after all. After a rushed peak, he headed for the door and sent Jade a quick text, 'Ready when you are, Miss Stone. Be prepared for far too many travel stories :P '

With that, Marcus strode across the lawn and straight for the warm glow of the coffee shop's windows. The handle's brass was rubbed down from use, and the barista hardly acknowledged one of the many faces that came and went from the shop. He took one of the cozy seats and thumbed lazily through the paper while he waited.
Jade read the message and replied. I'm in my office. come and chat if you wish I think I wanna hear a story." she then placed the files in and begun to write a slip a sort of red color and she placed it on her desk.

Skyler grabbed one of luxs bags "coming" she smiled and tapped lux on the shoulder. her eyes shining emerald green with a tiny bit of purple, her heart pounding, her bangs over one of her eyes and a bit of a rose like pink to her face and an amazed expression.
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"hmm yeah" Lux said as he sent a electricity shock through himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming which he thought was the only explanation but it wasn't his heart was pounding like a drum his face was red he put a hand in his hair and messed it up smiling 'this is real' he thought to himself before he let out a big smile and picked up his other bag.

Flex was still playing with fire on his bed until he noticed he managed to set a little bit of his bed alight "that's not good" Flex said laughing to himself as he put out the fire using his hand with his jacket sleeve over the top of it.
Skyler smiled brightly with a tiny laugh, she walked out the door and waited for him while waiting she had begun to think ' wonder if this is real or if im alseep... hm..' she pinched herself lightly and flinched, knowing it was real. "Okay.. After you." she grinned and grew abit silent her headphones around her neck unplugged and her phone in her boot she had walked fiddling with the choker around her neck.
Lux begins to walk to his room "hmm room 124 i think" Lux said as he was looking at all the doors for the number 124 then he stopped all of a sudden as he noticed that he couldn't hear his music even a little bit as he didn't stop or mute the music when he was talking but only move his headphones around his neck, so he pulled his headphones that was on his neck up to his ears still nothing he pulled out his MP3 that it was connected to and noticed it was off he thought 'when did that happen' before he scratched his head looking towards the door "o room 124" he said soon after.
Rosa ran towards the school, dragging a half-asleep Luke behind her. "I can't believe this! We're late and it's all your fault, you lazy bum!" The normally quiet green haired girl yelled at her old friend. The dark haired umbreon hybrid shrugged his shoulders the best he could while being dragged around by the hand.

"You brought this on yourself, Rosie. It's not like anyone forced you to wait for me," he reminded her bluntly. Rosa shot him a glare over her shoulder as they finally reached the building.

"Shut it, Shade..." She muttered, pausing to look at herself in a window and quickly fix her hair and clothes. "Now come on. We're late enough as it is..." That said, she walked through the doors, but she stopped as soon as she'd entered. "Where are we supposed to go again...?"

"No idea." Luke shrugged again, walking passed her and into what appeared to be a front office, knocking on the door. "Hello...? We're new, a little late, and very lost..."
-Mr. Dunstan-

"Be there in a bit," Marcus replied. With a practiced stride, the man cleared the way to the counter quickly. He went through the order in a programmed order, his pauses just as the sole barista of this place had requested before. Marcus' demeanor never soured, he was too practiced for that. And the barista's apathy never lifted, he was far too practiced for that.

In a few seconds, just long enough to fold up the paper and head for the counter, Marcus received two cups of coffee ordered in a manner he fondly called "the usual", though the barista wasn't so keen on that. In minutes flat-the campus was fairly orderly, he wasn't actually rushing too much-the teacher arrived at his favorite administrator's office.

The man knocked on the door and awaited his cue to enter, feet tapping all the while.


Two students wandered by in the halls, apparently just getting into the dorms despite the entire day before. Wonder how they did on assignments? Another watched them with minimal interest, lounging back at the table full of keys and folders of information. The student let them pass, but as they reached the resident director's office-likely with no one in there-Gale figured it would be rude to not help them out.

Not that being rude mattered. In fact, why stop?

Gale whistled to the two from their post, waving them over to the table with their room keys, "Hey, you guys are late now. Afraid we're completely booked up."
Rosa turned when she heard someone speak, apparently to them. Once he was finished, she turned again to glare at Luke menacingly. "You see? Now we're too late. Ugh!" She threw her hands in the air and walked towards the person that had spoken. "Hi. Sorry to be a bother, but you're sure there are no rooms left? We can share one if we have to."

