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Fandom Pokemon: A Fresh Perspective (IC)



a white butterfly


Alola's early summer shone down on the bustling city of Hau'oli. This section of the island was particularly popular this time of year for their recently established Hōʻuluʻulu festival, which celebrated simply the ability to celebrate. Everything was to be celebrated here -- Alola's journey to recognition among the regions, gratitude to the deity's for protection, a trainers passage, or simply friendship and good sales with good food. It was a safe time, albeit only for a couple days -- a huge tourist attraction, which explained the overly crowded docks and encumbered merchants rushing to restock their stalls. A Ferris wheel sat without a twitch in the center of what was originally mainstreet, but is now a gloriously decorated festive scene from the distant hill all the way to the waters. Colorful flags and sheets stretched out across the sky whilst nostalgic pieces stacked around the cobblestone. It was truly a sight.

And truly a pain in the mudsdale if you were just an indifferent mailgirl trying to deliver some packages.

"Excuse me -- Excuse -- I said move," Came the less than friendly tone of a girl a few inches taller than the average alolanite, and too pasty to be considered a local. She weaved in and out of people, juggling boxes in her arms while a small blue frog pawed just an inch behind her worn out shoes. The soles were thin enough that they burned when they hit the cobblestone, so she made little grunts of dismay as she walked briskly, albeit awkwardly, simply trying to reach her destination -- the Pokemon Center.

Glass doors slid open, a small electronic noise alerting the staff to her presence.

"Delivery!" Called the taller girl, huffing dramatically as she finally dropped all the boxes at the foot of the receptionist desk.

"Oh my, rough day, Luna?" Giggled Joy, who directed her Chansey to grab the boxes.

"As any other," Luna responded, fanning herself and the drop of perspiration forming on her forehead.

Joy continued, "It's crowded out there -- I'm happy to be in here, with air conditioning and few patients."

Another nurse called out, "Just wait until the contest battles start! We'll be drowning in kids crying over burns!"

"Why don't you let that froakie of yours join? I hardly see him do anything," Joy commented, gesturing down to the little blue frog who remained uninterested as ever. He offered her a wayward glance before returning to his daily stare down the inanimate object.

"That's because he doesn't do anything," Luna sighed, peering down at him with disappointment. "Maybe he's disabled. Or deaf."

"Maybe you just don't have what it takes to train a pokemon," Luna snapped her head at a taunting kid approaching the desk, a loyal growlithe at his side.

"What the heck do you know? You're a fetus."

"I have a trial badge!" He waved it in her face, proudly. "I know more than you!"

"Did you attend the trainers school?" She asked snidely.

"Who needs some stupid school when you can just go on a journey!"

Luna scoffed, before taking Joys's payment and pushed off the desk. She tucked her hands and the earned pay in her pocket, half of which was going back to the post office, but the other half was hers. She supposed now was as good a time as any to eat. But she stopped just shy of the doors and thought, what the heck do I eat in a place this big? Using the thoughts of food to cover up the fact she was quite bothered by the undermining of her several years at school in comparison to a stupid trainers journey. Her eyes glazed over as she stared out the glass doors, at the massive swerving crowds and colors and scents and -- she just stood there, probably in someone's way.

"The power of chaos and deception dwell within me! As long as I am present, the darkness will prevail!"


A short girl donned in gothic lolita fashion raises her shaking hand towards her face in a percular chuunibyou mannerism, her other hand supporting an elbow.

"Which one will be the opponent of the Queen of Darkness, Azazel! Kukukukuku~!"

Her shaking arm swiftly reaches into her pockets (or lack thereof) to reveal a Dusk Ball that she tossed into the air and catches. She holds it like a goblet as she licks her lips, her head bending backwards as she awaits the competition.

All this was done on one of the festival's battle stages, where trainers could step up and challenge one another. This was also a place where people could spectate and be entertained by these battles.

The petite woman held her pose until her opponent stepped upon the stage.​
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Sylvi Montgomery
The bright lights and beautiful decorations would have caught anyone's attention if they were merely passing through or by the island. It certainly caught Sylvi's as she sat on the hood of a ranger's jeep with her Eevee in her lap and Bounsweet resting beside her on the hood. The two took in the sights of the town below them as they watched the festivities going on below them. Part of Sylvi wanted to go down and participate in the festival but her anxiety convinced her otherwise that she was fine where she was. Crowds always made Sylvi nervous and feel so small and like the smallest Wishi Washi in a sea full of Gyarados. Her head nodded gently along to the music that she played from the jeep as her thoughts filled her head and she kept her hands petting her trusty companion pokemon in her lap. She hummed gently along with the music before it was suddenly caught off which woke up both Eevee and Bounsweet. Sylvi turned to see what the cause was and saw that it was the ranger that she was assisting.

"That festival looks fun huh, Sylvi?" he asked and leaned against the hood of the jeep with his Scizor going beside Bounsweet to greet it. Bounsweet began to play with the steel and bug type pokemon which caused Eevee to become curious and play as well. Sylvi watched the pokemon play momentarily before looking at the other ranger. "Yeah, it does." she nodded and put her head in her hands as she became mesmerized by the bright lights again. "You, Synna, and Majesty should go down there." he said simply and this caused Sylvi to loo up and over at him. "But what about you and Scizor? We can't leave you two alone patrolling all night. It's not fair." The Ranger, Jack to be exact, shook his head and reached out to put a hand on his assistant's shoulder. "Sylvi, Scizor and I can handle this. It's going to be a light night tonight. Go enjoy yourself, you're still young." his smile and soft look showed that he was serious and this only calmed Sylvi. While her anxiety seemed to be spiking at the thought, she wanted to go to the festival still and see what was going on. And get some food, she was starving.

