Party 3

Thia quickly shoves the book into her bag as the ghouls come toward her and her party. She seemed to be able to find all the ways that would get her party into trouble. She didn't feel too guilty though, as the spell book she obtained had a great worth to her, and she would have taken it even if she knew it would make ghouls come out of the walls. Thia aimed a fire bolt right at the male ghouls head, but as it stumbled in it's slow walk towards her it caused the bolt to fly right over it's head and into the wall behind it. "There are a bunch of helpful things in this footlocker guys, we need to kill these ghouls and take it for our survival in this house."
Azgard stood in the doorway, where the air was yet to be infested by the stench. Eyeing the female, he lifts his orb in frustration and fires a blast that hits the ghast in the shoulder.

"Thia! Back up!" Azgard yelled into the room. Thankfully, their new company seemed to be able to help Thia if she were to be hurt again, but avoiding that situation all together seemed reasonable too.
Fargrim moves into the room and strikes at the female ghoul.

"Enough with this nonsense!"

His mace connects squarely at her jaw, creating a cracking sound of bone crushing.
Unfortunately he notice something appears from the wall. Wisps of shadows starts to fill the room.

"Folks be ready! The shadows are back."
Rasghull’s muscles tensed sharply, causing cramps everywhere. He could barely move as the fight raged on. The monster’s poison and stench coursed through his system. Rasghull held his jaw shut tight and released it again. His muscles relaxed. His breath returned to normal. Just in time.
Thia looked over to where Azgard was yelling, then to the situation around her. “I can’t go anywhere, this room is too small!” She yelled back as she held her nose from the ghast right in front of her. She held out her other hand and shot three magic missiles at the creature, which didn’t seem to do much damage to it. “Focus attacks on these ghasts if you can, they are the biggest problem right now.” Thia said out loud to her party, hoping everyone would get out of this alive.
Azgard knew the shadows were on their way, but was unsure of their current position. Knowing that the mother and father proved to be a larger threat, he fired another eldrich blast to the wounded mother.

The energy from his orb sparked and shot away from Azgard as his arm was pushed back by the power. When he looked back up, the mother lied lifeless on the ground with a large portion of her skull missing. Azgard chuckled lightly at the sight.
With the mother of ghouls died. Fargrim charges at her husband instead. But the attack hits the wall damaging the stones.
"Goddamnit, begone already!", he screams while trying to pull out his mace from the wall.
Rasghull was barely hanging on as the last swipe took off more than a few scales from his hide. He focuses on his breathing as it gets colder and the air before his snout crystallizes. He widens his posture and squares up against the ghast. He studies the monster’s pattern. With a little bit of luck he could see the next swipe coming and be ready for it.
Thia rests a hand on Rasghull's back for a moment as he starts to study the monster and anticipate it's next attack. "You're doing well Rasghull, thank you for protecting me, thank you for protecting all of us." Thia then looks to the last ghast, or at least what she hopes is the last one, and shoots one of her fire bolts at it. The ghast's awkward posture made her bolt almost miss entirely, but luckily it still managed to strike the creature for a moderate amount of damage to it's body.
Weakened, Azgard’s eyes burn with anger as he points towards the shadow that attacked him. Flames engulfed the shadow, but seemed to be ineffective. Just then, Azgard fired another blast towards the father, and connected with a decent scar left on the ghast’s shoulder.
Seeing that Rashgull has been clawed by the ghast, Fargrim pray to his god,
"Wavemother, please grants the life of the seas to this poor man, and I will vanquish your foes!"
Fargrim then bludgeons the father of zombies one more time and it crack his head, but unfortunately he is still moving even after that.
Darkness. The lights go out for just a moment. The cold air is knocked out of the silver-scaled dragonborn’s lungs. He falls to his side. His weapon slips out of his grip and clangs against the hard earth. His weight blows dust into the air. The darkness overtakes him. Everything blurs and fades out until there is nothing left to focus on. Then he hears waves crashing onto shore under the caws of distant seagulls. He remembers the warmth of a sunset. He remembers hot meals around a campfire. He remembers sharing stories and exaggerating them for a reaction.

Rasghull stirs awake, out of a peaceful slumber and back into a living nightmare. Blood seeps through the holes in his leather armor. Gustav stands over him. The silvered shortsword closeby. This story is gonna be good, if he can live to tell it. Rasghull kicks the ghast back with what little strength is left, and jabs the shortsword into the monster.
Thia watches as Rasghull goes down, but before she could do anything about it Fargrim used his divine power to bring him back up. She looked at Fargrim with happiness, glad that her party had people who could heal in a place like this. She looked to the ghast, and fired a bolt of flame at it. While it did hit the creature it only seemed to graze the side of it's body, leaving it with only a minor wound. Thia scowled at the situation, wishing she could have killed the ghast with that shot before it tried to hurt her and her friends again.
Azgard struggled to lift his orb, as a rigid, bony structure remained where his bicep used to be. Nonetheless, the orb lifted and he was able to fire off another Eldrich blast towards the father, which hit him in the leg. The recoil of the blast knocked Azgard's arm against the wall.
"The Queen sent you to the depths of hell!"
Fargrim hits the ghast so hard in the head it tumbles down to the ground and after a few twitches, the father goes down. He then turns toward the shadows and rushes to them.
"You're next on my list!"
Rasghull takes another look into the chest and sees a red vial.
I’m sure they won’t mind anymore if I take one.
Rasghull takes a potion and braces himself against the wall near the exit. If the shadow monsters want to come in, he will be ready.
Thia watches as Fargrim smashes down the father ghast. She looks up at him with a smile, happy that the main threat was finally done with. She then looked over to where Azgard was, and she saw how the shadow had been treating him. Thia knew she didn't want to get any closer, seeing as that never worked out for her in the past, but she was glad to see Rasghull going over to try and help Azgard from up close. With that Thia readied a fire bolt in her hand, and after closing one eye and sticking her tongue out for a moment, shot the bolt of fire and succeeded in hitting the shadow with a powerful blow of her magic.
Azgard watched as the situation became a lot more tolerable, but out of thin air, two more shadows appeared and the fighting continued. Azgard let out another blast at the shadow near Thia and the blue energy connected directely into its head, disintegrating its entire form. But yet again, the strength of the blast knocked his center of gravity off balance, pushing him three feet away from the threshold. By pure luck he was able to maintain his balance and not fall over. His legs were like jelly. To his left, a shadow with a vengeance remained.
"The light sparkling on the endless ocean, rain your radiance on this pitiful creature!"

