Persona Mirror World (REBOOT)

Orikanyo said:
Not to mention your only one letter off from sharing the same name.
I am? Well I still love my character! I haven't done a weird character is a very long time! This is like my second time doing one. The first time was during my very first year of Rping in which I was a little baby trying to learn how do properly Rp.

while not my most favorite out of that VN shes certainly a character.

That aside... @too much idea is there any area where I should introduce myself into the IC or should I simply wait for day 2?
Orikanyo said:
while not my most favorite out of that VN shes certainly a character.

That aside... @too much idea is there any area where I should introduce myself into the IC or should I simply wait for day 2?
Oh yeah! She isn't my favorite but her weirdness was very humorous!

I would like to know what everyone's opinion is about my character, concept wise as he's to be the weird painter who gets along with everyone while also being unintentionally funny, possibly funny.
Well, for healing, I can be the primary healer and support (if you saw my skill sheet you will knew) and sometimes a little bit of ice on the side xD
DGLong said:
Well, for healing, I can be the primary healer and support (if you saw my skill sheet you will knew) and sometimes a little bit of ice on the side xD
As the high priestess I take offense to you claiming that title.

I get Empress has healing capabilities, but yea can't take the high priestess' claim to fame now TT~TT

besides, can you RAISE PEOPLE FROM THE DEAD!?

Seriously wondering how recarm will work in a rp...

Just imagine, a valiant sacrifice. "Remember me.. fondly my friends..." as he or she flops over dead... until a cheerful german girl comes over and slaps you with bloody ANTI-DEATH MAGIC.
I'm still wondering how revive spell work myself. Haha xD Or perhaps instead or reviving from death, it's recover fainted people (?)

Haha, well I will make Himawari mostly use her ice xD
DGLong said:
I'm still wondering how revive spell work myself. Haha xD Or perhaps instead or reviving from death, it's recover fainted people (?)
Haha, well I will make Himawari mostly use her ice xD
mind, Adelonda's persona is more physical oriented anyways in it's means of attack.

Well it is technically unconscious, but I like the thought of returning people FROM DEATH ITSELF alot more, because it's pretty damn funny to actually play.

plus it gives me a chance to play her as a slightly sadistic doctor type "Oh my, that must have hurt~ here, now go and get to thrashing again ya?"
.... *imagining it*

Go out there and go crazy. If you die, I can restore you again and again~ *crazy smile*

It gives shivers on my spine, actually haha
HP seems to be just physical energy though since they don't actually get wounded in each Shadow world. Just imagine trying to use Vorpal Blade and having a bunch of gashes opening over your body though. THat sounds... painful.
Always better to be a slight masochist while you using physical skills~

Don't worry, the good Doktor will heal your wounds~
Hmm if HP is the physical, then SP is your mind. Imagine using fusion spell Armageddon, which cost 999 SP.

That means draining your mind, and became crazy?
Orikanyo said:
That aside... @too much idea is there any area where I should introduce myself into the IC or should I simply wait for day 2?
I would say that it is better for you to wait for day 2 and be introduced in class. But you can also write her arriving at the train station straight from the airport
[QUOTE="too much idea]I would say that it is better for you to wait for day 2 and be introduced in class. But you can also write her arriving at the train station straight from the airport

hmm... Alright, my inital plan wasn't to have her ARRIVE in the rp, more or less have her be there for a small amount of time since her arrival.

But, I see this as more interesting.
DGLong said:
Hmm if HP is the physical, then SP is your mind. Imagine using fusion spell Armageddon, which cost 999 SP.
That means draining your mind, and became crazy?
I'm pretty sure somebody would just be too exhausted to think all that well... though going crazy sounds bad too. Otherwise Minato would be in coocoo land by now. If anything, all the characters I've ever used would be insane as hell. I always run out of SP during the earlier stages of the games(my first playthrough of Persona 4 ended with running out of SP until the true final boss. I didn't realize Rise gets a skill that helps, so i had to grind on the first dungeon with a Persona who had Invigorate 3 then grind on the final dungeon. Rinse and repeat about 10 times before Rise got that skill). MP too in mainline SMT games... damnit, so little SP, so many enemies.
True, in higher difficulties, SP is the main issue there. Relies on physical attack won't get you far. I usually brought weaker persona with element skill that hit all enemies (Lilim with all Ma- skill work nicely) and exploit the weakness for all out attack.
Well, view it like this, through the use of person they have an ability to defend one's self from shadows, a mask or rather emotional shield.

This shield is more or less based on one's personal fortitude and the strength of your persona.

Ie: Kanji or Chie tanking a hit over somebody like Naoto the squishy destroyer of worlds.

So one can view them both as "vital energies" instead of being hurt physically, SP is a representation of energy or perhaps "Chi" that flows in one's body, not all people have them appropriately aligned towards certain things and have a lesser amount of such energy.

The mental energy/chi expent can be regained through use of SOUL items, as the SP is broken down int SOUL points, so it is indeed the energy of spirit.

While HP is the energy of vitality.

here we are, a breaking down of the thoughts behind them and those that happen to appear in my mind.
[QUOTE="too much idea]I would say that it is better for you to wait for day 2 and be introduced in class. But you can also write her arriving at the train station straight from the airport

Ah, so the other IC is up, i shall put my girl's train ride into the city there then.

It doesn't really need a title or starter from you, it's just a thing for the daily city life.

*edit, I'll put it int he normal IC for now, I'm on a roll with it atm.

*Edit again, well, it's already been done, buggering with it twice wont hurt a soul.
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@too much idea Just slightly curious about the Lore tab we have running. Like what are we gonna put in it or at least read about since its for lore purposes.
First post up folks, read at your own leisure.
Archdemon said:
You know I can't wait to have Ren just be introduced to everyone and see the characters reaction to his weirdness! I can't wait for The sadistic doctor to meet the weird painter! :D
Also @too much idea should we transfers over to the other IC tab or wait in case it's not finished cause I haven't checked yet. Also how's your day going?
You can go and post your character's daily activity/daily interaction there!

Also, will be busy the whole day working my homework

Archdemon said:
@too much idea Just slightly curious about the Lore tab we have running. Like what are we gonna put in it or at least read about since its for lore purposes.
Just wait... Until I remember what exactly do I want to write there
[QUOTE="too much idea]You can go and post your character's daily activity/daily interaction there!
Also, will be busy the whole day working my homework

Just wait... Until I remember what exactly do I want to write there

Well, i got the psot in anyways, hope you like her shenanigans.
@Shiro kurogane the Main IC tab is for when people are in the Mirror World, fighting shadows. The second IC tab is when we doing things in real life, such as the school or at the fair. You'll want to post in the second IC tab until we are allowed to go into the Mirror World.
stepherz345 said:
@Shiro kurogane the Main IC tab is for when people are in the Mirror World, fighting shadows. The second IC tab is when we doing things in real life, such as the school or at the fair. You'll want to post in the second IC tab until we are allowed to go into the Mirror World.
thank you! that helps a lot. :)

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