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Fantasy Pathway - In Character (Dark Fantasy Narrative RPG)

Outside the Bedchamber.
  • As the members of the band of flaming headlets began to consider their options after such an exhausting affair, the more determined, perhaps to the point of recklessness, member of the group had already begun to squeeze and push their way down the crawl-tunnel. They seemed to not care what the others had to say. It appeared, there was only one thing on their mind. Whatever it might have been.

    With a duck underneath the lip of the barely standing frame, they quickly disappeared behind the shadows. Swallowed up in the cragged rockwork and the unknown that proceeded. It was difficult to not get cut with how hurried they moved. But there seemed an instinct of sorts that aided them. With each scoot and shove of their body, guided only by this fleeted nature and the faint glow of their flame, their limbs eventually broke free from the touch of the cold biting walls. They were on the other side, as far as they could tell. But the darkness did not end. In fact, it only seemed to grow wider, spreading out before them like an endless void. With only the faded glow of their head, less than even an ember, there was not much they could see if not directly in front of them.

    The only comfort was the faded glow of the others in the man-crawl behind them and the snicker of the smouldering god.

    "Heh. When the first gods rose, they founded light. Flame. To ascend, we must follow in their footsteps... Are you prepared to face our failures?"
    [For those still inside Ciele's Bedchamber.]

    The others within could hear Ciele's ominous words, if just barely.

    But even in this brief calm, the golden headed flame stepped up with a snarling sigh. They stood far behind the group who had moved the coffins at the others side of the chamber. They were busy with their own objectives, not so much as having lifted a finger for the rest of them. In their hands were a bundle of coins and other knacks found among the corpses. And not a hint of shame.

    "Nothing. Nothing here but rust and the forgotten dead. Not even a single answer. All you do is present us with riddles and questions. What kind of guide are you? Is this some joke to you? A game? And just like the old gods, you prefer to play favorites instead of helping the whole." their gaze turned to the stuttering mint one before growling again.

    "And this is your chosen champion, Ciele? God of Fools?" they then pointed a finger at them, "Did you not think anyone would see you? You are a leech disguised as a snake. You play kind, only to steal from behind our backs."
    "You are as selfish and conniving as that god. I will not stand for it. Show us. What did that fool god grant you that it not grant us?"

    Their point curled into a shaken fist as the golden spirit raged on, their words nearly sparking in the darkness. The golden flame stepped up more menacingly now, marching between the rows of coffins with an anger that boiled in their golden flame. Within a few moments they were near the front of the room.

    "Show it!" it shouted one last time.

    This last thundering cry can be heard echoing outside, sending a thin shockwave through the still darkness. Just then, as if in response, the pink one began to see something. (Private Message Incoming.)
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