"Synna! Majesty! We're going to the festival!" she grinned and the two pokemon looked at their trainer before at each other and let out excited calls. "Oppai, pai!" "Bouuuun!" Seeing her pokemon so excited made her just as excited to get down to the city. Sylvi and her pokemon said their goodbyes before borrowing Jack's Braviary to get to the festival. Once back onto the ground, Sylvi thanked the Braviary and fed him a Razz berry before looking and seeing how many people were around. "Oh man..." she let out softly and reached onto her wrist and grabbed a pokeball. "Return, Majesty." she said softly and placed the pokeball back onto her bracelet. Synna's eyes lit up and the fox like pokemon was caught up in the lights and festivities and in her excitement, leapt from Sylvi's arms and began to run through the crowds. "Wait, Synna!" Sylvi's heart sank and she was off after her pokemon trying to keep pace with the fast little pokemon. "Oppai! Pai pai, o!" Synna giggled and looked around happily as she ran, not paying any attention to her surroundings. She was going as fast as she could without a care in the world until she was stopped by a pair of legs standing still. Synna let out a loud whine and her large ears flopped down to her side and her dark pink bandana becoming loose. "Synna!" her trainer's voice caught up with Sylvi putting her hands on her thighs as she bent over out of breath.

"Bad, Synna." she scolded her little Eevee who looked up at her and hid her face with her ears. Sylvi looked up to see who Synna ran into and found herself before a beautiful long haired woman just standing before the pokemon center. "I'm sorry, she just got excited and jumped out of my arms." she apologized and looked down at the small blue frog then to it's trainer.

Interactions: norway norway
Name: Aurelia Marigold
Location: Some Pokemon Centre in Hau’oli City
Thinking about: What disease that poor small Seismitoad has
Tags: norway norway & lonecoyote lonecoyote (interacting) Crow Crow (mentioned)

”You got a great deal there. Enjoy the festival bud, see ya around! Tell your friends!” Aurelia shouted over to a customer as he waved bye and walked away, her volume loud but still dwarfed by the clamouring of the bustling crowds in Hau’oli City. SmileySmirky the Snorunt let out several chuckles at Aurelia’s feet as the Pokemon watched the customer walking away, noticing SmileySmirkey’s reaction Aurelia also broke down into laughter, “Even you can tell I ripped him off huh? Haha, you’re getting good at that.” Aurelia said to her partner through her laughs, both of them progressively laughing harder as time went by. Wiping a tear from her eye and still slightly chuckling, Aurelia counted the money in her hands, PokémonDollar.png5500. PokémonDollar.png5500 for an incorrect map of Hau’oli City. “Ah, what an idiot. I’m awesome, up top!” She stuffed her ill-gotten profits into a pocket in her cloak before crouching down and holding a hand in front of SmileySmirky. The Snorunt responded correctly, giving her trainer a high-five. Aurelia, with an happy look on her face, picked up SmileySmirky, carrying her in her arms. “Anyhow let’s go to the Pokemon Centre, see if I can work my magic in there. Mr. NoEyes! Here buddy!” Aurelia called out to her Deino, the Irate Pokemon turning its head towards the familiar voice of Aurelia.

Mr. NoEyes plodded over towards the general direction of her voice and Aurelia put him back in his Pokeball. She tried her best to navigate her way through the crowds to the Pokemon Centre, on her way passing a few of the stages for battling. A young girl in a gothic garb catching her interest, Aurelia actually stopped in her tracks when the goth girl called out to the crowd asking for a battle, deciding she’ll return to accept that challenge after her Pokemon were healed up. Surprisingly, Hau’oli wasn’t actually that big and Aurelia found her way to the Pokemon Centre quickly enough. Unfortunately for her there seemed to be some kind of human blockage at the entrance. Aurelia noticed two girls, one with an Eevee and the other with some kind of blue frog Pokemon she didn’t know. Though that was less important, what was important was that they were in the way.

“Heyo, ladies. Hate to break it to you both but you have to walk in or out of doors, that’s how they work, no idling in front of them involved.“ Aurelia said approaching the two, waiting for them to move so she could get in, her eyes continuously moving between looking at the two girls and the weird frog she could only assume was some kind of dwarf Seismitoad.
Code by: @Necessity4Fun
“Come on Sweetheart. Dont you think it will be fun to go and.. you know. Meet new friends and whatnot? Like a teenager does when they move..?”

Harper sighed for the tenth time that day.

“Mom of course I want to go, but I also need to finish unpacking...” In truth she was hesitant about going to the festival. Not that she didnt want to meet people, but going to a fair just didnt seem like fun at the moment. Harper mostly blamed that on the move. Her mom let out a sigh and gave her the look.

At that point the trainer knew she wasnt getting anywhere with her mother. She had to go to that festival whether she liked it or not. Groaning she hopped up off of the couch and went to her room. Upon entering, she noticed Piplup and Pichu were passed out on her bed.

They must really be hating the heat as much as I am.’ Harper thought to herself. Opening her closet she picked out one of her new outfits she got on the way here. A short green top that tied in the back and some black shorts. She quickly put her hair up in a messy bun, instantly feeling a little cooler now that her long hair was out of the way.

“Piplup, Pichu, come on guys. You have to wake up, we are going to the fair.” Piplup and Pichu both let out a grumpy sigh as she picked both of them up. Walking towards the door she said a small goodbye with her mother.

“Good luck sweety! Be safe!” Harper promised she would and made her way to the festival. As she got closer she could smell the delicious food. She watched the farris wheel go round and round. She had never been to a festival before. Parker, a long time friend of her and her parents, had told her all about them, but to see one up close was something different. She actually began to feel a little excited despite the Alolan heat that was practically suffocating her.

Suddenly Piplup jumped out of her arms and raced towards the fair.

“Piplup wait up!” Harper called, panicked. She chased after him with Pichu on her shoulders, also calling out for the penguin pokemon. As she entered the festival she tripped and accidentally bumped into someone. Glancing up she noticed a very angry man glaring down at her.

“Watch where you’re going!” He huffed, and she apologized profusely before backing away. Glancing around, she realized Piplup was nowhere in sight.

‘Awesome...’ Harper thought bitterly.

