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Multiple Settings Partner Search 2: Electric Boogaloo


One Thousand Club

Now that I have your attention, allow me to introduce myself. Hello there, I'm Chili, welcome to my humble search thread. Before we get into the good stuff. Here's what you should expect from me and what I should expect from you.


Facts about me/Rules

+ I'm a minor, make of that as you will.
+ I have a very active imagination, I really love coming up with strange ideas and making bizarre characters. Of course, I'd love to hear your ideas too!
+ I can write at least 1 good-sized paragraph. 2 or 3 if I feel motivated.
+ I can play male and female characters, I really have no preference here.
+ I can do MxF, MxM, and FxF. I'm more used to MxF
+ Dark themes? Sure, I'm ok with that.
+ I'm also ok with romance, as long as it isn't the main focus.
+ I use anime/drawing face claims often, but I will use realistic face claims if you want me to.
+ I wanna talk, I wanna get to know you. I don't mind if we have a little chat before we start planning the rp.
+ I'm on mobile all the time.
+ I can rp on PMs and threads.
+ I really like to double.
+ My time zone is EST.
+ I can't play canon characters.

Now we have that out of the way, here are some rules you have to follow in order to rp with me.

- At least one or two paragraphs per post.
- Please make your post readable, I won't mind a few typos here and there. It happens.
- Please be able to post at least 2 or 3 times a week.

Now, it's time for the good stuff!
The Good Stuff

Cowboy Bebop
Sonic the Hedgehog
Kill la Kill
Devilman: Crybaby
Pop Team Epic?
Studio Ghibli
Doki Doki Literature Club
Supernatural Creature x Superhuman/Human
Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature
Alien x Human
Knight x Mage
Dimension Hopper x Human
Imaginary Friend x Human
Ghost x Human
Superhuman x Human
Interdimensional Being x Human
Time Traveller x Normal Human
Dream Being x Human
Superhero x Supervillian
Superhero x Citizen/Fan
Superhero x Superhero
Scientist x Experiment
AI/Cyborg x Human
Demon x Contracted Human
Angel/Demon x Human
Angel x Demon
Sideshow Attraction x Normal Human
Wish Granter/Genie x Human
Human/Monster Hybrid x Human
Magical Girl/Boy x Animal Sidekick
Magical Girl/Boy x Magical Girl/Boy
Yokai x Human
Creation x Creator
If you have any ideas for pairings, let me know.
You Don't Fear Me?
(Reality Warper x Human)
(Genres: Drama, Comedy)
Character A has reality-bending powers and the town A lives in fears him/her except for Character B. Character B wants to be friends with A, the townspeople warn him/her, but B doesn't listen and doesn't care. A befriends B shows B his/her pocket dimension and things get a little...odd.

Save us from Decay!
(Adventurer x Adventurer)
(Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Comedy)
Character A and Character B are Adventurers/Best friends. They are informed a kingdom called Mayro has been cursed by monster. They have nothing better to do, so they find whoever is responsible for this.

The Imaginary Search
(Genres: Comedy, Adventure, Kids)
(Imaginary Friend x Imaginary Friend)
Once upon a time, there is a small imaginary plateau created by two very imaginative kids known as Starland. The children's imaginary friends, Character A and Character B, lived in Starland and they played with them all day long. But one day, they didn't play. In fact, they weren't there at all. This troubled Character A and Character B because they played with them every single weekend. They think that they were captured by something outside of Starland, so they set out on a journey to find their friends. And if you are wondering, this does take place in the kids' heads, so none of this really happened.

Let's Go Travelling!
(Human x Human)
(Genres: Comedy, Adventure)
Character B finds a device that can travel through dimensions in Character A's basement. A and B use the device and end up getting lost.

The Great Escape
(Experiment x Experiment)
(Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi, Horror?)
Scientist have finally created human/animal hybirds. All of them are stuck in a lab where they are put through painful tests. Character A and B are fed up with all of this torture. So they create an plan, so they and possibly other experiments escape this hellhole. They soon find out that their escape plan was easier said than done.

