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Fandom Phoenix Academy Common Room

No spoilers will be told since I hate telling spoilers but if anyone wants to spoil anything to me please do so personally so it won't spoil the fun for others.
Yes, I'm a paradox I hate spoiling things for others, but I love when others spoil things for me.
Because that's how I can realize if a series is great, so even if I was spoiled of what will happen things are still entertaining then it's a great series in my books.
@Ocean123 Megilagor Megilagor Pumpkid Pumpkid .sheep.wolf. .sheep.wolf. @TheVirtualOne TheAmbiguousStoryteller TheAmbiguousStoryteller

So just wanted to clarify a few things.
Firstly, don't worry everyone will pass, even if they don't draw blood. The exam is more about how they fight, plan, work together.

Secondly, I've never really done combat stuff in a group rp but (from my experience) it can be a bit tricky. In terms of how everyone's action effect the other person.

So I was thinking we could try this with sorts d&d rules. So you guys post what you want your character to do and I'll post how it affects Chisuke; which will depend on how creative and/or effective the action is.

If that doesn't work we can try something else later on.

Any questions or issues with that?
dnd in terms of dice rolling? Idk if they have that anymore but I'm down
I suppose this is a bad time to say I've never used dice is a roleplay.
Me either but I heard it's a ratio thing. Say you're in the middle of a fight and aren't sure if you should continue fighting without a scratch so when in doubt you use the dice. 1-5 dice means you counter, 5+ means you get hit so if you roll a number or higher you get that scenario. I believe is how it works?
That makes sense. I usually base my strategy on the abilities of my character and my writing based on the events that happen. Then I factor is that one doesn't get into a fight without expecting to get hit.
That makes sense. I usually base my strategy on the abilities of my character and my writing based on the events that happen. Then I factor is that one doesn't get into a fight without expecting to get hit.
Yep, I'm bad at combat because I'm not sure when one should get hit so using dice helps under the circumstances
Thanks lol- If no one posts I'll probably post today or tomorrow, ALSO I JUST REMEMBERED- I won't be able to reply a ton in July, as I'll be travelling a ton. But I'll try to reply when I can :]
I'm fine, just waiting for someone to post as well and if not, I can post first. I just felt I have double posted and also I don't think Nathan and Lupe will be capable of trying to make a move ^^;

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