Location: Middle of the festival in Hau’oli City.
Interactions: None

Location: The Festival [Hau'oli City]
Pokemon: Aria [Noibat]
Tags: THeLiLmOnster THeLiLmOnster

Currently Listening To:
Leo stood looking up at the bright lights of the fair near the festivals large entrance. Aria, his Noibat, squeeled giddily at the bright lights, hugging at Leo's head in excited glee. Leo laughed as his pokemon let loose her grip of his head to return back to her perch atop his shoulder. "This looks awesome don't you think?" Aria cawed in agreement as they continued to take in the view. A few more moments passed before the pair made their way into the festival.

The first thing to catch Leo's attention was the sheer amount of people. He was jostled and bumped almost constantly as he made his way to the fair but fortunately he was a fair size so managed to maintain his balance. Surprisingly the numbers began to thin a bit as he approached the fair, the initial crowd splitting off to the various stalls that lined the street. Leo spotted a giant rollercoaster in the distance, pointing it out to Noibat just as the terrified screams of the riders echoed over the festival. "We are most definitely going on that!" Aria squeeled and began to clap her wings together. It was then something caught Leo's attention.

“Watch where you’re going!” Leo turned to see a tall fellow berating a young lady who was picking herself up from the floor. She seemed apologetic but Leo couldn't help but notice her almost looking through the man. She clearly seemed distracted as she apologised, looking around him as she spoke. Leo turned towards her gaze and spotted a small pair of yellow feet rushing towards the fair. He looked back at the girl as the man left, her eyes scanning all around her. Quickly turning his gaze back to the running feet, Leo set off after them.

Even with the thinning crowd, it was still a chore to get through it at any sort of speed beyond a slow stroll. Using his long arms Leo began to almost swim through the crowd, gently pushing aside those who were in his way. It made a difference as he began to catch the rushing little feet. Soon enough Leo could make out what looked like blue fur and the body of a Piplup. Leo found himself in range to grab the pokemon but the last thing he wanted to do was to scare the little guy. He stepped around the pokemon while reaching into pocket. Taking hold of a handful of Aria's treats, Leo got in front of Piplup and cautiously took a knee. He presented the treats on an open palm and gave the widest smile he could. "Hey there little guy. What are you doing here all on your own?" Leo could hear the disapproving grunting of Aria in his ear, but silenced her with a quick rub of the fur on her back. Leo pushed his hand forward and continued to smile at the Piplup. "Go on . It's ok." As Leo waited to see what the pokemon would do, he quickly looked upwards to try and spot the girl he had seen.
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Zachary stood straight as he shifted the bag on his arm in font of him. He looked at each of the Pokeballs in the bag, and pressed their buttons, one by one. When he was done, three small Pokemon stood in front of him.
A Litten, Poplio and a Rowlet came out of the Pokeballs from his bag. The moment the young Pokemon were let out of their balls, they started looking around excitedly. The Litten started to run towards the new interesting sights, but Zachary grabbed it by it's scruff. "You aren't going anywhere, we can play around in the festival after the battle." The Litten wasn't very happy to be picked up, but after Zack pet it and calmed it down with his voice, the Litten seemed to quiet down. Zachary put his arm down, and the Rowlet obediently grabbed onto him, while the Poplio seemed to be a bit overwhelmed by the crowd and kept very close to Zack. "Here. Let me show you how Trainers battle." He said to the young Pokemon. Zachary looked across the stage to his opponent, and tried to act as cringey as they were. "I hope you are able to last long against my Pokemon." After he said that, Zachary motioned with his head towards his opponent "Mora." The Azurill on his head jumped into the air and landed on it's tail in the middle of the stage.
[/div] [/div]
Code by @AgWordSmith
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Harper Williams
Interaction: CaptainSully CaptainSully
Place: Middle of festival in Hau'oli

Heart pounding, Harper's mind began to race with all of the possibilities of what could happen to her precious Piplup. She could feel Pichu on her head, keeping a lookout for any sign of a small blue figure. The crowd felt like it was closing in more and more, and it was getting very hot. She just wanted to find Piplup and get out of here. The heat was making her even more anxious and uncomfortable than usual...

"Piplup, come on! It's not funny, you need to get back here!" She called out. Heads turned her way, giving her questioning glances as to why she was being so loud, and honestly she was wondering how it had gotten to this point as well. She was never one to bring attention to herself... what a way to start in a new place. She walked a few paces to the right, then backtracked and turned left. She spun in circles a few times and huffed when there was still no sign of her pokemon.

"I should've brought food. Piplup can never say no to food.." As she spoke aloud to herself, Pichu patted the top of her head excitedly.

"Pi! Pichu!" Harper glanced up at her partner to see her pointing at a spot a few feet away from them. Following Pichu's gaze, she made out a small blue pokemon that was a little obscured by passing people. A closer look showed that someone had gotten to Piplup before she had. Her heart began to race even faster as she made her way over to them, ducking past people on her way. Once she made it she quickly stooped down to pick Piplup up. He seemed to not even care that he had nearly given her a heart attack. He was munching on....on some kind of food he had found. Or perhaps was given. The white haired girl turned to the man that had given her Piplup some food, smiling a little awkwardly at him. He was with a small purple pokemon. Noibat, Harper recalled.

"Uh, hi. Sorry for bothering you, he's with me.. he kinda ran off. Thanks for feeding him though! He probably would've been ten miles from here if you hadn't stopped him with food!" She let out a relieved sigh, clutching Piplup close to her chest and glancing down at him with a scowl.

"Kukuku... a worthy opponent... very well..." Azazel laughs as she slips her current Dusk Ball into her sleeve and slips another out of her other, slapping a sticker on it as she tosses it upwards.

"O great Harbringer of Death, heed our contract and aid me in this fight! I will be your wings, and you, my blade of darkness!"