(Superhuman x Superhuman)
(Genres: Comedy, Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi,)
(This plot doesn't take place on Earth, but in a far away planet called Cantu, a planet somewhat similar to Earth, but Cantu is more futuristic. Cantu is also home to superhumans and different aliens from different planets. Cantu is split into two distinct realms: Vernin and Kors. Vernin consists of an unknown number of continents that drift high in the stratosphere of the planet, all of them connected to a massive ice formation which also serves to anchor them to the planet's surface. Kors is the real surface of Cantu, a dark post-apocalyptic wilderness with the villain of the plot as its sole living inhabitant. )

Character A and Character B are superheroes that tries to save Vernin from Val, a villianess that lives in Kors. Val wants to destroy Vernin arerecreate it in her own image. Usually, Val would create a monster from her lab, A and B would stop the monster. The formulanever changed, until now. Val needs the help of A and B, a giant mech crashed into her lab and kicked her out of there. The mech also sabotaged her monster generator and it is set to explode and destroy Kors and the explosion may set the ice formation on fire. If the ice formation burns up, Cantu's rotation would hurl Vernin into outer space, undoubtedly killing everyone on it. Val wants A and B to go to Kors and destroy the generator. Is Val telling the truth or does she have a massive plan up her sleeve?

Escape from Camp Starlite
(Superhuman x Superhuman)
(Genres: Horror, Action, Fantasy, Comedy?)
Character A and B join a summer camp meant for superpowered teenagers. At first, it seems like it's gonna be great. The camp counselors are kind, the activities are fun, and camp members are allowed to use their smartphones. It all seems like it's gonna be plain wholesome fun. Until A and B find out the camp counselors are in a demonic cult. The counselors try to summon a demon that could make them more powerful and stronger than any superhuman. They successfully summon the demon, but it ends up killing all of the counselors. Now, the demon roams free in this camp. A, B, and all of the other camp members use their powers and their wits to try to kill the demon and escape the camp.

Dexon Inc.
(Creator x Creation )
(Genres: Dystopian?, Horror, Sci-Fi, Psychological)
A laboratory called Dexon Inc. is developing superhuman soliders to fight for the humans. One of the most powerful superhuman soldiers is A, a young child with the power to create anything he can imagine. A grows tired of living in the lab, but there is nothing he can do about since he doesn't know how to control his powers yet and Dexon's security is extremely tight. Until B, a creature A creates on accident, persuades him/her to escape with his/her help. A agrees and the escape begins.
● A super sentai rp.
● A parody of shounen anime like DBZ and JJBA.
● A rp with personified zodiacs.
● A group of people from different dimensions have to save the world from a huge threat that could destroy the multiverse.
● Legend of Zelda: BOTW with ocs.
● A "magical girl" rp but instead of turning into heroes with cute outfits and colorful hair, our characters turn into freaky monsters.
● A group of kids and their imaginary friends going on make-believe adventures.
● An rp inspired by this song:

● Coraline with OC's.
● Two aliens disguise themselves as humans and explore an post-apocalyptic Earth.
●Gijinka Slice of Life
● A time traveller meets an immortal human.

Well, that's it. If you are interested, I'll PM you. If you have any questions or concerns, please tell me them! Cya!
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Is the title a reference to va11halla? Or just the meme that came from it?
Superhero X superhero or Superhero X supervillain or Save Us From Decay?
Whew, that’s a lot I picked.
What are your limits with the creator character for Creation x Creator?
Also I have a new species I'd like to try out if you'd like to do Alien x Human
Superhero X superhero or Superhero X supervillain or Save Us From Decay?
Whew, that’s a lot I picked.
PM me and we'll discuss further details.

What are your limits with the creator character for Creation x Creator?
Also I have a new species I'd like to try out if you'd like to do Alien x Human
1. Haven't really thought that out yet.
2. Pm me to discuss further details about Creator x Creation or Alien x Human.

