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Fandom Phoenix Academy Common Room

well mine doesnt have a question and writers block doesn't help with that.
Ocean123 Ocean123 Megilagor Megilagor Pumpkid Pumpkid .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf. TheVirtualOne TheVirtualOne TheAmbiguousStoryteller TheAmbiguousStoryteller

So just wanted to clarify a few things.
Firstly, don't worry everyone will pass, even if they don't draw blood. The exam is more about how they fight, plan, work together.

Secondly, I've never really done combat stuff in a group rp but (from my experience) it can be a bit tricky. In terms of how everyone's action effect the other person.

So I was thinking we could try this with sorts d&d rules. So you guys post what you want your character to do and I'll post how it affects Chisuke; which will depend on how creative and/or effective the action is.

If that doesn't work we can try something else later on.

Any questions or issues with that?
Dapper it seems that auto correct hates your characters.
Hinata into hints, Chisuke into chinese.
I also have a question, so because this part of the exam will include everyone doing interactions, possibly at the same time, how much do we write? Just because interactions will be able to flow better if the paragraphs were shorter?
Read the newest chapter of MHA/BNHA and its something that I expected a long time ago done right and nicely.

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