As the ball fell, a type of spell circle surrounded it. Next, a red shape spewed as the ball opened, this taking the shape and size of a bird of legend - a harbringer of death and destruction that was told in the myths and legends of the Kalos Region. It was complete with a scowling screech as the collosal avian flapped its wings and landed on the ground, its feathers flickering and flowing like furious ferocious flames. The shining red 'flesh' of the winged creature would disperse into a million feathers that vanished nigh-instantly.

In an anti-climatic twist, a beast that was significantly smaller appeared in its place. It was a bug compared to it, both in a metaphorical and literal sense.



"Kukuku... whether you can defeat my servants of darkness remains to be seen. Skorupi, en garde!"

Meanwhile, in the spectating crowd, a sunglasses-donning man being accompanied by a Tyranitar watches the match.

"No matter how experienced you are, basic battles will never stop feeling nostalgic," he says to another fellow audience member.

Interactions: Baron Baron
595986Maya Rafi
Hōʻuluʻulu Festival

Maya blinked her eyes as they slowly began to adjust to the dim lighting in the room. For several moments her eyes darted around the room, trying to recall where she was. Then it hit her. Hau'oli City . More specifically she was in one of the small rooms at the back of the city's Pokemon Center. The Joy at the counter had allowed Maya to use the room for the past few days as she planned the next phase of her journey.

Unfortunately, Maya had no idea where to even begin, or what her ultimate goal was for that matter. You know he's not here. Not this island or any of the others... Maya thought to herself as rose from the small bed and stretched her arms out towards the ceiling. Her own thoughts putting a damper on her post-nap mood Maya quickly and mindlessly changed her clothes. She slipped into a loose-fitting, sleeveless, white top and a pair of blue shorts. Next she ran her fingers through her hair, shaking it out in the process. Satisfied with the reflection she saw in the small mirror on the wall, Maya headed to the door, making sure to grab the bag hanging from a hook. She stopped at the threshold of the room and opened the back, inspecting its contents. Mainly, Maya wanted to ensure that her two pokeballs were accounted for. Seeing one grey and blue heavy ball and a standard red and white pokeball, Maya was satisfied and left her room. Maya thought about letting the pokemon out for a stretch, but reconsidered. Wilhelmina wasn't really built for land travel and Rocinante was still a bit to skittish to trust in the large crowd. Tomorrow we'll go to the coast and they'll both get a chance to stretch, Maya resolved.

In the hallway Maya was immediately struck by a new sensation. Loud rhythmic music came pouring from the front of the Center. They must have finally finished setting up the festival. Maya had noticed that a number of new stalls had gone up since yesterday. And now the sound of music and the smell of hot food confirmed what she had suspected. If nothing else it'll be a nice distraction for the afternoon. Maya thought as she walked trough the main lobby and towards the sliding doors that opened on to the street.

Suddenly a voice called out to Maya,
"Enjoy the festival, Maya. We'll see you this evening."

Maya turned to identify the voice and saw Nurse Joy's head pop up from behind a stack of boxes on the counter. "I'll see you later, Nurse Joy," Maya replied with a wave and a smile. Maya turned once again as she passed through the door only to be surprised by the trio of girls standing at the entrance. Maya stumbled as she stopped just short of colliding with the girls.

In the process Maya's flip flop slipped from her foot and Maya was forced to awkwardly stretch her foot to retrieve it from the ground.
"Sorry, I didn't see you girls standing here."
Location: The Festival [Hau'oli City]
Pokemon: Aria [Noibat]
Tags: THeLiLmOnster THeLiLmOnster

Currently Listening To:
Soon enough the woman he had seen appeared before him, scooping the piplup up but not before smiling awkwardly at Leo. He replied in kind with a smile of his own before standing up and wiping some loose crumbs from his hand. He turned to the girl and spoke with his thick, Urubii accent. "It's no problem at all. I'd be pretty worried if Aria here disappeared." Leo gestured with a turn of his head towards the noibat sat on his shoulder. The pokemon glared at the woman and her piplup, she was always wary of strangers but more than anything liked Leo all to herself. Leo gently nudged Aria with his head, knowing exactly how she got around new people. The pokemon turned her glare into the closest thing to a smile as she could muster.

"I'm sorry if she seems hostile, she just get jealous really easily." Leo laughed as Aria snapped at his ear in playful frustration. He rubbed at the fur of her back once again, calming her down before returning his glance back on the woman. Leo took a moment to watch how she was with the piplup, cradling it closely to her chest while all it gave a damn about was the food it was finishing off in its mouth. The way was she held it and judged it with her eyes reminded Leo of a time he had got separated from his mother in a supermarket as a child. When she found him she had a very similar look on her face to this woman, one that says, 'i'm glad i've found you but you had better not do it again...or else.'

After a few moments Leo reached out with a hand towards the woman. "The names Leo, i'm from Urubii." The wide smile still stretched wide across his face as he waited for a response.
Why go to some stupid trainers school when you could just go on a Pokémon journey?

Luna felt her fists tighten in her pockets, the curving in her slender throat tightening. Privileged little brat, was her initial thought, before she let out a quiet breath and reminded herself he was only a naive child. In all honesty it was a nice thought, to be so secure that you could leave the home you were raised in and go wander the world from a young age and succeed. But not everyone had that luxury. Certainly not she.

Alas it was not the little eevee bumping into her long legs that caught her attention, nor was it the sudden barrage of females that snapped the greynette back to reality, but instead the gradual warming of her face as the sun had shifted and was now melting her skin as it shone through the glass doors. Her lip curled back ever so slightly in dismay before she finally acknowledged the two — no, now three — females, who were all, (for some reason) acknowledging her existence. It made her a bit uncomfortable, and she shifted her weight from knee to knee, the cold center tile seeping through the worn out soles of her shoes. “What?” She said with a less than friendly tone to them all collectively, Coming off rather defensive.

Froakie watched.

“I assume we’re all talking about something,” she offered more awkwardly now , attempting to recall literally anything that might soften the awkward. She had no friends, she didn’t know anyone here — why were they all looking at her?