Now that I have your attention, allow me to introduce myself. Hello there, I'm Chili, welcome to my humble search thread. Before we get into the good stuff. Here's what you should expect from me and what I should expect from you.


Facts about me/Rules

+ I'm a minor, make of that as you will.
+ I have a very active imagination, I really love coming up with strange ideas and making bizarre characters. Of course, I'd love to hear your ideas too!
+ I can write at least 1 good-sized paragraph. 2 or 3 if I feel motivated.
+ I can play male and female characters, I really have no preference here.
+ I can do MxF, MxM, and FxF. I'm more used to MxF
+ Dark themes? Sure, I'm ok with that.
+ I'm also ok with romance, as long as it isn't the main focus.
+ I use anime/drawing face claims often, but I will use realistic face claims if you want me to.
+ I wanna talk, I wanna get to know you. I don't mind if we have a little chat before we start planning the rp.
+ I'm on mobile all the time.
+ I can rp on PMs and threads.
+ I really like to double.
+ My time zone is EST.
+ I can't play canon characters.

Now we have that out of the way, here are some rules you have to follow in order to rp with me.

- At least one or two paragraphs per post.
- Please make your post readable, I won't mind a few typos here and there. It happens.
- Please be able to post at least 2 or 3 times a week.

Now, it's time for the good stuff!
The Good Stuff

Cowboy Bebop
Sonic the Hedgehog
Kill la Kill
Devilman: Crybaby
Pop Team Epic?
Studio Ghibli
Doki Doki Literature Club
Supernatural Creature x Superhuman/Human
Supernatural Creature x Supernatural Creature
Alien x Human
Knight x Mage
Dimension Hopper x Human
Imaginary Friend x Human
Ghost x Human
Superhuman x Human
Interdimensional Being x Human
Time Traveller x Normal Human
Dream Being x Human
Superhero x Supervillian
Superhero x Citizen/Fan
Superhero x Superhero
Scientist x Experiment
AI/Cyborg x Human
Demon x Contracted Human
Angel/Demon x Human
Angel x Demon
Sideshow Attraction x Normal Human
Wish Granter/Genie x Human
Human/Monster Hybrid x Human
Magical Girl/Boy x Animal Sidekick
Magical Girl/Boy x Magical Girl/Boy
Yokai x Human
Creation x Creator
If you have any ideas for pairings, let me know.
You Don't Fear Me?
(Reality Warper x Human)
(Genres: Drama, Comedy)
Character A has reality-bending powers and the town A lives in fears him/her except for Character B. Character B wants to be friends with A, the townspeople warn him/her, but B doesn't listen and doesn't care. A befriends B shows B his/her pocket dimension and things get a little...odd.

Save us from Decay!
(Adventurer x Adventurer)
(Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Comedy)
Character A and Character B are Adventurers/Best friends. They are informed a kingdom called Mayro has been cursed by monster. They have nothing better to do, so they find whoever is responsible for this.

The Imaginary Search
(Genres: Comedy, Adventure, Kids)
(Imaginary Friend x Imaginary Friend)
Once upon a time, there is a small imaginary plateau created by two very imaginative kids known as Starland. The children's imaginary friends, Character A and Character B, lived in Starland and they played with them all day long. But one day, they didn't play. In fact, they weren't there at all. This troubled Character A and Character B because they played with them every single weekend. They think that they were captured by something outside of Starland, so they set out on a journey to find their friends. And if you are wondering, this does take place in the kids' heads, so none of this really happened.

Let's Go Travelling!
(Human x Human)
(Genres: Comedy, Adventure)
Character B finds a device that can travel through dimensions in Character A's basement. A and B use the device and end up getting lost.

