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Fantasy Parkour or die!

She looked to Tyler, quickly waving a bye to ankle boy, and walked over. She stood next to Sam and was happy to hear the 'Try not to worry so much' of Tyler's speech.
"Sure, let's go," Tyler chirped and lead the way, "Try not to break your ankle like the other kid when we jump to the other building, ok?"
Ayla could help but to look away at his remark, she would have felt bad for laughing at it. She was feeling a bit more at ease with everyone being so kind and funny. She got excited that they'd be able to do some more jumps before seeing the apartments.
Darkhan turns his head towards Tyler. "Hey, I heard you!" he tells while getting in his own appartement
Sam lets out a small laugh and thinks that nobody, trained in parkour or not, would hurt himself from a fall this small, except when there are ciscontances, of course.

"Don't worry, it won't happen" he says, smiling
"Just make sure to look where you're going," Tyler chuckled and leaped to the next building.
Zen saw mysterious people hopping from building to building.
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Zen heard a conversation and climbed the rooftop ladder.

Zen said "Hey! Who are you?"

Ken climbed up to an another apartment building rooftop with a tent.

Ken heard a sound and leapt to see what it is.
"Well, In that case," Tyler sighed and pointed to the headquarters, "You should talk to the boss."
Zen said "Hrm. No. Tell me who are you first."

Ken was rooftop wandering and slowly going to the Cats headquarters.
"A mysterious alley cat," Tyler said mischievously, "If you truly want to know more, You have to talk to the boss. After that, I'll talk all you want."
Tyler pointed to the top of the building, "Right up there. I'd take you myself, but I've got a job to do. And I'm only allowed to bring people approved by the boss with me."
Ayla herself was surprised at the jump they had to make, and knew Darkhan must've been distracted. Poor fellow. He'all live in infamy now.

She merely stood back and watched the exchange between Tyler and Zen, curious if this was a regular occurrence.
"Thanks." Zen said.

He secretly said in is mind, "Thank you, Ken, Wherever you are."

Ken saw the tower and said, "Hrm... I think it's ready to climb the tower."

Zen and Ken climbed the tower at the same time to the Cats Headquarters.
Ayla had been watching Zen run off when Tyler's words brought her back to reality. She nodded, feeling energy rush through her from the excitement.
Tyler leaped to the next building and began climbing, "Let's get you two some apartments."

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