“You guys uh, here for the festival? It’s... that way.” She noticed suddenly the slight weight of a small hand nudging against her calf — she peered down, and tried to figure out what the frog was doing. It was then that she realized what the issue was — it was, indeed and not surprisingly, herself. “I’m... standing in front of the doors, aren’t I?”

With one long stride she removed herself from anyone’s way, a bit of a scowl taking over her ivory features. Hands still in her pockets, she tskd beneath her breath, before brushing past the eevees owner and starting out the doors, “People, everywhere.”

Females made her particularly uncomfortable. All three of them were a good definition for “pretty” — exotic dark skins or cute frilly outfits, or the eevee girls radiating kindness. And then there was Luna. Some unintentionally gender confused mix who had the personality of the old man that raised her and a fashion sense that wasn’t too far off either.

She huffed, hot breath mixing with hot air. “I need ramen.”

lonecoyote lonecoyote Crow Crow Qwarkl Qwarkl

(Will code later, wrote from my phone so I apologize for shortness. React however you’d like, she’s just a grump lol.)
Carlyle Ashburn
Sweat glistened on his face and collar bone as a loose white t shirt hung from his shoulders and loosely around his body to keep from sticking to him. The smell of food came from the stall he was running for the Hau'oli festival taking place. "Chester, I need the vegetables. Rienna, order up!" he rang the bell and watched as a shiny Riolu bounce through the crowd and grab the tray, carefully serving it to the customers that had been waiting for their food. Honey colored eyes looked to the small muscle bound pokemon behind himself as he grabbed the chopped vegetables. From the outside looking in, the man and his pokemon were matching with the same headbands on their forehead to catch their sweat, heck even the Riolu was wearing one. "Machop chop." Chester stated and pointed to the battling stage. Carlyle's eyes glanced up from the food and took in bits and pieces of the battle before nodding. "I know, Chester but right now we're making more money with this stall. If we have money we don't have to worry about it later. Plus, if we battle who's going to watch the stall?" he asked and Chester thought it over before nodding.

Before too long, Rienna came back and hopped on top of the stall's counter and held her paw out to her trainer. "Ri, Riolu." Carlyle grinned and looked back at Chester. "True, let's take a break, Chester c'mon I'll fix you two something." he smiled and grabbed mixed berries each pokemon liked and began to make a soup with them. The sound of fighting began to excite Carlyle and his chest began to rise faster than before. There was something about fighting that always made the young male excited and want in on some of the action.

"Order's up." he handed the two pokemon their bowl and some food for himself. "Alright, thanks Arceus for the food." he clapped and so did his pokemon before they began to eat. Carlyle watched as the festivities continued on around them, not actually interested in the fair at all.
Sylvi Montgomery
The sudden spike of people gathered around her caused Sylvi to shrink and her heart begin to race rather fast. Her breathing began to grow shallow which caused her Eevee to look up at her and rub her head gently against her trainer's chin and lick her. "Vee, eevee." Sylvi looked down at Synna and nodded taking a small breath and concentrating. She took a small step away from everyone and apologized. "Sorry, Synna just got excited." she apologized to the blonde females and offered them all small smiles as she petted Eevee gently in her arms. Most people didn't use their pokemon as safety blankets, but Sylvi just had to be the exception. She stared blankely as the girl with the long beautiful grey hair speak. The way she spoke was rather cold and harsh, but Sylvi didn't find it that way. She figured that it was just the way she spoke and thought nothing of it. She watched as the woman walked away and watched her.

Sylvi felt her stomach growl and felt Synna's too. "Oh are you hungry Synna?" Synna nodded and her fluffy tail wagged like a Growlithe's and her little paws began to flail a bit. "Pai!" it was easy to tell to when the little pokemon was excited by the noises she made. "Alright, then let's find you some food!" she cheered and looked at the girls. "I'm Sylvi by the way and this is Synna." she held up her Eevee who waved her paw excitedly. "But we were going to the festival if any of you want join us." she offered as Synna's eyes began to sparkle a bit. She always loved making new friends and was always the one to encourage her trainer to make more friends and was the main reason that she even talked to people.

Interactions: Critical.Over Critical.Over norway norway Qwarkl Qwarkl
Harper Williams
Interaction: CaptainSully CaptainSully
Place: Middle of festival in Hau'oli

At the mention of his pokemon, Harper turned her dark gaze over to his Noibat, who she now knew as Aria.

'So he's a nickname kinda guy..' She thought to herself as she studied his pokemon. She had always admired the nicknames people came up with for their pokemon. She wondered if her relationship with Piplup and Pichu would be any different if she had given them nicknames... maybe they would feel closer to her? As she watched Aria she noticed the sour attitude it seemed to exude. It was certainly directed towards her, and the trainer felt herself begin to blush. A jealous pokemon huh? She felt a little jealous herself, but not of Aria. Her feelings were directed towards the man. He was lucky to have such a protective pokemon.

His explanation of Aria made a lot more sense and Harper began to relax now that she realized she wasn't the only one who received the Noibat's wrath. She smiled despite Aria's still apparent glare at her and gave the pokemon a small wave. She turned her attention back to the man as he introduced himself as Leo. However as he told her where he was from, confusion crossed her face. She had never heard of that place before.. maybe it was somewhere here in Alola?

However she pushed her questions aside, fearful that if she asked she would make herself sound incredibly dumb and decided to introduce herself as well.

"Oh! Well, my name is Harper. I'm from Snowpoint City in the Sinnoh region...obviously." She added sheepishly, nodding toward Piplup as proof that she was really from there. Adding in that it was in the Sinnoh region was a hopeful move on her part. She wondered if her mentioning the region would prod Leo into going further into detail about where he was from.

"I actually just moved to the Alola region from there! I don't know a whole lot about this place.. Honestly I don't even know what this festival is for, I only came because my mom heard it was in town and wanted me to come make friends... it's very hot here." Harper trailed off, leaving her part of the conversation lamely. She could already feel her hair begin to stick to the back of her neck. Piplup had finished the food and was now slumped over in her arms. Pichu had also laid down on her head, the heat obviously still a problem for them.

