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Fandom Pokemon: A New Adventure! OOC

I better post to. Also, do you find it weird that the only Pokemon my guy is witholding from fighting crime is Pyroar?
Would it okay if i were to join this Rp too? Since i know someone here is constantly ignoring me. Is there an opening for me to join this?


Name: Solana Joy
Nickname: Sol
Age: 15
Gender: F
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'3"
Occupation: Pokémon breeder/nurse-in-training! (May become a coordinator if the story fits)
Motivations: Her mother, her grandmother, her Happiny Happy, the quest for knowledge, her friends
Goals: To raise wonderful Pokémon for the rest of her life and to help all Pokémon and people to the best of her ability!

Personality: Solana has a very calm personality. It is hard to shock her or surprise her. That being said, she definitely has a lot of emotions regarding the health and safety of people and Pokémon. As soon as someone is hurt, she can turn frantic, immediately giving them her attention so she can do her best to help them. She is very sweet and genuine, and the concept of helping people (and Pokémon) is in her blood. Sol loves to cook, especially when it comes to making Poffins and Pokéblocks for Pokémon she meets while she's out and about. It takes a lot of time for her patience to run thin, adopting her mother's tendencies, and she almost always has a pleasant smile on her face.

Sol loves to ride her skates around without a helmet or protective , having a more daredevil side to her than one might first think - something she got from her grandmother. That is the reason she has a few small scars on her face. She uses these moments as experiences to teach herself better healing methods for the future. She isn't clumsy, but if she's not paying attention, she can cause more bruises for herself. Sol is very gentle when she works with people and Pokémon, because she likes to understand who she's working with as she goes. Solana might have gained her mother's composure, but she gained her grandmother's knack for finding trouble. She thinks it makes her life fun.

Backstory: When you're born as a Joy, it tends to be hard for you to do anything outside of nursing. At least, this is what Solana believed. Her mother's side of the family all looked the same, except for a handful of children. Solana was one of them. Solana's father, a breeder, doted on her and so did her mother, but Sol found most of her childhood lessons came from her father's mother, her grandmother. She had been an exceptional coordinator, and hearing her stories was Solana's favorite past time. Sol found herself wanting to be a Joy, but to be something else at the same time. Healing and helping Pokémon was nice, but she wanted to extend her knowledge to people as well, and maybe if she could do contests, if she had a push, she would do that, too.

Solana realized this when she was around eight. Her mother, being a Joy, found pleasure in her daughter doing as much as she could, and her father supported her as well. They gave her books to read, and let her in while they worked so she could learn with them. Her shelves were filled and her mind was elated with all the information she gained, relieved she wasn't forced to follow the nursing path her last name followed. Because of this, however, it inspired her to continue learning about her family. Her mother had her raise her Happiny from an egg, fostering a strong bond between the two, as a gift for her twelfth birthday. Solana had been worried that her egg wasn't hatching fast enough, but after a few months of tender love and care, her Happiny hatched, a sweet Shiny thing, similar to Solana. When Solana turned fifteen, she decided to start her own journey, supported by her family.

Hometown: Caerleon City

Nurse Joy - Solana knows every last Nurse Joy. All of them. They love her. The family gatherings are r i d i c u l o u s.
(hmu for others <3)
Hobbies: Cooking, sewing, reading, singing, skating, fishing, knitting, helping people, calling Pokémon cute at every turn,
Skills: Fishing, cooking, reciting lines from the books she's read, rollerblading, making the perfect Poffin/Pokéblock
Weaknesses: Solana's very passive, but she does have an impulsive streak. Her habit of getting into danger never seems to end. Any time she gets frustrated, too stressed, or is yelled at, she starts to silently cry instead of saying anything in response due to her guilt of not being a "perfect Joy".

[Happy, F]
[Grace, F]
Badges: None yet!


Everything looks good, She's accepted.
Appearance: View attachment 447664

Name: Macie Melody Lightfoot

Nickname: "Squirt" "The Rising Star"

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5' 3

Occupation: Celebrity/ Pokemon Trainer.

Motivations: To become the best. To show what she's really capable of.

Goals: To become Well known.

Personality: Kind, Direct. Caring. Sweet natured.

Backstory: Rather not say

Hometown: Metropolis, Kansas.

Relationships: With the love of her life, Ridge Mercer.
(With Npc's and other Players)

Hobbies: Singing.


Weaknesses: Rather not say.

Oshawott- Water starchild.
Camerupt- Nova
Gothorita- Mystic Eye.
Machoke- Muscle Star.
Magnemite- Electronic sparky.
Illumise- Illuminator.
Crawdaunt- Sea dream.
Loudred- Music blaster.
Skarmory- Starry Steelwing.
Eevee- Starshaper.
Bulbasaur- Starbud.
Weedle- Star Stinger.
Spinx- Sparking Flash
Roserade- Master Starflower.

Badges: one
(If they have any)

Ok so I don't want to be too rude about this, but I have a few issues with this. First of all is the backstory, now this was never mentioned to be optional and I would like at least something more than "Rather not say" other characters in the story won't know about her backstory unless she tells them. If you want to keep some stuff secret than that's fine by me. And it'll help elaborate where and what Metropolis, Kansas is since it's just kind of out there with no context. Secondly putting "Rather not say" on her weaknesses is a no go, everyone has weaknesses and a large part of this rp is character development and growth with Weaknesses being a large part of said development, again characters wont know her weaknesses unless openly said in character. They don't have that elaborate just simple fears or phobias.

Again sorry if I sounded rude it's just right now there doesn't seem to be a lot of meat on this skeleton.
So I have 3 ideas character wise and I'm willing to play any of them or any combination of them. Any feedback would be great.

The first is an assassin trained in the art since birth but on the run from that life and possibly the law. Specializes in dark types.

The second is a researcher type who focuses on history and how pokemon interacted with people before the pokeball. Focuses on steel types.

The third is a budding mystic and psychic who slowly comes into her powers communing with pokemon and the fates. Her main types will be psychic and ghost.

All three will be new/novice trainers with weaker pokemon.
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I'll have a post up later today, if anyone's up for interaction, send me a poke or something.
I'll try to get a post in tomorrow. With the way my work schedule is set up these past few days I've only had 2 hours to come home, unwind, eat, bathe, and go to bed just to do it all over again the day after. But tonights the last night of that, so I should be able to get caught up tomorrow for sure.
I've decided to go with one character for now and add on if I feel I can handle it. Posted the character for approval.

Edit: Is anyone else on the Discord?
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Sweet! I'll have a post in shortly. And yes, I know this doesn't have a discord. I meant the RPN discord.
First post in. I hope its okay if she's a bit antisocial at first. She doesn't quite have it in her to go out of her way to talk to people. But anyone can approach her if they want! She wasn't exactly hiding, just staying out of public attention.
First post in. I hope its okay if she's a bit antisocial at first. She doesn't quite have it in her to go out of her way to talk to people. But anyone can approach her if they want! She wasn't exactly hiding, just staying out of public attention.

So poked. If you want to work on a collab or something on discord let me know, and I can pop onto the RPN one.

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