A beam of pure light launched from the dwarf's palm. When it pass through the shadow it exploded leaving no trace of the foul being.

Fargrim then moves on too of the bed to flank the last shadow with Rashgull
Rasghull sees an opportunity to strike the shadow as it recoils from hitting the shield, but the silver blade barely catches the elusive form and does no harm to the monster.
Thia looks over at the last shadow in this drawn out fight. She powers up her magic missiles, hoping it would be enough to finally end this. She then shot them all out at the creature, hitting it three times in the middle of it's form, which causes it it explode outward into nothingness. Thia sighed as she let go of the tension in her body, then she opened her bag and ran her hand over the spellbook she got at the start of this whole fight. She thought to herself that it was worth the spellbook alone, but she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if one of her friends died from the things she started. She made her way over to the footlocker once again and pulled out a potion of healing and the thieves tools for herself, then put them in her bag. "After everyone gets what they want from here I think we need another rest...." Thia proposed quietly to the group.
Azgard let his body fall to the floor. His legs were weak and his back was unable to hold his upper body up any longer.

“Friends,” he addressed the team, “I need to rest.” He paused...

“Something is keeping us in this house, and I don’t think simply laying those children to rest would free us, unless anyone wants to venture back upstairs to see if the mists still roam. We need to find out what these halls hide before whatever lives here kills us all.”
Thia looks around the room, then slowly walks up to the mound of refuse at the far side of the room. She materializes her mage hand and begins touching the pile with it, seeing if there is anything inside of it. The mage hand however is quickly blocked by how solid the pile is, and after observing it for a few moments she realized that the pile itself was alive. Thia quickly dismissed her mage hand and stepped back from the sleeping creature. Thia sighed as she saw that the creature wasn't disturbed enough to wake up, and with that she looked up at the altar in the middle of the room. With an idea in her head she went back to the previous room and took the cloak made of ghoul skin and then went back to the water filled room. With her mage hand she brought it up to the altar and laid it down. After nothing happened she then put the ring she had grabbed off of the skeleton up there, then the wooden figure of the mummy she also took. Once none of these things worked she took a deep breath and stepped onto the dais. Once she did the chanting rose up once more as thirteen dark apparitions appeared along the edges of the room. They wore black cloaks and held torches that had black flames on them, which seemed to draw light into the fire itself. Where their faces should have been were instead black voids. They all began chanting the words "One must die!" over and over, their loud voices filling the room. Thia grabbed the ring she put on the altar back and looked to the shambling mound, which had woken up now and was carefully watching her as she stood on the dais. Thia looked from the mound to all the black cloaked figures and thought to herself for a while. Then it struck here, all the pieces fit together in her mind. She looked to her friends at the entrance to the room and called out to them. "These shadowy creatures are figments of some sort of evil will. The house itself wants the sacrifice of a creature. They worship this shambling mound and if we don't give it what it wants we're all going to die! I don't think I can leave this dais now, but please go and try to find anything left alive in this house, and then bring it back here. I'll be fine, don't worry about me!" Thia yells out to her party members through the chanting of the shadowy beings.
Azgard watched as Thia moved towards the altar. He too was wading through the water behind her, but too far behind to stop her. Only a rough sound escaped his throat before she was surrounded by the cultist figures. He knew she was stuck there. As they chanted and waited for a sacrifice, he knew what he had to do.

“I don’t believe they want an undead being, which is all that we will find here.” Azgard walked closer to the alter, “I am but a servant of a ruthless being, one of deception, fear, and treachery. I will be no longer, for I must not let these scars hold me...”

Before Azgard was able to finish his speech, a dense, black gust of smoke rushed past the entry way and grabbed him by the torso, dragging him backwards and sinking him into the shallow water. Unknown to him, this air was completely unseen by anyone else. A dark, ghastly voice boomed through the hallway, and filled Azgard’s ears in the Infernal language.


Azgard’s body was launched back into the room before, hitting the back wall with an echoing crack.
“All this is pointless its all just a nightmare we have to get out from this! To sacrifice someone is the same as giving up and leaving is actually what brave men do. I will not give in to this pitiful nightmare.”

Fargrim then retrace his step back and proceed to go for an exit.

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