A young lady in attire most odd and out-of-place sneaks about the place, accompanied by a Tynamo and Inkay by her side.

"The outside world is a lot different from what those stories have been telling us. Eh, who cares, free food!"

The spread on the buffet was huge. Inkay stretched its tentacles, helping itself to the delicious grilled butter Clauncher. After that, it proceeded to grab some nice, batter-covered deep fried rings.

"Inkay, hold on," the lass says as she consumes one ring, then licks her own Inkay. She then confiscated its newfound rings and tosses them into her mouth.

"Chewy... yeah, you won't like them," she says as she hands her Inkay a pack of fried Octillery balls, "maybe you'd prefer this."

Inkay consumes and chews one, nodding with glee and delight as it guzzles the rest of the pack.

Tynamo had other plans as it closed in to the sushi bar, looking at some of the more grilled options.

"Hold it! Hold it!" the lady pops one of the sushi pieces that Tynamo was paying attention to. "Mmmm... sparky..." she then licks Tynamo. "Mmmm... also sparky... yeah, I don't think you'll like it, Tynamo, why not you try this instead?"

The lady hands her Tynamo a fish roe and minced Wishiwashi sushi instead, while she herself grabs an Ariados Temaki, chewing in to the crispily-fried soft-shelled Krabby that gave this fine delicacy its name.

"You know, I came to the outside world to prove that I was the greatest battler, but thinking about it, I wouldn't mind being a legendary food connoseuir too! Ahahaha!"

Tynamo and Inkay looked at each other, then turned to her, unamused at that statement as she stuffed her mouth, rice practically spilling out with each vowel.

"Whaaaat? I can do it if I put my mind to it."
Location: The Festival [Hau'oli City]
Pokemon: Aria [Noibat]
Tags: THeLiLmOnster THeLiLmOnster

Currently Listening To:
Leo listened intently to the words of the young woman who had introduced herself as Harper. He had often wanted to visit Sinnoh but had never had the opportunity. Given that he was out in the big, wide world now there was no reason he couldn't make his way there at some point. As Harper continued on it became clear she had a preference for cooler climes, her pokemon too. Leo had been too lost in everything around him to even notice the heat but as soon as he realised it he could feel his body overheating.

"I can't stand the heat either." Leo laughed while rolling up his sleeves. "I come from a place called Tier Town that's high in the mountains. We don't tend to get any particularly extreme weather but being at a fairly high altitude means it's always lovely and fresh. It was a beautiful place, older, unique architecture was everywhere but in the last few years businesses have cropped up everywhere and it just looks like another generic place.." Leo realised he was starting to ramble on and so decided to stop himself from carrying on down the same conversation route.

"So you said you don't know anything about this place? Well neither do I." Leo spoke softly to not seem too aggressive with his offer. "This will probably sound corny but do you fancy going to get an ice cream or something? We could go for a walk after and try to work out what this place has to offer." Aria's head snapped to the side and Leo could feel her piercing gaze against the side of his face. He turned to see the pokemon's expression being one of complete anger but all it did was make Leo laugh. He rubbed at the fur on her torso before consoling the pokemon with some hushed words. "Don't worry...you can have whatever ice cream you want."

Turning his attention back to Harper, Leo smiled. "So what do you think?"
Harper Williams
Interaction: CaptainSully CaptainSully
Place: Middle of festival in Hau'oli

Harper smiled as Leo commented on the heat as well. She was thankful she wasnt the only one who complained about it. She had known before she arrived here that she would stand out in that aspect. The trainer assumed that everyone who lived here would probably be used to, possible even ENJOY, the humidity of the islands. That was something Harper had dreaded even talking about, knowing it was something that would put her apart more from everyone else here, although she found it was a hard topic to avoid when it felt like the whole atmosphere was trying to force its way into her lungs. As Leo continued with his explanation of his hometown (Even though it was something she had been digging for), she found herself becoming even more confused. What in the world was Tier Town?!

Wracking her brain for any more information about the place, it eventually ended up at a dead end. Tier Town in Urubii? Well now she knew for sure he wasn't from Alola. This man got more confusing by the minute, although Harper couldnt help but feel much more relaxed in his presence. His smile and overall aura was very inviting. She found it humerus that Aria was almost completely opposite.

"Well Tier Town sounds interesting anyways, with or without the businesses." The white haired girl encouraged. She felt very compelled to ask more questions about the strange place, but Leo's sudden question made her mind go blank.

He wants to get ice cream with me? She thought incredulously. Could she even keep an interesting enough conversation going throughout their exploration of the place? Her face turned red yet again as her heart sped up. She definitely wasn't prepared for such a long talk. She wanted to make friends of course, but she knew keeping the talk short and sweet wouldnt land her in a friend position with anyone. Who wants to be friends with someone who cant even talk about anything? However before she could answer, both Piplup and Pichu's head popped up expectantly in hopes of getting a delicious treat, and she sighed, relenting.

"I suppose that would be ok," Harper smiled at Leo, pushing her worries aside with more ease than she thought possible, "I'll buy the ice cream if you pick where you want to explore first!" She said, already making her way to a concession stand near the farris wheel. "So what brings you to the fair? I'll be honest I've never heard of Urubii before, is it far from here?"
Maya Rafi
Hōʻuluʻulu Festival

Maya fiddled with her loose flip flop while the other girls spoke. By the time she was satisfied with the fit, two girls had stepped to the side. They both began speaking and Maya listened closely. However, her attention had been drawn to the pokemon accompanying the other girls. She recognized one as an Eevee and the small Froakie on the ground.

Snapping back to the girls, Maya thought both seemed somewhat reserved, but friendly enough for her tastes. One of the girls, who introduced herself as Sylvi, seemed somewhat interested in finding something to eat. And one of the other girls had mentioned ramen. Maya was beginning to come around to their way of thinking. She had only had a small breakfast and she could feel an emptiness growing in her stomach.