"That sounded really bad, Rose..." Luke muttered, rubbing the back of his head as he, too, walked over. "We're cousins, by the way, so we wouldn't be doin' anything gross..." He told... whoever it was they were speaking to... matter-of-factly.

"Woah," Gale said, sitting upright and giving them a really disgusted look. "I like you guys, and I want you to be happy. But cousins? I implore you, please date other people."

Gale rested their head on their arm, slouching over after only two seconds of sitting upright. Were these two on their floor? Couldn't check without alerting the two that rooms were pre-assigned way before school started. To prevent this, actually. On the other hand, they were falling for it and it was fun. Gale made the decision to continue seeing how far the kids could be pushed.

"I mean, you could just go back in time. Not be late. Could live in the library and haunt the place."

After a second, Gale admitted, "Eh, we actually have some students that do that already. What year are you in?"
Both of them stared blankly at the strange guy for a while. "Ew, I would never date this lazy bum." Rosa gave her own disgusted look, wrinkling her nose and almost gagging at the very thought.

"Yeah, well, I'm not into incest either... You're my favourite cousin, but that's just gross..." Luke paused and stared straight ahead for a moment, then looked at the guy-who's-name-he-still-didn't-know. "Which way are the dorms? I'm sure I'll find my room eventually... If I can remember the number..."

"They doth protest too much," Gale shook their head, finally cracking a smile and giving it all away. Finally, the student motioned for them to sign up at the sheet and get started. Frankly, they were surprised that the two weren't just so practiced at this that the motion was automatic by now. Then again, Gale found the desk empty, which meant that no teachers were here to hold the student body's hands through this.

"So anyway," Gale began, sliding the keys over in front of themself. It was nice to have power, after all. "What are you two lovebirds' names? I'll see if we get the right rooms by guessing at random."
"Rosa Petals," The green haired girl replied in a soft voice, only just loud enough to hear. She no longer seemed particularly confident now that the disgust and incredulity had faded.

"Luke Shade. Who's askin'?" Luke, on the other hand, seemed about the same. He wasn't as emotional and shy as his cousin. He was just... there.

"Spiff Saturn," Gale confidently nodded. "Like the planet."

Gale shuffled through some of the folders, and eventually arrived at the right folders. As suspected, those open spots meant that they all in fact would share a floor. What fun. What fun, gullible people. Gale had probably had enough fun with these harried guests, however, so they handed the two of them their opening day packets and keys, whispering loud enough for both to hear, "But that's like top secret and all. Shouldn't even tell you, it'd put your lives in danger. You can just call me Gale Daley to be safe."

With that, Gale vacated the post. It's not like they were in charge of anything anyway, this was just a spot to hang out until something better happened. What was the worst that could occur by just letting students guess at the right path by themselves? Probably either nothing or total anarchy. So Gale instead stood up and headed for the stairs, indicating for the others to follow, "Right this way, please. I'll help you find your holding cells for the year."
The two new students looked at each other and shrugged, going to follow the person that had said to call them 'Gale.'

"So..." Rosa started, somewhat awkwardly as they walked. "What all did we miss while Shady was making us miss our flight...?"

"I told you that you didn't have to wait for me..." The dark haired 17 year old mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Be quiet, Luke," The red-and-blue eyed girl said sweetly, not even glancing in his direction.
Jade Stone Came out near her office door and placed the other files on a desk after being called about the missed flight and headed back to her room replying to the text with an okay while sipping on a cup of fresh coffee

Gale considered everything for a second, and responded with a succinct, "Nothing."

They continued towards the room, heading towards Rosa's first out of some sense of politeness and potentially also the fact that it was closer and easier to remember. Really, there was no telling the motivation. Though it was safe to bet on the second. Gale finally stopped in front of a door, and decided to at least explain further, "People getting checked in all day, nothing really happens. I might be planning to break into the science rooms later, but who knows. Or maybe we could gather all the people on the floor for a dinner?"

"I could use some food," Gale sighed. "You know what, let's do that. I'll see if anyone's here later and if they want to get to know each other."

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