The Great Escape
(Experiment x Experiment)
(Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi, Horror?)
Scientist have finally created human/animal hybirds. All of them are stuck in a lab where they are put through painful tests. Character A and B are fed up with all of this torture. So they create an plan, so they and possibly other experiments escape this hellhole. They soon find out that their escape plan was easier said than done.

(Superhuman x Superhuman)
(Genres: Comedy, Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi,)
(This plot doesn't take place on Earth, but in a far away planet called Cantu, a planet somewhat similar to Earth, but Cantu is more futuristic. Cantu is also home to superhumans and different aliens from different planets. Cantu is split into two distinct realms: Vernin and Kors. Vernin consists of an unknown number of continents that drift high in the stratosphere of the planet, all of them connected to a massive ice formation which also serves to anchor them to the planet's surface. Kors is the real surface of Cantu, a dark post-apocalyptic wilderness with the villain of the plot as its sole living inhabitant. )

Character A and Character B are superheroes that tries to save Vernin from Val, a villianess that lives in Kors. Val wants to destroy Vernin arerecreate it in her own image. Usually, Val would create a monster from her lab, A and B would stop the monster. The formulanever changed, until now. Val needs the help of A and B, a giant mech crashed into her lab and kicked her out of there. The mech also sabotaged her monster generator and it is set to explode and destroy Kors and the explosion may set the ice formation on fire. If the ice formation burns up, Cantu's rotation would hurl Vernin into outer space, undoubtedly killing everyone on it. Val wants A and B to go to Kors and destroy the generator. Is Val telling the truth or does she have a massive plan up her sleeve?

Escape from Camp Starlite
(Superhuman x Superhuman)
(Genres: Horror, Action, Fantasy, Comedy?)
Character A and B join a summer camp meant for superpowered teenagers. At first, it seems like it's gonna be great. The camp counselors are kind, the activities are fun, and camp members are allowed to use their smartphones. It all seems like it's gonna be plain wholesome fun. Until A and B find out the camp counselors are in a demonic cult. The counselors try to summon a demon that could make them more powerful and stronger than any superhuman. They successfully summon the demon, but it ends up killing all of the counselors. Now, the demon roams free in this camp. A, B, and all of the other camp members use their powers and their wits to try to kill the demon and escape the camp.

Dexon Inc.
(Creator x Creation )
(Genres: Dystopian?, Horror, Sci-Fi, Psychological)
A laboratory called Dexon Inc. is developing superhuman soliders to fight for the humans. One of the most powerful superhuman soldiers is A, a young child with the power to create anything he can imagine. A grows tired of living in the lab, but there is nothing he can do about since he doesn't know how to control his powers yet and Dexon's security is extremely tight. Until B, a creature A creates on accident, persuades him/her to escape with his/her help. A agrees and the escape begins.
● A super sentai rp.
● A parody of shounen anime like DBZ and JJBA.
● A rp with personified zodiacs.
● A group of people from different dimensions have to save the world from a huge threat that could destroy the multiverse.
● Legend of Zelda: BOTW with ocs.
● A "magical girl" rp but instead of turning into heroes with cute outfits and colorful hair, our characters turn into freaky monsters.
● A group of kids and their imaginary friends going on make-believe adventures.
● An rp inspired by this song:

● Coraline with OC's.
● Two aliens disguise themselves as humans and explore an post-apocalyptic Earth.
●Gijinka Slice of Life
● A time traveller meets an immortal human.

Well, that's it. If you are interested, I'll PM you. If you have any questions or concerns, please tell me them! Cya!
Ooooh Danganronpa! I'd love to do that. But I have a question first, are you into just the post-dr/sdr2 kinda plots? Cause my charavters mostly revolve around that plotline. If you can't that's fine!
Hello there, fellow human. I saw many things in your pairing section that greatly interested me, especially the Time Traveler x normal and Superhero x Superhero ideas. I would love to do either one, and have characters in mind for both. I was just hoping that you could clear something up. With the Time Travel one would you be the Time Traveler or would I. You never made that very clear. Thanks. ?

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