"I could definitely go for something to eat," Maya said, putting on a friendly smile. "My name's Maya by the way." She turned her head either direction on the street. "What smells good?"
Location: The Festival [Hau'oli City]
Pokemon: Aria [Noibat]
Tags: THeLiLmOnster THeLiLmOnster

Currently Listening To:
With her acceptance of the offer, Leo smiled with excitement while Aria audibly expressed her dissatisfaction. Her attitude only made Leo laugh because it was only ever temporary, within hours she'd be having fun with whoever it was she'd been scowling at earlier. It was part of her unique charm that Leo found so compelling. Even so, no wasn't about Aria, it was about Harper. She offered to buy the ice cream as long as Leo came up with the idea for where they should explore. He was as clueless about the festival as most first timers and so his suggestions would be the standard, jump on rides and play the games there. So he decided to bide his time. "Ok deal! Let's go find this ice cream and i'll see if I can come up with something fun for us to do." With that, the pair began their search for an ice cream stall.

As Harper made her way through the crowd Leo made sure to walk side by side with her to avoid needing to shout. The noise of the crowd, amusements and music was excessively loud but festivals like this often were. Harper questioned Leo about his reasons for being on the island and dug for more information about where he was from. For a moment, the reason for him being there instead of at home wracked his mind and for the first time in their conversation, his smile disappeared. He quickly pushed the thought from his head to allow his smile to return. "So...Urubii is no further from here than Sinnoh is from Johto. It's a fair sized island and has some pretty distinct climates depending on where you are. For example, Tier Town is based high in the mountains and overlooks much of the land. To get from the top of the town to the bottom you have to take a cable car, which is no good if you hate heights." Leo continued talking, his voice filled with passion and a certain level of pride for his home. "Honestly it's beautiful. The way the sun rises in the morning over the mountain tops..." The brief pause in his sentence was not for purposeful effect but because of a genuine longing to be home. "...there's nothing like it. The entire town lights up and just looks amazing."

The words continued to flow while Aria craned her head left to right, taking in the sights around her. She wanted ice cream as much as everyone else and was firmly on the look out for it. "The one thing about the entire island is that each of the towns is based on mythical creatures. They are not pokemon as with other regions...they are something else entirely. In Tier Town, at the very height of the town is a massive castle. It looks like your bog standard medieval castle but when you go inside there is all this ancient artwork of people bowing down to what looks like a giant castle with legs." Leo knew his words probably sounded strange, but Harper did ask. "There are theories about what it is but ultimately nobody knows for sure. Each of the towns in Urubii has some sort mythical deity that it has spawned from. The castle is ours."

With his final word there was a high pitched wail from Aria as she spotted an ice cream vendor. The claw at the end of her small wing pointed out a rather portly man in a small wooden stall, his hairline so receeded that it was now at the back of his head. He looked jolly enough as Leo caught sight of him happily passing some small children towering cones of delicious ice cream. While this went on Leo thought about opening up about why he was in Alola, 'I'll tell her later...no need to bring the mood down.'. His internal thought remained just that and so he decided to keep quiet for the time being. He was as good a listener as anyone but didn't like to let others repay the favour, feeling as if he was a burden if he spoke of his problems. Either way the timing of Aria's cry meant he had been saved, temporarily at least, from having to open up. Turning to Harper, the young man gestured with his head and a grin.

"It seems Aria has found ice cream!" Leo almost automatically rushed off but managed to stop himself. He loved food, particularly the coldness of ice cream and he would often act before thinking when it came to food in general. He was trying to not be that guy and fortunately stopped himself from leaving Harper and her two pokemon for dust. "How about we get some over there?" Leo looked at Harper square in the eye with excited glee, wanting nothing more than to taste the creamy coldness of the ice cream.
Harper Williams
Interaction: CaptainSully CaptainSully
Place: Fair in Hau’oli

Harper couldnt help but smile as Leo laughed at Aria’s bitter reaction. The trainer felt bad about making the pokemon so unhappy, but Leo’s laugh conformed that there was nothing to worry about. As they began walking, the older trainer started his story on his hometown. The more he talked, Harper noticed his eyes start to light up.

All she could do was stare at him as his voice bubbled with pride. She wondered how he had even talked bad about it in the first place now that she had heard the way he spoke about it now. At the mention of the old castle, she began to focus on his words. Maybe it was haunted?!

“It sounds amazing Leo! I wish we could go and see,” she said sincerely, feeling herself wanting to go just by the way he had described it, “especially the mountains and that old castle! Maybe its haunted?” Her voice was a little too hopeful, as if he could actually take her there right now. Suddenly Aria’s excited screech startled Harper. She glanced around quickly until she realized there was no danger, just an ice cream vendor! Both Piplup and Pichu gave excited cries as well, and Piplup began to struggle again.

Holding tightly onto him, she turned to Leo and smiled.

“I would say race ya, but it’s way too hot out for me. Go ahead and see what you guys want, then we will order ours!” She made her way to the vendor. Her foot caught on something on her way there and she tripped, causing her to let go of Piplup and Pichu to fall off of her head. Thankfully the little mouse landed on Piplup, and both were ok. However, Piplup began to race towards the stand with Pichu still clinging onto him, so they both went shooting off towards the ice cream which ended up making Harper run anyways.

By the time she had caught up to them she was out of breath, the heat not making her feel any better. She frowned as she waited for Leo, unhappy with Piplup’s behavior this evening.

Our young lass and her friends stopped by their next destination - ice cream.

"What's this? We didn't have this back at home."

Inkay shrugged while Tynamo shook its head as they hovered over her.

"Let's see what it says... oh right, I don't think I ever learned how to read."

She then looks to the side, to see a Piplup and a Pichu pop by. Inkay and Tynamo hovered downwards, analyzing the two as it circled them, Inkay even licking its lips as some point.

"Now now, let them mind their own business while we mind ours," Diana grabs her friends away from the shark-circling. "Is that a Micrhodad? And a Piplup? They must be pretty rare, but maybe they're common in the outside world... makes sense."

THeLiLmOnster THeLiLmOnster CaptainSully CaptainSully
Location: The Festival [Hau'oli City]
Pokemon: Aria [Noibat]
Tags: THeLiLmOnster THeLiLmOnster

Currently Listening To:
Harper's reaction to what the young man had just said filled him with a warmth. She seemed genuinely intrigued and interested rather than simply nodding in agreement for the sake of it. She even spoke of wanting to visit his home but the he could help but laugh at the suggestion the castle was haunted. "Unfortunately there have never been any ghost sightings in the castle." Leo winked playfully at his new, dare he say it, friend. She began to suggest a possible race but given the weather and their aversion to heat, it was definitely a write off. That being said, the young woman soon went tumbling to the ground. Leo did his best to not laugh but there was always something funny about someone falling over. He moved to help her up but in the fall her two pokemon had escaped her grasp and barrelled towards the ice cream vendor. Harper was up and gone before Leo could even offer her a hand up. "I'm glad you don't run off like that." Leo spoke softly to Aria who was still patiently perched atop his shoulder, although she was clearly on the verge of a meltdown if she didn't get ice cream soon.

Leo walked briskly to catch up to Harper, but as he did someone appeared from the crowd to talk to talk to her. It was a young girl who was on the short side, flanked by what he assumed was her Tynamo and Inkay. He didn't hear much of what she said, given the noise of the festival arond them. When he had closed the gap he stood next to Harper and smiled at the new face. "Hey there. I see you've made a new friend Harper." Leo reached out a hand to the young girl, his signature toothy grin on show for her. "The names Leo. Nice to meet you."

Ignoring the ever tightening claws of Aria in his neck as she grew more impatient, Leo turned his attention to Harper once more. "What kind of selection have they got?" Gesturing to the hangry pokemon on his shoulder he continued on. "She loves mint an..." Before Leo could finish his sentence, the mere mention of mint sent Aria over the edge. She let out ridiculously loud cry, causing Leo to plug his ears with his fingers. He winced at high pitched wail before turning his gaze to his noibat. "Calm down! Damn Aria!" The wail soon faded and the pokemon looked forlorn, realising it had been over dramatic. It gripped Leo's head softly with an apologetic hug causing the young man to laugh. "Awww Aria it's ok, just try to calm down." He scratched behind one of her ears before looking back to the two females in front of him.

"I'm sorry about that. She just get reaaaally excited about ice cream."

Harper Williams
Interaction: CaptainSully CaptainSully Crow Crow
Place: Festival in Hau'oli

Harper was too focused on getting Piplup and PIchu back she hadn't noticed the short, blue haired girl standing at the concession stand. Harper smiled at her bashfully, an apologetic look in her eyes. Before she could officially apologize on behalf of her pokemon however, she noticed the girl's pokemon circling curiously above them. The closer she studied the Tynamo and Inkay, they looked more like predators. Much different from the friendly attitude she mistook them to have. Harper hugged both Piplup and Pichu closer to her until the girl snatched her partners away, scolding them lightly.

Harper didn't want to be rude and look like she was frightened (Although she was), so she put on a hesitant smile for the girl, trying to maintain her open and friendly aura. The strange girl muttered something about her Piplup and Mic.. something, whatever that was. Her exclamation that they must be more common in the real world left Harper speechless. What in the world was this girl talking about? She couldnt speak and remained frozen as Leo had finally caught up to them. She offered a small, forced giggle when he mentioned her new friend, deciding to hang back and let Leo talk to the girl for a moment.

She felt extremely guilty for feeling and acting so weird. She shouldnt judge someone like that, but the girl's pokemon had spooked Piplup and Pichu, and she wanted to feel the situation out more before she decided anything. Harper managed to turn towards the menu, about to answer Leo's question about the flavors, but Aria's sudden outburst made her jump, losing her concentration.

"Al-alright. Um, so..mint for Aria, and what about you Leo?" She asked, clearing her throat in an attempt to cover up her ever growing nerves. As she waited for him to answer, she took a look at the menu again, reading off what types of ice cream they had. The thought of finally getting something cool to eat pushed her anxious thoughts to the back of her mind and she relaxed.

"Piplup, Pichu, what do you two want?" Piplup immediately pointed to the vanilla while Pichu pointed towards cookie dough. She decided she would let Leo pick his first before deciding on hers. She snuck a glance at the man working the ice cream vendor, who seemed to be ok with hanging back and waiting on them, which Harper was very grateful for.

"Oh, that's a Noibat!" Diana exclaims, looking at Aria. "What can I say? They're pretty neat up close. Back home, they always fly away before we can get close. If only those poisonous Zubat did the same..."

"I am Diana. Diana of the Un- just Diana. These are my friends, Tynamo and Inkay,"
Diana introduces as Leon greets. "Never had ice cream our whole lives. Any flavours you would reccommend for me?"

She looks through the selection. While unable to read, she could guess a few flavours from colour and texture, as well as some graphics on the sign. "Berry flavours, huh? I didn't even know Golden Razz Berry was a real thing. If the regular red one's spicy, I can't imagine how spicy this shiny shindig tastes."

Tynamo gazes upon the Nanab Berry ice cream beyond the glass panes, admiring it with visible glee, while Inkay looked in the distance at the meaty buffet table they were previously at, until Diana turned it around and made it face the Razz Berry ice cream, in which its eyes immediately widened as its suction cups pressed against the glass.

"Different Pokemon have different diets, but I guess berries are a universal food for all of them for some reason. It's a nice thought to have. There's an old saying that says that all Pokemon are connected in many different ways, maybe their love for berries is one of them."

Looking to Harper, she asks, "so, what's your name?"

THeLiLmOnster THeLiLmOnster CaptainSully CaptainSully

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